

  • Congratulations...thanks for sharing your story...well done!
  • So happy for you. Not only do you look great but your body is thanking you for caring enough to take care of it. I'm sure your family will love having you go on rides with them. Keep it up!
  • That is fantastic. I know your heart and bones are thanking you. Keep it up! Thanks for sharing.
  • okay Bubbles... it's easy to change your walking minutes to whatever you think you did but you also can change calories burned. Just highlight what they have in the little box for how many minutes you recorded and then delete their number and put in your number of K burned that it tells you on your pedometer. I've had to…
  • I wish I would have read these posts before I went and wasted money on stevia. I can't stand the after taste... yucky for me. I love the taste of splenda but my joints seem to hurt alot more when I use it so I guess I'll use table sugar in my 2 cups of coffee. I should drink it black for a few days like someone suggested…
  • I'm a lifetime member of WW but am never at my goal weight so I have to pay for meetings. I've only been to one of the new points plus meetings and didn't care for it. I did lose 25 # a few years ago with WW though. It really works if I was very strict with the program. Actually I remember looking at it as a game to see…
  • I dont know your name ... my name is mo. if you want to add me.. its mocorbin. I come and go on here but I believe it really helps to log your intake. I love getting some exercise and adding extra calories to my plan. welcome and good luck.
  • I am a lifetime WW and when I joined this site I was trying to do both but it was too much trouble. I still go to meetings a few times a month just to keep me on track. I, too, was always hungry on WW but I did learn how to eat healthy.
  • Thanks for all the tips. My daughter is a vegan and does not get enough protein so I wanted to recommend your suggestions.
  • I just logged how many minutes I walked x the exertion level. Was it moderate or brisk?
  • Fingerprints of God- Steven Curtis Chapman
  • Hi aixela I was on weight watchers and these were zero point veggies but I'm sure they all have some calories if you're tracking. :) asparagus beets broccoli brussel sprouts cabbage cauliflower celery cucumber eggplant endive escarole green or wax beens greens hearts of palm jicama lettuce mixed green salad (dressing has…
  • Hi Sdoll you won't be sorry you joined mfp. the people are great and there is so many helpful tips. I really like the food diary. It is soooo important. I'm a lifetime member of WW so I know how important it is to log log LOG! My best advice is to recruit one or two friends or family to be your buddy. I have my grandson as…
  • I have to agree with you Lori... I can't wait to try them.. Who would have 'thunk it'? Root beer in a cake mix. Thanks jr!
  • I am in the same boat.... love salads but can't get used to any other drsg besides ranch. I just use a half serving and it is just enough for a BIG bowl full of romaine. My brother told me he thins his ranch down with some skim milk so it is less calories. We don't have a safeway around here but would like to try goodgirls…
  • Wow thanks for all the recipes... Can't wait to try especially the chicken fingers. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hey bethinagain! :happy: Do you really have 5 kids? Thanks for the pizza recipe but I'd rather splurge once a week and have a real slice from Pizza Hut or Jets or maybe even Spinger's. :laugh: Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Can anyone tell me what "bump" means? As in "bump for later". Thanks.
  • And how many restaurants do you know that opens up their bags of prewashed greens and washes them again? If anyone eats out they take chances every day. Have you seen the kitchens in restaurants?
  • I always poke a hole in the large end with a push pin and they peel like a charm, I cover eggs with cold water, bring to boil and after boiling turn to simmer for 10 minutes with lid on. Plunge in ice water for 5 minutes to cool quickly. That is when I'm at someone else's house though. At home I use an egg cooker. I love…