Pedometer - how to record it?!

Okay, so to encourage my weight loss and healthy lifestyle I have purchased a pedometer to record how much I am walking I do as I am mostly at my desk at work for the best part of the day. Now my one has different modes on it so I can see how far in Km I have walked, as well as the calories I have burned and the steps I have taken (also has a stop watch so I can time my weights! :tongue: )
My problem is that when I go to record my everyday walking from the pedometer onto my exercise log it only asks for the length of time I have been walking for but I cant as the walking I have done has been throughout the day and not neccassarily continuous.
Now I know most people dont count everyday walking as exercise as it isnt new to the body or hard work but it does still burn calories and that's the information I am after. Is there a way, like the food diary, to input calories burned on their own without having to create a 'new exercise' every time?


Bubbles :smile:


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Why not use your pedometer to work out how long it takes you to cover 1km on its own. Multiply the km you have covered over the course of the day by this number and that will give you an average of how many minutes you have walked in total.

    You don't need to create "new exercise" each time, just use MFP's walking entries or just create one of your own once then re-use it. Enter the time and change the calories to those recorded on your pedometer each time.

    Good luck!
  • bubbles9021
    bubbles9021 Posts: 17 Member
    Why not use your pedometer to work out how long it takes you to cover 1km on its own. Multiply the km you have covered over the course of the day by this number and that will give you an average of how many minutes you have walked in total.

    You don't need to create "new exercise" each time, just use MFP's walking entries or just create one of your own once then re-use it. Enter the time and change the calories to those recorded on your pedometer each time.

    Good luck!

    Thats a really good idea Berry, but my problem is that Im not constantly walking during the day so I cant really time a 1km walk, if that makes sense?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Thats a really good idea Berry, but my problem is that Im not constantly walking during the day so I cant really time a 1km walk, if that makes sense?
    Set aside one day to do your first 1k in the morning before the rest of your on-and-off walking. It won't take long- even at a modest pace it won't be much more than 10 minutes! Or do it at the end of the day, or even one lunch time, and record it separately. One day when you reset you pedometer and have to add up each bit individually won't upset your plans!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    id probably just be lazy and add walking slow pace guess a rough amount of time and add in the calories i burned using the pedometer it doesnt matter on time its what youve burned you will want to record as long as you alter that to what the pedometer says rest is irrelavent on the charts just good for you to know if that makes sense
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    •sedentary = less than 5000 steps/day
    •lightly active = 5000-7500 steps/day
    •moderately active = 7500-10000 steps/day
    •highly active = more than 10000 steps/day (though, in my experience, you need to be *far above* the 10000 for this to apply)

    I've worn mind just to adjust my activity level throughtout the day. Maybe you can base your activity level with this instead of counting it as excerise.
  • okay Bubbles... it's easy to change your walking minutes to whatever you think you did but you also can change calories burned. Just highlight what they have in the little box for how many minutes you recorded and then delete their number and put in your number of K burned that it tells you on your pedometer. I've had to change calories burned for my curves class too. Good luck!
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 837 Member
    I used a pedometer all the time and record that as my exercise. Someone told me how to create my own entry. Under "cardiovascular" I entitled it walking (steps not minutes). At the end of the day I plug in my steps in the "minutes" slot and plug my calories burned that my pedometer tracked into the "calories" slot. Hope this helps.