aprilelayne Member


  • Word for word!! I moved TO Austin from SA, and somehow lost 60lbs with the healthier lifestyle and city. You can't turn around without finding a healthnut. Go Austin!!
  • ha, I normally avoid the chitchat forum to stay 'good' online. But this thread totally made my morning! lovin the love in here today!
  • Do it!! No matter how much of it you end up walking/jogging or actually running it doesn't matter. The atmosphere at the 5K will be great, the group and air around you is what makes them so much fun! And doing it with your kiddo? even better! My 8yr old and I just did our first one this past weekend together, and he's…
  • Thanks everyone!! I have been researching the other options people have suggested, hemp and rice or plant base. I'm seeing reviews of extremes for all of them. blah....not fun to experiment when this stuff is so expensive! I may just suck it up and do a half-scoop of my hubs whey with diluted almond milk. If I start…
  • You may have hit the nail on the head! I have tried various ones in the past with water/juice and still ended up with a response similar to that of lactose. Makes sense! Thanks for mentioning the 'whey' component. I may be screwed without whey or soy??
  • I do enjoy it as a rare treat, mostly as a post-run recovery. But my stomach cannot handle a full serving of almond on a daily basis.
  • You are doing AWESOME!?! 23lbs in only five weeks? that's an average of over 4.5lbs. You are doing something right! Be patient and keep it up. Women especially have have hormonal fluctuations that can screw up your scale numbers, so pay no mind to the day to day changes but overall the month, see where you are at the end…
  • When I was still nursing and tried to reduce carbs/grains...my supply diminished quickly and significantly. I (and not implying for you) was more concerned and focused on my breastfeeding goals for my child rather than my desire to lose weight at the time. I had to make a decision whether nursing (which I struggled with…
  • So there is a connection between my keto style to my sudden increase in coffee drinking?? woo!! Justification! I thought it was just me getting bad about coffee, but I had noticed an increase since going keto and not being hungry in the mornings. I typically eat two meals; lunch and dinner. I realized early on that when I…
  • Simple and to the point. I struggle to get to 1200 calories simply due to lack of hunger, not truly intentional.
  • My net carb intake (natural sugars allowed) then protein. I struggle with anemia so I have to meet my protein goals. As long as those two primaries are met, I'm good on everything else.
  • peanut butter...PB2, almond butter, whichever.
  • Negative: I've starting showing my age more now that the wrinkles are showing up. When I was heavier (60lbs) I had a fuller face and the wrinkles were not noticable at all! Negative: I have to wear a sweater YEAR ROUND inside the buildings!? And I live in South Texas where outside its over 100 in the summer, but the AC in…
  • I experiences this last week which was my first solid hard-core week with working out. The scale jumped 1-2lbs and stayed high everyday, I followed program perfectly and gave solid workouts for 5days in a row. I earned my rest days! And this morning after my two days of rest (no high intensity training, just strength) my…
  • I went from a 8.5 to a 7.5-8.0 when I lost 60lbs.
  • Good to hear! I was cleaning up after Xmas and found the EA Active Trainer that I borrowed from a friend over a year ago and never tried! (ha, I know bad friend)...I might hook up the Wii and try it out!
  • Awesome!!!
  • I'm 5'6 and when I was 192 I was wearing 14W (tightly) and large tops. I'm a solid pear shape and carry everything in my butt and hips. Even down to 130 I never got smaller than a 8-10 in bottoms.
  • I currently have jello, string cheese, a jar of crunchy peanut butter, and sugar free pickles. No I am not pregnant, I swear.
  • Technically week2, and seems my body is now listening!! 3lbs this week! (the scale was actually even lower, but I don't want to be overeager on the scale movement) How's everyone coming along?? How was your week? (I know there are a couple of us Friday people!)
  • I'm actually tempted to get something, or at least ask for something for Christmas. haha. I was wanting to see if people prefer the FitBits or the BodyMedia items or what else there is to consider for tracking and motivating me!
  • I'm always welcoming new friends who are active and good motivators!! I'm currently working fulltime, its a desk job but I get an hour long 'wellness' event daily so I get in my workouts. I'm lucky with that since once we get home the other fulltime job starts, motherhood?! I'm 5'6 and currently up 20lbs. I have no earthly…
  • that's awesome!!! You are doing great!!! I'm down only a pound, but honestly I feel great....my workouts already put me in a better mood!
  • I lost a total of 60lbs (2009) and went from a tight 14 down to a 6 in clothes. shoes down a half size rings down two sizes.
  • During the week I am lucky to do a class during the lunch hour. So Monday-Thursday I get in at least a 45minute to a 60minute DVD, right now we are doing P90X and Jillian Michaels. And Zumba once a week. So midday is when I get a majority of my workouts done, however I'm trying to find the time to add in treadmill time.…
  • Sore....but its a good sore, a good reminder that everything is working!
  • Jenn, I also did WW before and due to money and the change in program (when they switched to PointsPlus) I moved here to MFP. I'm sure we can get a chatty group of people in here to push you along in your journey! 50lbs is a huge feat! Just remember that these last ten pounds may be the hardest for you no matter what…
  • Kathi, that's AWESOME! almost 50lbs in three months? Way to go!
  • I have a very bad habit with weighing myself daily....but I'm trying really hard not to. I'm afraid it will discourage me to see the fluctuations with muscle bloat and/or water. So I'm setting a mini-challenge to at least myself: NOT TO WEIGH until my official day, FRIDAY.
  • Since today is my official day1, I am not updating or doing my weigh-ins officially until Fridays!!! But I'm optimistic of my future! :)