

  • What are your current ratios? You can change your goals. IMO with trying to build lean muscle and weight training you need to be at least 20% if not closer to 30% protein. If you're trying to cut carbs then maybe try starting at 40/30/30 (carbs/protein/fat) Might take some time to find the right ratio.
    in Protein Comment by dkcj4fox March 2010
  • All those Ab machines are a waste. You can't spot reduce. Doing sit-ups doesn't make fat come off your mid-section. If you chewed gum everyday would your cheeks get thinner? Last year I lost 25lbs and now my abs are showing --- Friends always say, "Wow, how many sit-ups did you have to do to get those?" My reply, "Zero"…
  • Can't believe this one has been left off --- Boston --- IMO their debut album(Boston) was one of the best ever from start to finish!!!!!
  • Thought your after pic was Vanessa Hudgens!!! :love:
  • I'd have to skip more than a meal to get under 2000. :tongue:
  • Same here 2800 - 3000 and I eat every 2-3 hours. Couldn't do it without my protein shake.
  • Congrats. But don't get me started on's a joke for most guys with muscle. I had a big fight with my Life Ins company because they wouldn't give me the highest rating based on my BMI. I'm 5'8" and weighed 175 lbs last year --- which put me "overweight". Well, at the time I was only 15% BF. Now I'm 165 and only 10%…
  • I love Labrada Cookie Rolls ---- Iced Brownie or Cinnamon Bun are really good. 10 secs in the microwave and they are even better!!!
  • Yes please, I'd even let you win!!! ;) lol
  • I agree 100%, I know the 15g were recommended for her but when she said the REASON behind the 15g was the body can not use more than that is where I have the problem. I didn't want people thinking they should only take in 15g of protein with each meal.
  • Fine, But the statement "15 grams per meal, as the body cannot use any more than that." is NOT a true statement. The body can use more and does.
  • I agree not all of the protein will actually be used in protein synthesis (building muscle), but I believe the first step would be using it as an energy source by oxidizing it (not converting to lipids and storing it as fat.) edit: ok, I see where you mentioned converting to energy first.
  • Time to find a new nutritionist. 15 grams per meal is not true!!!
  • Looks like your goal is only around 1400 calories. Seems really low, especially if you're working out! I eat 2800/day. I'd be starving too at 1400. Your protein is way too low. 54g ????? That's not enough to maintain your lean muscle mass. You might be losing weight, but I bet a lot of it will also be muscle! I eat…
    in Starving Comment by dkcj4fox March 2010
  • I've always thought I was around 12-14% when my abs show....... I'll try to post a pic.....I don't mind taking my shirt off anymore....lost 25lbs last year!!! Anybody know if I am 12-14% ????? I've never taken a real body fat test before?
  • Thanks for all the great reviews. We plan on trying out as many as we can!
  • That's too high for 99% of the people on here. Even me, and I consider myself a bodybuilder. The 1g / lb is a misconception. The original recommendation was in kilograms and people either got too lazy or didn't know how to convert lbs to kg. If you look at all the scientific studies put together. 1.2g / kg is plenty for…
  • How much EPA and DHA in each cap? I'd go with a minimum of about 800mg EPA and about 500mg DHA. I actually get about 3 times that ( 2400mg EPA and 1500mg DHA) because I use a liquid fish oil and it's easier to take 3 tsp/day instead of 6-8 caps/day.
  • A 10 minute warm-up is fine, but not a full cardio session before lifting.
  • First off, Always do strength training before cardio. You can warm up for 10 min first, but you should lift and then finish on the bike or treadmill for 20 min. Or better yet, I suggest lifting twice a week and doing cardio 2-3 separate days a week. Next, always start with the large muscle groups--- ( Try 2 or 3 sets , and…
  • It's fine to take both together. (I've taken both) Just make sure the b12 is Methylcobalamin and not Cyanocobalamin I get about 3000mcg (3mg) of B12 per day. I believe CoQ10 should be between 30 and 90 mg per day and is better if taken with a fatty substance such as oil, peanut butter, olive oil, etc.
  • The mega looks like they tried to put as much vit/min as they could into 1 tablet. So if you always forget to take your multi, this would be convenient since it's only 1 tab/day. The Life Force has some extras --- green tea, coq10, ginko, A-lipoic acid, etc. --- (basically some antioxidants.) I like to spread my multi…
  • Wow, I feel lucky --- I need around 2800 cal just for maintenance! Can't imagine getting only 1200.
  • Source Naturals makes a very good multi. It's called Life Force Multiple. They have it with or without Iron. Good quality and a good price. If you have a Vitamin Shoppe close by, they will carry it. I also suggest people use a good quality Fish Oil. Great for the heart, brain, nervous system and joints.
  • Source Naturals makes a very good multi. It's called Life Force Multiple. They have it with or without Iron. Good quality and a good price. If you have a Vitamin Shoppe close by, they will carry it. I also suggest people use a good quality Fish Oil. Great for the heart, brain, nervous system and joints.
  • Well, even this statement is somewhat confusing " Don't eat or drink anything high in carbohydrates 1 hour before exercise " Because if it's weight training exercise then you want some carbs pre or even intra workout! edit: I'd like to know how many carbs they consider high????
  • Source Naturals makes a very good multi. It's called Life Force Multiple. They have it with or without Iron. Good quality and a good price. If you have a Vitamin Shoppe close by, they will carry it. I also suggest people use a good quality Fish Oil. Great for the heart, brain, nervous system and joints.
  • I also use a Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM with Hyaluronic Acid joint supplement! Fish Oil can also help with joints. (+ it has many other benefits) For those suffering from some tendinitis I suggest Cissus. It is the best thing I've ever taken to help with my golfers elbow!
  • They look ok, but I think you'd be better with: 1. A good multi-vit 2. Fish Oil 3. A Green Tea Extract OR just plain caffeine tabs ( if you really think you need the extra caffeine for energy- they are cheap) 4. The CLA can be found in 1000mg caps, but again 4 caps a day can get expensive and results take 4-6 weeks.
  • Have never tried those, but in my experience GNC supplements are usually overpriced or under dosed. For example.... A good liquid Fish oil provides 800mg EPA and 500mg DHA in 1 tsp. ( I take 3 tsp /day) That GNC pack looks like it has 90mg EPA and 60mg DHA. You'd need about 9 of those pills just to = 1 tsp!!! Also, most…