
Not sure what is going on but I can't stop eating. This is the first time since September that I am constantly hungry. For the last week all I can do is think about food. Still being healthy with my eating but I can't go an hour without feeling hungry. Still drinking plenty of fluids. Already had 5 bottles of water today plus 2 coffees. What is the deal?


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Are you eating enough fiber and protein? That's all I can think of off hand.
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    My first question would be if it were that "time of month".......but.............that doesn't seem to be the appropriate response :)

    Besides drinking lots of water, which usually seems to do the trick for me, I'm not sure what else it could be. I definitely have those days where all I can think of is food, food, food..................usually I give into it, but just a teeny little bit. Usually a bite or two will help!
  • brownchristian
    brownchristian Posts: 58 Member
    Yes. Oatmeal for breakfast. Boiled egg for snack plus fiber one bar. Tuna fish for lunch. Snack of Almonds. And its only 1.
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    I wouldn't say that you're starving but if it's not cravings then this can be a signal to you from your body that it needs a particular nutrient or mineral. If you're thinking about junk food that's just a sugar craving and should be catered to with discreet moderation. Just make sure your getting every food group in on a day to day basis. Plus if you put on muscle or lift weights this does improve metabolism which in turn will increase hunger due to the energy spent maintaining the newly developed tissue. In this instance your daily intake will have to be readjusted.

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  • modubb
    modubb Posts: 22
    Has anything in your daily routine changed? Are you tasked with something new at work? Are there issues going on in your personal life?

    I ask, because for me (I sit in front of a computer all day)- I get the boredom munchies when I am not challenged/engrossed enough in my work... I bring baby carrots for such occasions. The crunch is satisfying=) Also, since you have lost a substantial amount of weight... are you balancing your diet with your exercise routines? Are you craving something in particular? If you listen close enough to what your body is telling you (cravings), you might just discover what it is you are lacking in your diet.

    Stay focused... hope this helps!
  • dkcj4fox
    dkcj4fox Posts: 35
    Looks like your goal is only around 1400 calories. Seems really low, especially if you're working out! I eat 2800/day. I'd be starving too at 1400.

    Your protein is way too low. 54g ????? That's not enough to maintain your lean muscle mass. You might be losing weight, but I bet a lot of it will also be muscle!
    I eat 175g!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cheermom614
    If you workout in the morning it boosts your metabolism and make you hungrier during the day.
  • acakeforawife
    Have you been doing a lot of cardio lately? I find when I push my body harder (into max heart rate zones, for any significant amount of time) I tend to be starving for the next couple days.

    I also discovered a weird thing once, I decided to follow that standard 'weight loss rule' of no eating past 7pm. Guess what? I would always be STARVING the next day. It was totally weird, but I guess my body just didn't like waking up that hungry. So now I just eat at whatever times my schedule allows and my body wants to. It seems much better.

    If you're truly HUNGRY and not just bored / fighting off cravings, then eat. :smile:
  • brownchristian
    brownchristian Posts: 58 Member
    Ran 3 miles yesterday afternoon and did a pretty intense core workout.
  • soundtrack
    soundtrack Posts: 57 Member
    Ran 3 miles yesterday afternoon and did a pretty intense core workout.

    You're really working out - WOW! Just wanted to add **if** it's not the calorie increase maybe inquire with your doctor. I have hypothyroidism and when I need to increase my meds I am STARVING. Just another possibility...
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Ran 3 miles yesterday afternoon and did a pretty intense core workout.

    runners need more calories in a day than non runners. It's quite possible that you just need to eat more, even a couple extra hundred calories may do the trick. Try adding some calories back into your diet and see if that helps.

    Also, what are you eating after your runs? It is really important to eat something in the hour following your run. One of the easiest quick fuels after a run is a glass of chocolate milk, it can help curb some after workout hunger until your next meal!
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    I noticed that you have been smoke free for 147 days AWESOME - could this be causing those "hunger" pangs that you are feeling? I am currently weening off cigaretts myself; I exercise to take the edge off and it works; I was just wondering if you could be experiencing some of these hunger issues due to some non-smoking related issue - not saying to go back to smoking - not good because you are doing awesome - just food for thought?