pocomama Member


  • I think my first 20 pounds must have come from my chest and back, lol. I now look like a chubby boy. :(
    in Boobs Comment by pocomama February 2012
  • I actually went from a womens size 12 to a 13. I don't understand, lol. I wonder if my arch could have fallen a little? I have always had a very narrow foot.
  • I've lost 58 pounds without any pills. But I don't look down on people for going that route. I am at a plateau and have been considering a lot of crazy things to jumpstart myself and get back with the program.
  • Ice Ice Baby came on the TV the other day during the credits for Mr. Poppers Penguins and I totally wigged my kids out by singing the entire thing, lol. I haven't heard that song in a very long time.
  • I totally agree! I basically stay away from the forums. Every once in a while I comment on something. But I do notice some of the threads and blogs just seem to be there to tear others down. I read one a few days ago about proper gym attire. Basically making fun of all of the things you see at the gym, fashion wise. I am…
  • I've been following this program for 6 months. I realise you are supposed to be able to run the entire 30 minutes within 9 weeks, but slow and steady wins the race, lol. I am on week 5 day 2. 8 minute runs. I won't lie it is hard for me, likely because I am still carrying too much weight. But the difference from when I…
  • I dont know if mine are considered "little" anymore. My boys are 10(almost 11) and 9 and my baby girl is 4...she will be starting kindergarten this year. eek! lol. When my kids were younger I didn't make time for myself and I let myself go. I am glad that I have the ability to take care of myself now and that I have made…
  • I have a facebook and I am on it every day. I am a stay at home mom and my friends live all around the globe so I feel it is the best way to have adult interaction. I don't play any games, I don't have any drama. Most of my family is over 6k miles away and this is a cheap and easy way to stay in touch. I wouldn't delete it…
  • I totally agree. Year after year until 2011 was "the year I was going to change." I did change, lol. I gained even more weight. It wasn't until April of 2011 that my new life began. I am thankful the timing of my New Life resolution didn't coincide with January 1st because then maybe people would have grouped me in with…
  • When I go to the gym I look like I am in the witness protection program and I pray that nobody I know sees me, lol. I have even figured out the busiest times of the day and avoid them like the plague. Who knew so many people would be there at 5am? Weirdos, lol. This morning I went from 10 to 11:30 and it was great. I had…
  • I am interested to see what others have to say because I am sore all the time, lol.
  • I understand it is not something that is recommended, but I can't make myself eat when I am not hungry. And I eat well, lol. I usually have 4 small meals a day, a lot of fish, a lot of carrots, etc. I actually focus on my sodium, and cholesterol much more than calories or fat. Part of it might also be that I am burning…
  • I am not a medical professional and I realise that it totally depends on how much you have to lose, but I am not a huge fan of eating back all of my exercise calories. I try to have an average net of around 700 calories a day. And I eat...a lot. I think that as I get closer to the overweight BMI and out of the obese I…
  • thanks everyone! I walked yesterday on the same indoor track and this morning I am planning a run. I will pay attention to my stride and if I need to get new shoes...well, I'll jump off that bridge when I get there, lol. I wear a size 12/13 but I have a very narrow foot so I can't buy mens shoes normally. So shoe buying is…
  • I am 33 years old. 5'11". I was actually 5'10" but after losing about 50 pounds I realised I had gained an inch, lol. Maybe my poor spine was compressed. Highest weight: 290 something (I refused to step on a scale) Highest recorded weight: 282 Current weight: fluctuating between 224-226 Goal: 200 (will reevaluate when I…
  • The Dark Tower series The Sookie Stackhouse books (not written very well but a fun read) Twilight (lol, yes I am one of THOSE) Outlander series (favourite books of all time) The Lord John books (spinoff of Outlander) Pride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility Atonement Stephen King (not a huge fan of his newer stuff but the…
  • Wine! lol. Usually my mom and I break out the Mimosas by 9am. I wont be logging on Christmas. Hell, I might take the entire weekend off! p.s. I live in Utah and have to give a major shout out to the funeral potatoes!
  • I had 3 pregnancies and did not take care of myself with any of the 3. My 1st I lost about 70 pounds because of a health problem. My second I gained close to 50. My 3rd I managed a healthy gain but I was already obese. I think you can still be active, still make healthy food choices and just do your best. Obviously you…
  • Sense and Sensibility and any of the Harry Potter movies. Mainly I love watching Harry Potter with my kids. My 4 year old has only seen the 1st one but she loves it, especially the part where the acceptance letters are flying through the mail slot. She laughs every time which makes the movie enjoyable even though I have…
  • I substitute ground turkey in any recipe calling for ground beef. Tonight we are having spaghetti. The only thing I am not a fan of is ground turkey meatloaf.
  • I started out at 282, I am 5'11". The best thing for me was to start walking. In the beginning it was maybe a mile at a time and I have worked my way up to going out for 5-7 mile walks a few times a week. I also did/do the shred. However, I dont care what Jillian says, not everyone can do jumping jacks, lol. Even without…
  • have you considered a nonalcoholic wine? I have an acquaintance who had a liver transplant about 5 years ago and for the 1st year afterwords she was really good about making sure she only drank nonalcoholic beverages. Unfortunately for her she is an alcoholic and it did not last. It makes me kind of angry because now she…
  • I had a laproscopic removal in 2003. I had a newborn baby and kind of had to lift him up once in a while, lol. My recovery took a while, I pulled open some internal stitching and he only weighed 6 pounds! So basically I think you need to really take it easy. You dont realise how much you use your abdominal muscles until…
  • I ran outside this morning, it was 23*. Brrrr! But I wore a pair of running pants, a hoodie sweatshirt and some warm socks. A few weeks ago when we had a cold spell I went running and had gloves and a scarf, an undershirt and a hoodie and I swear I thought I was going to die of heat after the first mile. I do find that my…
  • my husband had to come lift me off the toilet the 1st time I did the shred. I think day 3 and 4 were when the pain peaked (I couldnt even lift my arms to wash my hair!) I guess if it doesnt hurt you are doing it wrong! lol.
  • It is so hard when you are the only one. I am like you, except we are on such a tight budget that fast food is a rare occurance. My husband eats a lot of pizzas, and hot pockets, ice cream and soda. He works for a national food company and brings home a lot of stuff that I just cannot eat. I keep hoping that my choices…
  • At first I didnt really get a lot of support from my husband. In fact, I think he sort of resented what I was doing. As time went on and he realised that I am doing this and not forcing it upon him he kind of came around. He is still really bad about bringing things home from work like Ice Cream, or grabbing me a Pepsi on…
  • I saw a picture of myself from last May at my brother in laws wedding and I broke down. I had already lost about 10 pounds and I felt awesome about myself but I looked terrible. I wanted to call the photographer and ask her to take it off of her website, lol. I think that being overweight sometimes causes an image…
  • grrr I can never post pictures without problems!
  • Something about exercising seems to squeeze the gasses out! Just be glad they are coming out of your mouth :/ lol.