Started My New Diet, and Just Found Out I'm pregnant? can i

Hey. i've had two kids in the past, my youngest is a year old now. i was still struggling to loose my last 20 pounds of baby weight. I go to the gym often, and was trying to count my calories and eat right. but the problem now is, that i just found out I am pregnant again, for the third time. and i'm so frustrated. now i'll never get to loose the last baby weight, and i'm just going to gain weight now that i'm pregnant. and I have a history of gaining tons of weight with my pregnancies. please help, I don't want to be a big fat pregnant blob. i'm sorry. just having bad anxiety over my body. i'm only 20 pounds over my goal weight right now, so it could be worse i guess. Is it possible if i keep doing the food journal and keep an eye on how many calories i'm consuming, i could still loose a little unnecessary weight. or at least keep the weight i gain to a minimum. Is it possible to loose some weight during pregnancy still? Of course, i'm going to have to eat at least 1800-2000 calories a day for the babies sake. what do you think? My goal is to not gain more than 25 pounds with this pregnancy. my last pregnancy, i had gained 70 pounds.


  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Talk to your OB-GYN and see what he/she recommends as far as calorie intake and exercise. If your OB-GYN doesn't really seem to concerned about your history of weight gain with previous pregnancies, you may want to get a 2nd opinion.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Options DON'T have to gain that much. My first pregnancy I gained about 20 lbs., my second pregnancy I gained ONLY 15 lbs, and before I left the hosdpital (5 days later) I lost 40 lbs!!!!

    If it worked for me, IT CAN WORK FOR YOU!!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I had 3 pregnancies and did not take care of myself with any of the 3. My 1st I lost about 70 pounds because of a health problem. My second I gained close to 50. My 3rd I managed a healthy gain but I was already obese. I think you can still be active, still make healthy food choices and just do your best. Obviously you dont want to lose while pregnant but you can still have a goal of a healthy pregnancy weight gain. And not to get on my tube tying soap box but really research it if it is something you are considering after giving birth. I had no idea the effect it would have on me to have that procedure and now I deal with hormonal imbalances, premature menopause (I am only 33) and difficulty with weight.

    good luck and congratulations
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Definitely talk to your Doctor but if you are already in an exercise routine you should still be able to workout to a certain degree, usually you just can't START exercising when pregnant (or so my sister told me when she was pregnant) even if it's light working out it should still help in preventing you from gaining so much weight. Did you work out with the first 2 pregnancies?
  • Manda_H
    Dont fret over weight gain too much. Keep it reasonable but definitely keep exercising. Eat healthy and exercise- that is my advice. I have had 7 babies and gained anywhere from 23 to 80 lbs in a single pregnancy. Most of my weight is pregnancy weight that i have had to lose. I have a friend who was so worried about keeping her weight down in pregnancy (she only gained 10) that her baby was born a week late yet still only weighed 5 lbs 8 oz. Some things are NOT worth worrying about a little bit of pregnancy weight. Health needs to be priority for bothyou and baby! and btw, CONGRATS on the pregnancy!
  • helenjn
    helenjn Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm Helen and I'm a midwife in Australia. Firts of all, congrats on the pregnancy! And I can totally understand where you're coming from in terms of trying to achieve weight loss after pregnancies. My advice regarding your depends on your BMI. If you're in the healthy range (19-25) then stop right now, just eat healthily and you will gain the right amount for your pregnancy. If you are overweight BMI, you should be looking to gain around 10kg (22lb), and for obese women it's 5-10kg. SO with those numbers in your head, decide which category you're in.
    The main thing I can stress to you is just to eat healthily, as you would be anyway to lose weight. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will be great for you and a growing baby. Likewise, exercise is just as important and safe (as long as you don't start anything too strenuous) - and a little bit of exercise throughout the pregnancy will maintain a level of fitness AND it gets your bub into a great position for birth later on :D
    Just try and think of it in a positive manner! Hope this has helped. Feel free to add me or pm me!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Stay on MFP and keep counting calories. Ask your doctor how many extra calories you need during pregnancy. It's typically 200-400 calories per day, which isn't a lot more. You can continue to exercise, continue to eat lots of fruits & veggies 'cause baby needs the nutrition too!
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    That's exactly what happened to me. Four weeks in, and I found out.
    I wouldn't try to lose weight, unless your doc okays it. Try to eat the healthiest you can to try to prevent any unnecessary weight gain.
  • kelsip1
    I had 4 kids in 5 years and am 10lbs more than i was before i had my first kid and i dont know if i can even blame that on having children or just gettting older i highly recomend breastfeeding if it is somthing you would consider i to gained 55 to 70 with all of mine and was my pre baby weight within 2 monthes after delivery. Breastfeeding takes ssssoooooo many calories just a easy jumpstart and sssoooo healthy for your baby!!!! Be healthy while u are pregnant lots of veggies and fruits i didnt eat alot or have the pregnant i can eat whatever attitude and still gained i know it can be hard!! Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Yes.. consult your doctor first... I also found a group on her for women that plan to conceive, are pregnant, or just had a baby. Good Luck!
  • workoutgirl23
    Thanks every one. guess, i will just continue with my exercising, and try to eat healthy. and keep my food journal, so i'm aware of how much i'm consuming daily. I'd like to keep it around 2000 calories a day. I sort of have this feeling tho, that no matter how healthy i eat, i'll still gain a lot of weight. but who knows. my last two pregnancies, i worked out a lot, but i pretty much ate whatever i wanted and was craving. so maybe that was part of the reason i gained more. I guess, i will just have to hang in there. and look forward to loosing all the extra weight and getting my body back, after the baby is born.
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Good Luck!