couch to 5k

Hi I was just wondering if anyone was doing c25k and what it involved really? How long does it take and does it help with weight loss?

I would really like to be able to run and I want to find out if its any good before convincing my oh to watch the kids while I do it. What's everyone's views


  • hbrow002
    I started today! I figure it can't decrease my weight loss and I really want to be able to run with my fiancee (who loves running).I googled the workout the first week the workout is 5min brisk walk 60 sec jog 90 sec walk until 20 mins have been completed. I'm excited to see if it works so I'm glad you posted.I kind of wonder what the future will hold :happy:
  • ggus64
    ggus64 Posts: 22
    If you have an Ipod touch or an Iphone, get the Couch to 5 K's really handy. Don't worry though, you can still do it manually. I think it is a great program for "easing" into running. It will definitley help you burn calories and lose weight!!
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Its a great goal and running 5ks is really fun!

    check out for information all about it.

    If you have a smartphone there are free apps that will tell you when to walk and jog each session.

    Generally the program is 20-30 minutes session 3 times per week. its an 8 or 9 week program. And by the end many have success being able to run the full 30 minutes (which is equivalent to 3 miles at 10 minutes per mile).

    Anyone can get into C25k. go at your own pace. repeat weeks if necessary.
    i truly believe that most people can run (unless prevented by injuries or conditions) and learn to enjoy it! Best of Luck!
  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    I started last week and it isn't too bad. I downloaded the iPhone app :)
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I've been following this program for 6 months. I realise you are supposed to be able to run the entire 30 minutes within 9 weeks, but slow and steady wins the race, lol. I am on week 5 day 2. 8 minute runs. I won't lie it is hard for me, likely because I am still carrying too much weight. But the difference from when I started (could barely run the 60 second intervals) to now is amazing. And it jumpstarted my plateau. I was at about 20 pounds lost when I started and within about 4 months after starting running I was down another 35.

    I like the podcasts on The music is unlike anything I am used to listening to, but I enjoy the change.

    My only advice. Get some decent running shoes.
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I did it, it was amazing. I went from packet a day smoker to smoke free runner!! I recommend it to everyone! It definitely helps with weight loss, fitness and confidence!!! You won't regret it :-)
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Loved it! One of the best app to teach you how to run.
  • Angie1215
    Angie1215 Posts: 125 Member
    It's an amazing program, I promise it will shock you at what you will accomplish if you follow c25k. Anyone can do it. You can go at your own pace on the treadmill or outside and work your way to a faster pace once you complete the program.
  • loseweightjames
    Hi I was just wondering if anyone was doing c25k and what it involved really? How long does it take and does it help with weight loss?

    I would really like to be able to run and I want to find out if its any good before convincing my oh to watch the kids while I do it. What's everyone's views

    Yes and no. It helps you get to the point that you can lose weight. Running is the easiest way to lose weight IMHO. Burns tons of calories quickly and there's weekly races (at least in my area) where you can run with other people and get those great tshirts

    You won't lose much weight while doing c25k because you're just building up to actually run a 5k, but once you're able to run a 5k every day you will drop weight like mad.

    I finished c25k in October and I'm now doing bridge to 10k. I burn about 1,000 calories when I run the bridge to 10k and lose about 1 lbs each time. Unfortunately I'm getting over the flu and haven't run in since last monday :(
  • Eleisabelle
    I did it and loved it. It's a nine week program, but you can feel free to stretch it out by repeating sessions, repeating whole weeks... Take it at your own pace, and you only do it for about 30-40 minutes, three days per week.

    Six months later, I did a 10k. Now I'm training for a half-marathon and a 200 mile relay race. I never thought I would love running, but I do...
  • cara19812
    cara19812 Posts: 53 Member
    i just started week 2 and am LOVING it!!! i haven't ran in close to 14 years at intervals like this so it is a great easing in program!!! once payday hits im signing up for my first 5k race in May... good luck to you... and it is only 20 min long, so very feasible time wise!!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    If you use an android phone, try RunDouble. It also allows music to be played whilst in use.

    I am planning on starting 01/02/2012. I am running in a 5k charity race at the end of May and want to complete it in 30 minutes, preferably 20-25.

    Good luck. X