Burping non stop when exercising

Does anyone else have this problem? Anytime I'm exercising I do two things, sweat and burp. The higher the intensity of the work out, the more I burp. I don’t eat for about 3 hours before I go to the gym but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Is this common? And any ideas about how to calm it down?


  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would imagine it is the air you are taking in during workouts. The harder you workout, the harder you breathe. It doesn't happen to me but maybe trying deep breathing instead of short, quick inhalations and exhalations. :)
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    Something about exercising seems to squeeze the gasses out! Just be glad they are coming out of your mouth :/ lol.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    Something about exercising seems to squeeze the gasses out! Just be glad they are coming out of your mouth :/ lol.

  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Although it has happened to me before it's not a constant thing. Do you drink more water during your workout than you would normally? It could be that. Or it could be that your stomache is too empty and it's filling and then expelling air as you move...?

    I don't know - the only time I can remember this happening was during a real high intensity/impact session and I hadn't long eaten (also got a tummy cramp, silly me).

    Charcoal biscuits or maybe a Gaviscon before hand...? Or maybe like a rich tea or similarly low cal biccy to help fill your tum a bit.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Something about exercising seems to squeeze the gasses out! Just be glad they are coming out of your mouth :/ lol.

    LOL. This has happened to me once and I became aware that I was...gassy. I only hoped that the one I felt wasn't preceeded by the ones I didn't as I had my headphones in and couldn't hear anything. Hahahaha, there I am doing my tummy exercises merrily trumpetting away in complete oblivion. LOL

    (I really hope I wasn't :embarassed: )