I gained a pound!



  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    "I've eaten less than 1200 calories per day"

    There is where your problem lies.

    You need to eat more.

    This ^

    Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper (arguably the 2 best trainers in the world) say you have to eat to lose weight.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    You might have gained some muscle mass since you've been working out everyday. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    LMAO!!!! In a week???? this is not it.,,Sorry dont mean to be rude but its too funny!!
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Shut the front door!!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    It took time to put the weight on and it will take time to get it back off. Eat a little more and give it longer than a week.

    P.S. Muscle does not weigh more that fat. 1lb of muscle is weighs the same as 1lb of fat. A pound is pound. :smile:

    DUH!! When people say muscle weighs more than fat, it's implicit they're talking about the same volume.

    Then they shouldn't say it weighs more, they should say that the volume is different. A pound of muscle is smaller than a pound of fat for example.
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I am not a medical professional and I realise that it totally depends on how much you have to lose, but I am not a huge fan of eating back all of my exercise calories. I try to have an average net of around 700 calories a day. And I eat...a lot. I think that as I get closer to the overweight BMI and out of the obese I might have to revise my thinking but I do not think there is a blanket answer. Some people succeed by eating back every single exercise calorie, others succeed by eating less.

    I think if you are in this for the long haul you have to accept that there are going to be times when you gain a pound or two. I have been up 2 for the past 3 weeks. It is frustrating, and I am changing things up a bit, but I am focusing more on how I feel, and the fact is that eating sweets and giving up on the exercise is not an option for me. I can't do it, I have come too far. Even in the beginning though, just the decision to change my life was something I was not willing to sabotage. But it is hard. Please dont get discouraged.
    While not a blanket answer, it's not wise to only have a 700 calorie net daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I understand it is not something that is recommended, but I can't make myself eat when I am not hungry. And I eat well, lol. I usually have 4 small meals a day, a lot of fish, a lot of carrots, etc. I actually focus on my sodium, and cholesterol much more than calories or fat. Part of it might also be that I am burning many more calories doing the same exercises that would only result in a 300 calorie burn in someone much smaller than me. I try to exercise 90 minutes a day.
  • CherylAnne1988
    if the site is telling you to eat 1200 cal a day then make sure you are eating the full amount of calories, and make sure that by working out your not burning off too many calories. If you are tracking everything right then it will tell you where your at calorie wise, make sure that if you eat 1200 cal that you aren't burning off 1000 for instance

    Also, keep in mind that you dont need to always go by the scale. take your measurements in stead if you are seeing a idfference in your abdomnen then chances are that you are losing inches! which is greeat and the whole reason you want to lose weight is to look smaller, not to necessarily be a smaller weight size
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    If gaining a single pound makes you want to quit your weight-loss efforts, you need to take a serious look at your mindset. Your weight can fluctuate daily for a number of completely benign reasons such as water retention and digested food that has not yet been excreted.

    Don't get so fixated on a number, just focus on getting healthy. Make sure to eat to adequately fuel your body, exercise AND rest.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    okay from this forum, i think eating to lose is a good idea, i will eat 4000 calories, , maybe i should be eat 5Mcalories (1000kcalories), that will help me get ripped quickly.

    Don't be absurd. The only person who should be eating 4000 calories per day is one who is trying to gain, has a high activity level, and/or burns 1000+ calories in a workout session.

    The difference is, there's eating 1200 or below, which is giving your body the bare minimum it needs for nourishment, and there's eating while maintaining a deficit. Eating 1900 calories, I am still losing weight, which means I am maintaining a deficit. And I can guarantee you that I spend much less time worrying about my diet than I did when I was eating 1400 calories and feeling like I was starving all of the time.

    The idea of eating more to lose is allowing yourself to lose weight while maintaining a healthy relationship with food. I know I am personally much less likely to binge when I eat 1900+ calories than I am when I eat 1400 or even 1700 calories. MFP says 1900 is my maintaining intake, yet I'm still losing. Why not eat more if you can? That's what I don't understand about people who pinch calories down so low they're miserable.

    But to each their own. You go eat a rice cake. I'll have a piece of real cake and not sweat it in the end. :)
  • Fergie2154
    I can tell a difference in my abdomen as far as muscle is concerned, and I know muscle weighs more than fat but I do so much cardio, ya know? And according to this site I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day

    Actually muscle does not weigh more than fat as most say. If you put 1 lb of muscle on a scale and 1 lb of fat on a scale.. it will be 1 lb.

    Muscle is denser than fat... so 1lb of muscle in our bodies take up less space than 1 lb of fat.. that is the reason we can put on more weight (what the Scale reads) as we gain muscle but look a whole lot smaller.

    Most important as others say. don't eat under 1200 calories a day. it takes 3500 calories to gain 1 lb. Allow our body time to get use to your new healthy way of eating and exercise...give it at least 4 weeks... it will balance out.

    Also remember, this site is a guide. ...and we should not eat less than 1200 a day or else your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to as much FAT as possible. So eat enough (bump it up to about 1300-1400, keep up the great work on exercise and give it time.
  • mcovillion
    my head is spinning!!! i just started this site a couple weeks ago. very confused about calories to eat. some say eat more, some say eat less. i'm usually between 1100 and 1300, but i'm always hungry!
  • metisgirl
    metisgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Please dont forget fluids in the body can affect weight...for example too much sodium or PMS...All of these and more can make a shift in our weight....
  • becky2967
    its either muscle i put on 4lb the first 2weeks but now im 22lbs down 10weeks in. muscle helps lose the weight and with exercise that does build but with calories that low unless your very obese your body could be holding onto them, up them unless your following gps advice on this, keep exercising and it will pay off, it could even be T.O.M X i get so hungry if i eat less than 1,600 and i need to eat that much, you have to be quite heavy for a gp to say 1,200 or less is ok!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member

    I understand it is not something that is recommended, but I can't make myself eat when I am not hungry. And I eat well, lol. I usually have 4 small meals a day, a lot of fish, a lot of carrots, etc. I actually focus on my sodium, and cholesterol much more than calories or fat. Part of it might also be that I am burning many more calories doing the same exercises that would only result in a 300 calorie burn in someone much smaller than me. I try to exercise 90 minutes a day.
    Then eat foods that are more calorie dense.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member

    I was thinking about what you said about Jillian Micheals, not saying she's a bad trainer or anything. I don't see how she can be what you said, "arguably one of the best trainers in the world." What is this based on? How many lbs her clients lose? They are on tv, eating low calorie diets, and exercising constantly. This has nothing to do with her, she is a very small piece of the big picture.

    It's based on how many lives she's helped, how she has the ability to get to the root of why some of her clients are the way they are, and her ability to help people make real and lasting changes. I don't agree that their success has "nothing to do with her". Put a bunch of random people in a room and tell them they will win 250,000 if they lose more weight than everyone in that room and see how much weight they lose, compare to the same people with the same scenario being in a room with Jillian and I am willing to bet that they not only lose more weight with Jillian, but they get to the root of why they over eat, and are able to keep the weight off longer.

    I've watched TBL for years, and even when they had that blond trainer on the contestants didn't do near as good with her as they do with Jillian.

    Yes, people who lose weight with or without a trainer are doing most of the work themselves, but the difference can be huge depending on who you work with.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I can tell a difference in my abdomen as far as muscle is concerned, and I know muscle weighs more than fat but I do so much cardio, ya know? And according to this site I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day

    Need ATLEAST 1200. You should also eat back some of the calories burnt. You body needs fuel.

    If you get all your energy from the food you eat, when do you use bodyfat as fuel?? bodyfat is the main source of fuel.

    No, food is the main source of fuel. Bodyfat is supplementary fuel. So you get most of your fuel from food so you can get adequate vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients (none of which are stored in fat), and you leave a caloric deficit so you can burn the fat.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper (arguably the 2 best trainers in the world)

    Those two clowns aren't trainers. They're actors who play them on TV.

    Any idiot can make people lose weight if they sequester them, starve them, and make them run their *kitten* off.

    REAL trainers have at least a basic understanding of proper form, appropriate exercise selection, and don't regurgitate outdated fitness mythes.

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member

    Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper (arguably the 2 best trainers in the world)

    Those two clowns aren't trainers. They're actors who play them on TV.

    Any idiot can make people lose weight if they sequester them, starve them, and make them run their *kitten* off.

    REAL trainers have at least a basic understanding of proper form, appropriate exercise selection, and don't regurgitate outdated fitness mythes.


    haha Nice rant! :D

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then. ROFL