

  • Hi all, Been a migraine week for me too, am fed up with them...Queen thanks for your message and hope you are feeling better too. Everyone seems to be having a more successful week than me, well done everyone and I promise to work harder next week, I definitely haven't earned a halo this week :-( I have decided not to…
  • Theme days could be a fun reminder....need all the help I can get so you have my vote. Stayed within goal today but not good food choices, very busy day so just grabbed whatever was easier to shove down my throat....yes I'm ashamed. 30 day shred first thing, will do zumba tonight, aiming for 8 hours sleep but it's too hot…
  • Hey guys, I'm checking in now as I am away for a couple of days. I have lost 2lbs since last Wed, half an inch here and there and my new jeans can go on and do up without having to do the jitterbug! Few more lbs to go before I can sit down in them but I'm very pleased with my first week :-)
  • Too little water, Sun and stress are triggers for me too, as are lack of sleep (puppies this time), repetitive noises (howling wind etc), too much choc, citrus, cheese... the list goes on. Also my migraines are only 20 per cent headache, the rest is loss of vision, funny shapes & colours & can't coordinate words etc. Today…
  • Stayed within calories today but really felt like pigging out! 30 day shred this morning, think I will do zumba over the weekend for a change. Enjoy the next two days everyone x
  • Hi Jaimejesse & Kalia...good luck :-)
  • Seehe you obviously have a passion for dogs like me. I have 6 dogs at the moment including the pups plus numerous cats. All street animals we have found in Spain and yes the heat is a problem for them too, hence the early morning walks x
  • Jeepers! Don't think I could manage without my phone! Breaking into a cold sweat just thinking about it lol x
  • Hey! Have done day 4 on the shred..wasn't sure if my knees would be happy so had to modify a little to take the strain off....lunges seem to be my downfall. We have 2 New pups so lots of short walks that I don't add but along with the long walks for the bigger dogs my fitness goals are ahead this week. Water intake is good…
  • Hi, I started the shred 2 days ago. level one is fine, makes you pant but that's what it's there for! I would say it's very hard on the knees and to do more warm up exercises to avoid any damage. I plan 2 days on with a day off as honestly I don't think my joints would appreciate 30 days straight! Enjoy x
  • 13Strong enjoy Pilates, have never tried it but maybe I should. Seehe I hope you made it to yoga and it wasn't too bad at the dentist! Not sure if I will be able to do the shred again tomorrow as my knees are feeling it, think it requires more of a warm up than the dvd allows but I'm sure I can find something to do.…
  • Hi, Think I've already had my water quota...walked my dogs across the fields for 2 hours at 6am, thirsty work, then home for day 2 of the 30 day shred...need water & life support after that! No-one around on my walk so I done a mixture of squats & lunges every 10 mins...every little helps! Hope everyone is having a good…
  • Just joined today and aiming for 1400 to 1500 :-)
  • Hey, I joined mfp and this group today. Over the last year I have yoyo'd with the last stone so have decided to go into battle one last time & succeed and I'm sure having you guys around will help, and vice versa? I don't have to go back to work until middle of September so that's two and a half months to make a dent in…
  • Sounds perfect, on my way!
  • More than welcome to add me, daily support etc to keep the motivation going can never be a bad thing!