30 day shred?

Hello! I have unfortunately fallen off the bandwagon and desperately want to get back into a routine where I enjoy exercising and looking after myself more! I have read quite a few posts mentioning the '30 day shred' and thought it may be a good thing for me to commit to. What is everyone else's experience with it? Any advice?


  • Binglebangle
    I started the shred 2 days ago. level one is fine, makes you pant but that's what it's there for! I would say it's very hard on the knees and to do more warm up exercises to avoid any damage.
    I plan 2 days on with a day off as honestly I don't think my joints would appreciate 30 days straight!

    Enjoy x
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I tired that program several times and it was a good workout, but I get bored easily.

    Fitnessblender.com has some great workouts and you can even find some on YouTube.