kikontx Member


  • I modified my goal around the half way point. Even though I didn't reach the new goal (140), I did exceed the original goal (145) and finished at 142 lbs. My long term goal is 135 lbs which is what I will work on in the sequel. I've also decided to start body recomposition and considering giving myself running goals (i.e.…
  • Joining the sequel!!
  • Thanks balancedwalker for getting this started and keeping it together. I am working on updating the spreadsheet for my final weigh in (142 lbs). Even though I didn't reach my modified goal of 140 lbs, still super proud of what we all accomplished. Looking forward to being a part of the sequel!
  • Why are you limiting yourself to salads? I did SBD when I initially lost weight (eventually gained it back but that's for a different time) and I didn't just eat salads. I actually ate plenty of lean meats (chicken breast and sirloin mainly) as well as plenty of steamed vegetables. Not saying I didn't eat salads cuz I did.…
  • Those are similar to my stats as well. Initial goal was 150 with stretch goal of 135. I'm at 145 now. Let's do this!!!
  • Hope everyone is doing okay. Even though I haven't been posting on the forum since the 60% time weigh in, I have been working at keeping the pace towards my goal. Last week I decided to up my calories since I reach the "10lb to goal mark" to help prepare for maintenance. I also figured that would help with the holidays…
  • What about re-wording your excuses? Instead of them being why you can't or won't, word them to be excuses for why you can or will. I know the word "excuse" has a negative connotation but try making it a positive one. Good luck!
  • So looking at this part I can think of two things. One - while you are "just standing and not moving" start doing some squats and lunges. If your pooch stops several times then you can get a couple of sets in. Two - after the pooch is done, then go back out on your own and get in a more brisk walk or even a jog. Doesn't…
  • So if everyone else is on their phone (per your subsequent comment) then is it normal for the group to ask each other what they are doing on their phone? Or are they only asking you? Same question on the portion size. Does everyone else have the same portion size and you are the only one that is less? Do others give…
  • I do this by tracking it in a spreadsheet because I was curious about the trends. Also, the number is not static. It is based on the current weight you entered in MFP. So when you update that, MFP updates all of those "if everyday..." numbers to use that weight - even if that weight check in is after the food dairy date. I…
  • Without being pregnant... 180
  • Now that we are on the downhill slope to 100 day, I'm going to try to think of different daily (or maybe milestone) goals then the normal ones that I have been posting so far. Not sure what they will be just yet but will decide by the next milestone weigh in on Friday. I think I just need to shake things up so I don't get…
  • Ok, this cold weather has really impacted my exercise commitment. It's hard to get motivated to go out for a jog or walk when it's in the 30s without the wind chill factor. The couch and fleece blanket have just been too comfortable the last few days. Definitely time to buckle down and bite the bullet and get out tonight.…
  • Love the attitude of a second new beginning. Will definitely keep that focus going forward. I didn't do well on meeting goals yesterday. While I stayed under calorie goal, I didn't meet water or exercise goal. So will need to start my new beginning with getting back on track. Goals for Day 51 - Drink 80-90 oz of water -…
  • Even though it involves a scale, I'm still going to say it's a nsv. So on Monday I went to the dr for an appt. You know how they weigh you with one of those tall weight machines that have the weights at the top - a small one that goes to 150 lbs and the large one underneath that has the larger weight and notches at 150lb…
  • Great idea! Both my husband and I are veterans and will spend the day together. Did well on meeting goals yesterday and working to keep it on track especially with the holidays starting soon. I will probably decide to go into maintenance mode and just "maintain, don't gain" from Thanksgiving to New Year's. Goals for Day 49…
  • I was finally able to get my jog in yesterday! Yea! I decided to only do core strength training since I don't do my other strength training on jogging days. Since light cardio this week has been non-existent because of the weather, I'm also going to get a walk in today as well and do my other strength training. Goals for…
  • Yesterday I was slightly over my calorie goal (less than 100 calories) and after school activities went longer than anticipated so wasn't able to get the jog in. Shouldn't be a problem to get the jog in tonight which is good since I'm actually getting antsy about not having been able to do so since Sunday. Goals for Day 46…
  • I wasn't able to get the jog in yesterday because of the weather. So I will try again today for that. Been doing good with limiting myself to one sweet treat a day (fun size candy from Halloween right now) and keeping it with my calorie goal. So happy about that. Goals for Day 45 - Drink 80-90 oz of water - Stay under…
  • Yesterday I almost met my goals but was not able to get in the jog because it was raining. So if the weather holds for the rest of the day, I will get the jog in today. Goals for Day 44 - Drink 80-90 oz of water - Stay under calorie goal - Jog 2.5 miles and strength training (including core)
  • I wan't able to get any exercise in on Friday and Saturday (not counting the trick or treating walking as exercise) but did start back up yesterday with a 2.5 mile jog. Calories was over goal on Saturday but was able to stay under on Sunday. I was also able to record a loss on the weigh in Saturday so was happy about that.…
  • Definitely agree the small sizes help satisfy the cravings without breaking the calorie bank!
  • I was able to meet all of my goals yesterday and was happy to jog the entire 2.5 miles without stopping (wasn't sure given the chest I've been battling). Goals for Day 39 - Drink 80-90 oz of water - Stay under calorie goal - Strength training and light cardio (walking) Even though I'll be walking while out trick or…
  • I was able to meet all of my goals yesterday and reach the high side of my water intake goal. Goals for Day 38 - Drink 80-90 oz of water - Stay under calorie goal - Jog 2.5 miles without stopping Not sure how well the jogging will go this evening. I've been battling a chest cold the last couple of days but will get out…
  • What type of exercise do you want to do? I don't get home until 6:30pm and then after helping my girls with their homework (my husband normally cooks dinner), it's probably 9:00pm or later before I can go out for a walk or jog which are normally 2.5 miles long each. On days I do a walk, I'll also do a simple circuit…
  • I did SBD about 8 years ago and lost the weight. But unfortunately I gained it all back. On this recent go round, I have incorporated some aspects of what I learned on SBD but am not following that particular plan. I'm already down to my initial goal weight and now working towards my stretch goal weight which is another…
  • I was able to meet all of my goals yesterday including day 2 of increasing to a 2.5 mile jog. I wasn't sure if I would be able to complete it as it was a bit more of a struggle than the first day. But I pushed through and felt really good about it when I finished. Goals for Day 37 - Drink 80-90 oz of water - Stay under…
  • True. I don't think I implied that all - at least that was not my intent. I was answering from the receiver's perspective to an "are you okay" question asked to them - the quote I highlighted. The person who asked the question may be genuinely concerned and was not trying to pass any negative judgement on them - OP's title…