

  • FANTASTIC idea!!! ANd def stay strong! It will pay off in the end. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! ;)
  • Well so far I've been doing ok. A couple of nights I had some cereal and milk around 9, but I have definitely not eaten anything after 9 pm. I feel GOOD today! I feel skinnier. I know that's just in my head, but that's where the chage starts!! :) I am making better choices when I DO eat and logging everything. I have…
  • I started with 3 and then now use 5. Some of the moves feel really easy with 5 and others I could probably use 10's (the bicep curls for instance)...and using a variety will keep your body guessing :)
  • Prairie girl checkin in!! Good Ol' Saskatchewan Eh!! ;)
  • well cheerios and almond milk it was. Sleep time :)
  • You are a good man. Thank you for sharing with us.
  • I know exactly how you feel. And I know it is hard to keep motivated when you feel like nothing is changing, and all you want to do is eat! I put a picture of what I used to look like before I got fat onto my fridge and my pantry door and when I'm feeling 'ugh' I just look at that picture and feel motivated :smile: .…
  • Her secret love lived across the river in Boargy...
  • Thanks for the advice everyone! I am going to see my doctor for sure this week. Diabetes runs rampant in my family (my grandpa, grandma and both uncles on my mom's side have it) so if it's not a baby, then maybe I need insulin? It's worth checkingout. I always wondered too if maybe I had a thyroid problem because I am…
  • Yeah, I know. I just find I fall off the wagon real easy and if I eat good for a few weeks and lose a couple pounds, then I temd to slack off. 'm not sure why I do this, but it helps to have support. I feel better about myself already just having ready the few replies. :flowerforyou:
  • lol Thanks. It would be baby #3 haha. I'll let ya know. I feel better having my secret thoughts off my shoulders.
  • I wasn't wanting to think along those lines lol. Suppose it wouldn't hurt to get the hubby to get a test. I was trying to deny that I may be, but I am over a week late...:huh: :noway: Good god, If I am I am going to have to be EXTRA diligent! *sigh*, thanks for the reality check. :tongue:
  • Thnaks for posting this! I have the same problem...great suggestions!
  • I'm at about 191, but I will definitely be your buddy!!! Congrats in taking the first step :0)
  • You're not lame! I think it's a great accomplishment. Way to go :happy:
  • wow! You can totally tell!! Keep up the great work. That kind of progress in only 2 months is fantastic! I hope to post pics like that too! I'm going to come back to your pictures when ever I lose motivation. They are really inspiring :happy: Congrats!
  • Thanks Pam. That's very inspiring :flowerforyou:
  • YES!!!!! This is exactly what I needed to hear :heart: I have already sent my hubby to the grocery store with a long list of fruits veggies and oatmeal lol. I can succeed!!
  • Thanks everyone! These are very helpful suggestions :flowerforyou: I knew I could count on encouragement if I asked for it. I can tell my day will turn out ok afterall. I will definitely take these suggestions and use them. I am going to put onto my fridge: my written goals, my motivations and a picture of ME when I was…
  • I never thought of popcorn or nuts! I will add them now :) Thanks!
  • I'd be Batman. What's your favorite Buddy Holly song?
  • It's probably water weight. I had a bad weekend and I was up 2 lbs, I drak 10 glasses of water yesterday and when I stepped onto the scale this morn, poof. It was gone :0). So load up on veggies and water and you will be back on track in a couple days!
  • AHHH!! You are So inspiring!! And I love that you wore the same clothes because you can definitely see just how far you have come :) I can only hope to be posting pictures like that in the future. Thanks for sharing!!
  • Thanks everyone! I feel much less stressed about it. I am drinking lots of water so far today (a few cups of hot herbal tea for variety) and I have packed a healthy supper to take with me to work tonight so I'm not tempted to order in which so often is the case on late night shifts). I'm going to take this in stride and in…
  • BFF!!!!!! YOu can do it! I know you can. I am slowly learning to make beter food choices and to do other things when I'm having an emotional day. Like sit on the computer and read success stories :happy: ps I 'm sorry I didn't get your email until late last night. :sad: You'll have new mail when you get back to work.…
  • I have 2 breakfasts I switchup. First one is 1/3 c. large flake oatmeal (dry) cooked with water add one packet of Splenda and some cinnamon. or 1 serving of vanilla SF, FF yogurt with 1/3 c blueberries, 1/3 cup sliced strawberries (can be frozen and thawed) and 1/3 c post grape nuts (instead of granola. No sugar and the…
  • I have been here almost a week and am down 4 lbs! I love that I can see everything I eat and plan my days food intake properly (with a small margin of error lol) I didn't realize just how much my snacking was adding up, even if it was what I consider "healthy snacks" (ie: pickles, cheese, nuts, etc..) The journal helps me…
  • What an imspiring person you are! Way to stay at it!!:happy:
  • THANK YOU for posting this! It is definitely not the proper thing to be saying. And for those who get frustrated by the scale being stuck- take measurements!! :D You'll see that even though the scale stays the same, your clothes will be fitting better and you will look tighter. Cause like it was pointed out a lb of muscle…
  • I'm a late night gal. For example, last night I worked out just after midnight. That's how it is when I work evenings. When I work days, I tend to work out once the kids are sleeping, so around 9. I don't think the time matters, just as long as you are getting a workout in. That's why I love the 24 hour gyms! lol And I…