
So yesterday i lost control, the first day since ive started this program, and now i feel like crap. I look in the mirror and see a body i dont like, my thighs arent getting smaller, i may just be impatient but im discouraged. I feel like the fat is cemented onto me. Im going to continue the program and commit to stick to it, but right now the stress is killing me. Advice?


  • futuredispatchhottie911
    I know it's hard believe me this is my 2nd attempt. I lost 50 pounds almost two years ago. I couldn't necessarily tell but others could. My starting weight last time was around 365 and I got down to 314. Even though I couldn't tell knowing others so a change put a smile on my face. Than I just gave up because I couldn't tell it mad me really :sad:. So now my starting weight is 371.6 please don't make the same mistake I did. Believe in yourself you will be able to tell soon I promise.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I don't feel like it shows on me and I have lost 12 lbs since the beginning of January. But my sister has lost 14 and I can definitely tell - she looks smaller and her clothes are looser.:flowerforyou: And my friend from work lost about 20 pounds, and yesterday she had on a new pair of black jeans (size 16, down from a 20) and she looked great! :flowerforyou: I really like this site - I feel like I can still have the things I like and an occasional treat (cheat?). :drinker: I don't exercise like crazy but I am definitely squeezing more in than I used to. So even if it is slow, I am confident that I can keep going. Plus, at my age (52), I know it is only going to get harder and harder :grumble: , so I know it needs to be a "life style change". ANYWAY, HANG IN THERE! yOU CAN DO IT.:bigsmile:
  • katie30
    katie30 Posts: 55
    It is harder for you to notice the weight loss on yourself because you look at yourself thoroughly everyday. It just isn't as easy to notice the difference, especially if you are loosing "all over". This is why friends and co-workers always seem to notice these changes for us :)

    I highly recommend taking measurements on a regular basis, this will help you actually see the differences that you may not notice in clothe fit and the mirror.

    And don't worry about the occasional mishap. They happen, we are all human.
  • gadgetgizzmo
    I've been definitely struggling with this same thing. I have lost 12 pounds so far which, don't get me wrong, I am excited about, but I have only lost like 1 inch in my waist. I still can't even go down to the next smaller size in my pants yet. So where is the weight coming off from? I will keep going and hopefully I will start to see the difference, it just can be frustrating sometimes.
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Hang in there! I think it's human nature to be hard on ourselves. You're commiting to the lifestyle change, but it sounds like you're being really hard on yourself. *bearhug* You've got this! I know you do!
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Hey Hun - Don't worry about it and don't stress about it. (I know, so much easier said than done).

    We all have days when we slip up, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot! I have had plenty of days when I've probably fell close to 5000 calories when my goal was 1200. It happens to EVERYONE!

    Just remember tomorrow is a brand new day. Start new and fresh. Don't beat yourself up over your slipups, rather, enjoy them and enjoy the yummy food you had :)
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Three months of dieting and I'm still in the same clothes. I thought that if I would loose 15 pounds......I would get to go shopping!!! Well I was wrong. I was measured at my gym the first week of the year and I've lost 8 inches total (4 inches in my waist). I don't see or feel any difference. I still can't go down a size in my jeans. But I guess that's telling me how much of me I was packing in my jeans. I guess if I don't have to lay on the bed to zip them up anymore that maybe I am a bit smaller. I just don't see it yet! Hang in there, I am! :flowerforyou:
  • sunshineshardz
    I know exactly how you feel. And I know it is hard to keep motivated when you feel like nothing is changing, and all you want to do is eat! I put a picture of what I used to look like before I got fat onto my fridge and my pantry door and when I'm feeling 'ugh' I just look at that picture and feel motivated :smile: . Sometimes I feel sad cuz I let myself get out of control, but then I just make a cup of my favorite tea and by the time I finish that my cravings are usually gone. Keep your chin up and your eye on the prize!! :flowerforyou: