Terrible day- need some feedback.

I'll be honest, yesterday I ate over 2 days worth of calories :( I was STARVING and just snacked ALL evening. Didn't help that we had family movie night and instead of cutting up veggies, I opened up a bag of chips...and the ice-cream pail...and the peanut butter jar...and a can of cherry pie filling...you catch my drift.

Needless to say I di my WI today and was up almost 2 lbs :(
BUT I'm not going to let that get me down! :) I am going to get right back on track starting with breakfast. An egg white omelet with mushrooms and low fat mozza.

And I'm going to make a mini goal of more exercise for the next week. I looked up some aquasize classes at pools close to my place and will hopefully make it to at least 3. With one starting in just half an hour I'd better hustle and get there!!

Just wanted to share my pitfall and my plan!


  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    to be honest - i dont think that there should be a set weight and you must stay at that weight at all cost - i think it would be healthy to fluxiate between 5-7 pounds to give you those 'me' days when you eat so you can enjoy an indulgence.

    this may be a very minor set back in your weight loss area, but get back on track, keep those indulgence days to a minimum, and when you get to your goal, tell yourself its okay to have those 'me' days. just dont make it a lifestyle.

    good luck
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: Good for you! Head up and keep going strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Good for you for getting back on track! We all have our downfalls; I myself have had several bad weekends (tons of booze + hangover food the next day), but the key is starting up again. Eat healthily, drink tons of water, and those pounds will be gone in a few days. It is unlikely that you ate 7,000 calories over your allowance yesterday, so it's not "real" weight per se. Flush it out with water and lots of fiber! :flowerforyou:
  • queensara2478
    At least once a month I have my day like that!!! There's just no stopping me. But like some other members have said it's not a real "weight" gain more a temporary thing. When I first started using this site I was so upset after the first week and a half because I was working super hard eating all the right foods and excersising daily, I didn't lose a single pound!! The next week when I did my WI I was down 4!!!! So don't stress about what the scale says, I find it easier to tuck my scale away and not weigh myself when I've had a night like that. Good luck!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I am betting the bulk of your two pounds is from water retained from all of the salt in your chips!!!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Yum, Yum! Your deteor sounded like the way to indulge if one is going to do so, but glad you are not dwelling on it. It does sound like you have a solid plan to move forward so I am encouraging you to stay on track, schedule an extra workout this week, and cut up those veggies for your next movie night! You can do it!
  • sprags
    sprags Posts: 56
    Way to stick with it! I had a bad couple of days just because I didn't feel well. It'll all be worth it...and you'll feel fabulous when you get back on track! That's my favorite feeling! Little accomplishments :tongue:
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,619 Member
    I believe that days like yours are critical for long term weight maintenance. In the past, I've lost weight on healthy diets where I never once went off the diet. But I arrived at my goal weight with no experience in being able to handle small temporary weight gains. The small weight gains kept adding up because I felt such a sense of failure and I didn't know how to not feel that way or how to overcome it. Comfort eating set in and I gained all the weight back.

    You're learning how to maintain your weight. And that's a lot more important than losing weight.
  • sunshineshardz
    Thanks everyone! I feel much less stressed about it. I am drinking lots of water so far today (a few cups of hot herbal tea for variety) and I have packed a healthy supper to take with me to work tonight so I'm not tempted to order in which so often is the case on late night shifts). I'm going to take this in stride and in two weeks when I step onto that scale again I will most likely be able to feel proud. :flowerforyou: