

  • Awesome! keep it up! you're inspiring :)
  • I've heard immediately afterwards its good to eat pears or apples...the type of carbs they have are good for restoring you, however, you definitely need to follow up with something that has protein...for diabetics, unsure.
  • I had PT for my knee after surgery - and ps - do NOT try rowing, i used to row - everyone uses the machine wrong that i see at the gym - rowing requires your entire body and when you row you full expend your legs and use the pressue of your feet on the foot boards to push - it's very strenuous on the legs! For PT I had to…
  • PROTEIN, low carb....i am cold all the time. when i was following adkins (mind you, following it properly, not eating excessive amounts of meat or cheese But instead eating plenty of leaf veggies with moderate fish, cheese, etc. and very little carbs) I was warm. it was awesome. i didn't have to take a sweater with me…
  • plenters, i don't know if its the diet - i once at a muffin and some dried food and thought i was going to pass out - i went to my doc and he said i was semi-hypoglycemic.....
  • seriously, i don't know - it is hard to keep your mind where it needs to be to follow thru on your new Habits. I had contemplated at one point buying myself a bracelet that could be my reminder of my goals. (ya know, how some people use a rubber band and snap it on their wrists when trying to reinforce a new…
  • likek whoa ! Heck of a good job - thanks for the inspiration.... we all need it!
  • It's probably your transmitter, altho if you got it recently i don't know how it ran out of juice. The transmitter battery is supposed to be good for 2500 or 1500 depending on the type - get on the makers website. I just replaced my transmitter and i am much happier now - back to accurate readings.
  • That is awesome! Thanks for sharing and inspiring the rest of us!
  • i hear what you are saying - however, aside from being self-deluding which we can all be about our flaws including our weight sometimes, I think in general it's kind of obvious if you are overweight and its kind of obvious you need to do something about it. People are more focused on their lives and careers and families…
  • my husband quit by using SNUSS. Look into it. research says it is not bad for you.
  • almost forgot - EGGS!
    in Iron Comment by JaneWrastle October 2011
  • No joke, i have read that cooking food in an iron skillet allows food to absorb natural iron. Salmon! spinach - but you get more out of it when it is cooked! surprisingly - dark chocolate - real chocolate (like it says cocoa butter in the ingredients), i have found in one serving there is 15% of daily recommended intake of…
    in Iron Comment by JaneWrastle October 2011
  • i feel you, when my hrm started cutting out - i got furious - like swearing up a storm threatening to quit the workout all together - i blame it on the adrenaline! good for you that you kept going!
  • that's my understanding as well, anytime you challenge your body to have to regulate it's temperature - you are burning more calories.
  • To keep my energy up i track protein and iron. to make sure i am keeping the bones strong - calcium, to make sure i keep things moving along fiber. i eat a lot of natural food so i don't track sugar. i have an unhealthy little snack once a day, but tracking my sugar won't make me stop doing that ;) ha
  • BEANS! Bags and cans full - garbanzo, kidney, black, cannolini. make burritos, rice & beans, hummus. NUTS - walnut and apple salad, almonds for snacks, brazilian nuts are supposed to be full of selenium! pecans in salad! these things may be a tad pricey at once, but you buy it in bulk and it lasts for a long time and you…
  • Wow, you are amazing! Thanks for sharing!
  • A lesson from PT & getting my small butt a little bigger: I had runner's knee - otherwise known as PFS (Patela Femeral Sydrome) - or something - i'm no expert. i went to my Physical therapist and she explained to me that my femer was turning inward b/c my glutes weren't strong enough to keep it inline, this is a problem a…
  • Awesome.....thanks for sharing! We need positive reinforncement! I love the feeling when i bound up the steps that i don't feel like i'm dragging a 20 lb weight with me anymore. I love the fact that when i run i don't feel tired right away i love the fact that i can fit into jeans that i haven't in years i love looking at…
  • work in snacks that aren't healthy routinely so you won't feel deprived and go on a binge....but make sure the snacks are small and don't take you over your calorie allotment for the day :)
  • anything by david guetta two door cinama remixes and song titles from my recent playlist Don't Stop The Party The World Is Mine Zero 76 Super Bass Hot by Inna Caipirinha Walking On A Dream (Treasure Fingers Remix) On The Floor Make Some Noise We No Speak Americano Pon de Replay (Album Version) A City In Florida Selling…
  • I will be doing the balitmore one. we'll see how it goes - i don't really want to deal with zombies at 930am ;P
  • Agreed - workout, it helps you feel back in control, and here's the thing let's be realistic - you're going to binge now and then - whether it be accidentally at a wedding on the weekend or you are going thru your cycle and cannot resist chocolate cake. After binging every other weekend and falling off the fitness wagon…
  • inhumanity of the meat industry is a good one, but also the environmental cost...there's a ton of reasons, to be honet, i am a bit of a hypocrit, i am not a vegatarian. i believe in trying to eat meat less and hopefully from a responsible provider. if you talk to a nutritionist they may tell you that the amount and…
  • if you have enough discipline to work out at home, do it. I did it in the morning for months and really enjoyed it. On one hand it seems really challenging, esp. watching in shape people do it, on the other hand, to watch them is motivating since you probably wouldn't work as hard without feeling the need to at least try…
  • I will have to get some time to read that article but have you heard of the book the Zone - it touches on this concept and i, for one, am a believer. I am ADD and without diet and exercise my head is just in the clouds all day and then getting back to earth is overwhelming and frustrating, but medication seems to just…