For those that don't eat meat, explain your reasoning

joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
I'm genuinely interested in hearing your answers. Also for those of you that don't eat meat, do you eat eggs? ;)

Oh and let's try to keep it clean. I know it might be difficult for some of you fine people, but let's have an intelligent conversation about this. ;)



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I don't eat chicken unless its in the form of buffalo wings because chicken is nasty when its not covered in greasy spice. Does that count?
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Started with being diagnosed with cancerous cells. After 5 surgeries and no change i started doing my own research. After quitting all meat except fish... My 6 month checkup was clean. That was 7 years ago. Healthy ever since. NOW its a combo of healthy eating and my own ethical feelings on killing. I try very hard to never push my opinion on people, but if they are serioulsy interested i will converse with them.
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    I'm allergic to eggs, so no, I do not eat them.

    As far as meat father made a crude joke about where my hamburger came from when I was 10. I was horrified, and said I was never going to eat meat again. Thinking it was a "phase", my parents "supported" it by making me protein-rich alternatives, thinking it would only last a week or so. I'm 27 now, and still haven't touched the stuff again. Knowing about the horrors of how meat is now mass produced in this country (for the most part) really bothers me, so I'm happy with my decision.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    long ago when I went about 6 months without eating meat, I ate cheese and dairy in moderation,. I did not eat eggs. I only did it to see how long I could do it. No emotional or rational reasoning. The book Fit for Life will help id you do want to go this route. Eat what makes you happy and satisfied. Just not too much!
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I don't eat red meat because I don't digest it well, and let's just say nobody needs to experience me when that happens. I eat chicken and turkey, and yes, eggs.

    If I could, I'd eat a steak tomorrow.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Oh...and i did quit fish. I eat eggs and cheese, but am very careful about the sources i buy them from.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    yes...'splain yourselves!
  • I stopped eating meat when I was 9. I never liked it, and that's the age my parents stopped forcing me to eat it... if you don't like brussel sprouts no one freaks out when you don't eat them......
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I don't eat meat cause it doesn't taste nice. That's my main reason. Vegetarian food just tastes better.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i personally am vegan. i dont eat, use, wear anything associated with a living creature. i also dont do honey or certain things like red dye 40 since thats actually ground up beetles, not to be gross. my reasoning is because i dont think anybody should suffer, including animals. i wouldnt do that to my cat or dog, so i wont do that to anything else. with all the alternatives, theres no reason not to. i dont care why people dont eat animals, im just glad they dont. whatever reason is a great reason to me. i am not here to judge, as i wish people wouldnt judge me as well, so to each his own, but i wish nothing/nobody had to suffer.
  • I am vegan for a variety of reasons. The largest reason is that I cannot consciously support the factory farming industry. I believe it to be cruel and inhumane. And I refuse to support it with my hard-earned dollars.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I stopped eating meat when I was 9. I never liked it, and that's the age my parents stopped forcing me to eat it... if you don't like brussel sprouts no one freaks out when you don't eat them......

    Oh that's so true! If you don't like veggies everyone understands because they are supposed to taste 'yuck'. But if you don't like chicken cause it tastes like nothingness with a side of stringy, then there's something wrong with you apparently.

    Vegetables - they just taste better.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Started with being diagnosed with cancerous cells. After 5 surgeries and no change i started doing my own research. After quitting all meat except fish... My 6 month checkup was clean. That was 7 years ago. Healthy ever since. NOW its a combo of healthy eating and my own ethical feelings on killing. I try very hard to never push my opinion on people, but if they are serioulsy interested i will converse with them.

    Do you mind posting cited studies and proven research that shows eating red meat causes cancer?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Watching Bambi as a little kid and seeing Bambi's mother shot, after that i never wanted another animal hurt
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    also, as naively as it sounds, i honestly didnt know how the animals were killed. i actually thought they were euthanized and when i found out how, i stopped that minute. also, when my mom said, what do you think they do with the animals after they cant produce anymore, i stopped being vegetarian and went to vegan.
  • inhumanity of the meat industry is a good one, but also the environmental cost...there's a ton of reasons, to be honet, i am a bit of a hypocrit, i am not a vegatarian. i believe in trying to eat meat less and hopefully from a responsible provider. if you talk to a nutritionist they may tell you that the amount and frequency with which americans eat meat is ridiculous. it is hardly sustainable let alone in a humane manner. But more so, we just weren't meant to eat THAT much meat. I try to be a vegetarian during the week for the most part. on the weekends if we are out i won't throw a fuss about eating pepperoni pizza or when invited to someone's house for dinner. i love meat and i will probably never stop eating it but that doesn't mean i can't try to eat it more responsibly :)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I don't eat meat cause it doesn't taste nice. That's my main reason. Vegetarian food just tastes better.

    Do you eat fish at all?
  • Melinda91
    Melinda91 Posts: 51 Member
    I have never liked meat! I eat dairy and eggs (only in recipes) My big thing is I don't care for vegetables to much, but I ADORE fruit! Im a huge animal lover, so that definatly has alot to do with why i dont eat meat.
  • Read "The China Study". Then, we'll talk. BTW, love your photo :) 300 is my all time favorite movie!
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    I was raised vegetarian-ish, but tried meats throughout my childhood. As an adult, i'm vegetarian because i think it's healthier overall for me, i think that factory farming is profoundly inhumane, and i think that raising meat in quantity is just too ecologically devastating for me to feel justified in putting my money into the industry. i was vegan for a decade, and still eat a primarily vegan diet (though i eat goat cheese from a local farm and eggs from my mom's chickens). it really comes down to the fact that i don't think meat is food. it doesn't look like food, it doesn't sound like food, it doesn't smell like food. it's just deadness.