

  • Yes! What she said. The ingredient escapes my mind at the moment but it is something that will fill you up and let you sleep good at the same time. Oatmeal is the answer.
  • Sometimes when we're hungry like that, it's really our body telling us it's thirsty! So you really really realllllly want some food? Slam a 32 oz of water and wait a minute or so. If you're still hungry, then drink some MORE.
  • I'm in the same boat as you are. If it gets past 8pm, I won't eat very much at all. Fibers and oats become my friend at that point. I also wait 45 minutes before I hit the sack. Judging by your method, it seems you'll be okay as long as you don't put anything bad into your body at such a later point of the night..
  • Welcome to MFP. Weight loss is a bit difficult but making the lifestyle changes necessary is the only way you'll reap the benefits of your hard work! Looking forward to your posts.
  • Things like this tend to happen but as long as it doesn't become habitual, you should be just fine. Clear the slate and start with a workout tomorrow morning, if feasible. That will jump start your metabolism from the comfort of sweet potato pie!
  • well, it's wasteful for one but personally, I couldn't do it without just eating the darn things. It's difficult for other folks though and can understand the problem. Best wishes towards you
  • I honestly did just pick it up in a flash but didn't drink a substantial amount. For one, it tasted really sweeter than usual and it wasn't that great tasting.
  • Eat dark chocolate instead.
  • Knocked off two miles of running and some pushups, still 900 calories under my daily amount and now dinner is approaching. Feel like a rock star, man! :happy:
  • 2 miles with a 20lb Gold's Gym vest completed! I've also pumped out some pushups and now it's time for some dinner!
  • Thanks for all the replies. I work next to a Movie Gallery so when I stop in there for something to drink, I picked up a Vitamin Water. Not three sips before my boss catches me and tells me to drink regular water instead. I threw the sugary filled blasphemy but just wondered why this product is so popular nowadays.
  • My family and co-workers have discouraged me from touching this product. My boss made a comment that it was #2 on a top five list for worst beverages on the market right now. Judging by the sugar I've seen on the nutrition label, I'm not too surprised should this be true. Any thoughts?
  • Whey Protein Shakes Tuna Eggs I find the shakes are usually my best bet.
  • Acai is usually the boost my girlfriend needs when her time of the month is around. I'd recommend tricking your mind and saying you'll only do half of your routine, then just play it by ear at that point. Hope you feel better.
  • That's the attitude I like! Welcome aboard!
  • Just got done updating my iPod for the gym in half an hour....will update this by then! :glasses: :happy:
  • Honestly, this sounds like an intense internal conflict I've had with myself many times, even to this day. Make a decision. Not tomorrow, not after that last serving of cake, NOW! Plan out your meals in advance so you can binge on those and not feel guilty. Get snacks like almonds, oatmeal or something that is fulfilling…
  • Dark chocolate M&M's are usually the treat I fancy. It's the Almond Joy and Snickers I gotta stay away from... :wink:
  • Whey Protein Shakes! one scoop of protein 6 oz of yogurt 1 cup of fruit of your choice 1 1/2 cup of 2% milk EQUALS PURE BLISS :smile:
  • Brut Zardetto Prosecco - Sparkling White Wine, 3 oz has only 60 calories based on the counter here at the site. If that's not your flavor, try entering your brand name on the food calculator. Do some online research if your brand isn't available and add the nutrition label into the database. Oh, and WELCOME! :) :drinker:…
  • Isn't it awesome when that happens? I come out of the store with a glow. Congrats! Keep fighting the good fight.
  • Inform your charming little sis that based on medical statistics, she'll most likely crash back into all the weight lost (sometimes more) on a crash diet or plunge into a dangerous situation with her body and well being. If she thought she was depressed before, wait until her body starts demanding the nourishment it…
  • Congratulations on your new mission. You'll find that a complete lifestyle change is necessary because fatal health problems only come along at that point. God bless you, you're in my prayers for success.
  • I never thought it was arduous drinking 8 cups of water until I came upon this site. I'm barely hitting 8 even though it's such a substantial source to losing weight! Thank you for reminding me just how important water is to our bodies.
  • For the past week, I had the same attitude actually. I felt like I had exhausted all methods of losing weight and my patience just wasn't having it anymore. I avoided this site because I know of the accountability it offers and just had enough. And then something CLICKED. I took one deep long stare in the mirror. I…
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your struggle. I have confidence that you can subjugate these trials and tribulations, as you've walked a rugged path already. Remember that losing the weight is something no one can take away from you. Focus on eating enough so your body may replinish itself from the workouts. My prayers go your…
  • The accountability from this site is incredible. I praise your outlook and dedication towards keeping yourself in check. More power to you. :drinker:
  • One thing I learned the hard way is having a good pair of running shoes. In all my weight loss endeavors, I've usually wore my casual Chuck Taylors in physical activity. The blisters and sore spots became enough and I got a pair of comfortable inexpensive adidas.
  • I hate the way temptation crawls around the bend like that on us. I was in a little bit of a rutt as of late but thankfully, my two day streak into redemption through sweat has become something of a divine intervention for me. I definitely send you my regards and best of luck!
  • Before I go in the shower, I nuke some oatmeal. When I get out, I throw some fresh/frozen strawberries and a splenda. While I do the finishing touches, I eat it or take it to go at work in the back office breakroom. :drinker: Whey Protein shakes are the best and quick!