Anyone up for a challenge?



  • I'm game. Let's give our bodies the nourishment it deserves!

    Workout Agenda:

    100 pushups per day (25 each set)
    Arm Curls
    Prisoner Squats
    Running 2 to 4 miles (with 20lb Gold's Gym vest on)
    100 situps


    Oatmeal/toast/Whey Protein Shake for breakfast

    Turkey Sandwich with blue corn tortilla chips

    Steak/Ground Beef cooked on George Foreman Grill

    Whey Protein Shake
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    i lost 3-6 2-6, although my net play rocked. Now, if only i could get my serves right...:grumble:

    We played 2 hours, and i am sooooo tired, but good tired. Drank all my water, ate beautifully today, hooray for me!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hey watermelon! just tell us your goals and check back in often!

    If anyone knows how to start a thread, help me do that, or tell me how or whatever. WHat is the point of starting a thread?

    See y'all tomorrow

    2 hours... great workout... you burned lots of calories! I played tonight for the first time in a loooooong time. I was huffin and puffin, but it sure was fun! My game needs a lot of work, but after playing a few times, it will begin to come back!

    To start a new thread, just go to Message Boards and click on Exercise and Fitness and at the top right there is a place to start a new topic. We probably need to give our challenge a name and start a new thread each week so that we can all locate it easily.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Goal 4-5 days work out


    40 minute walking
    15 minutes biking

  • That sounds so awesome. I need someone to hold me accountable. Cause I obviously don't do it for myself..... yet! Okay. Today day 1 I'm at 313 pounds! I've got to loose 163! I need to commit to not eating when I get off of workat 11 or midnight, to sticking with my calorie allowance, and to popping in some form of exercise tape before my kids wake up.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Hello gameset! :smile: I would love to join your challenge group :bigsmile:

    My weekly exercise goals are:
    Walking 20 min *6
    Cardio 45 min *3 (tae bo or cycling)
    Pilates/Yoga 30 min *3
    Strength training 30 min *3

    My food goals are simple:
    healthy foods+measuring portion sizes= staying within my net calorie intake!

    My biggest temptations are beer and chocolate, but I must give myself a "cheat" every now and then:drinker: (Not to mention a reward for all my hard work!!) So, moderation and self-control are two big things I will also be working out (pun intended :laugh: )
  • That sounds so awesome. I need someone to hold me accountable. Cause I obviously don't do it for myself..... yet! Okay. Today day 1 I'm at 313 pounds! I've got to loose 163! I need to commit to not eating when I get off of workat 11 or midnight, to sticking with my calorie allowance, and to popping in some form of exercise tape before my kids wake up.

    Congratulations on your new mission. You'll find that a complete lifestyle change is necessary because fatal health problems only come along at that point. God bless you, you're in my prayers for success.
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Welcome to overthehillsandfaraway, soup78, & MommyWilson... so glad you are joining us!

    Today I walked 3.5 miles... will probably go for a short walk after dinner tonight and do some push ups.

    Good luck everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic Tuesday! :bigsmile:
  • Knocked off two miles of running and some pushups, still 900 calories under my daily amount and now dinner is approaching. Feel like a rock star, man! :happy:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hello everybody!! This is getting to be quite the group!! We need a name so we can start a thread to post to... Suggestions, please!!!!

    Okay this weeeks goal is to walk 4= times, 45 mins
    Also, start the hundred pushups thing- Tue, Thur, sat.
    Tennis 2 times, pilates, 20 min 3 times.
    Food: Drink all my water, RECORD EVERYTHING, stay in my calorie budget.

    SO: DAy 1 Tennis 2 hours, all water, in food range
    DAY 2: Walk 50 min, some sit ups on the sidelines at football practice.....but went thru wendy's drive thru on the way home... i have been craving a burger all day- did not get fries- so i think i blew it. But we will see.

    i am thinking i should join my sons 4th grade football team- holy cow, the coach had them running all over th place- poor kids!!
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Goal 4-5 days work outs


    25 minute biking
    25 minutes lower body weights

  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Good Morning my fellow challengers! :wink:

    Today I am looking forward to a vigorous TaeBo workout of 45 min! I can burn off almost a days worth of calories with this one, yipee :happy: It's raining right now so I'll have to skip my morning walk....we'll see how the weather is tonight.

    Hey, some group name suggestions: Generating Results, or Exercise Boosters, or Achieving Our Goals....let's find something that keeps everyone motivated everytime we log on! :bigsmile:
  • honeybunchthree
    honeybunchthree Posts: 76 Member
    Hi I am ready for that challenge.

    What I am doing:
    Cut my calorie intake in half
    No sweets or carbonated drinks
    60 minutes of cardio per day

    I have lost 16 pounds and have 50 more to go!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning all!!! Welcome honey bunch

    Yes, i am very chipper this morning- i killed two proverbial birds with one stone- i walked my son over to his playdate (3 mile roundtrip, plus 0ne extra), added another mile on the way home, and spent some time with my older son while doing it!!! The boys rode their bikes while i walked- i HATE riding!!

    So Day 3: 70 mins walk, and a whole day ahead of me!!:smile::smile: :smile:

    I like the group name Generating Results, what do y'all think??

    have a good day y'all :flowerforyou:
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    I like Generating Results as well...

    I haven't exercised yet, but plan on 20-25 minutes on stationary bike + 25 BL sculpting dvd... It is sooooooo hot hot and humid here now. I didn't get out to walk this morning because I had an appointment... Maybe walk tonight? I'll check in later and post when finished.
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Change of plans today...

    I bought the 30 Day Shred today at the grocery store, so I decided to give it a try. I completed Level 1 (it was tough) then I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike.

    I feel good! :happy:
  • Woke up feeling spectacular.

    Still have 500 cals and my workout to go, stuck here at work for the time being. My optimism is at it's peak today and I am looking forward to some sweat after work.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Goal 4-5 days workout


    I will be going to Laser tag with work tonight, I'm going to classify as exersice. About 45 minutes of running around and chasing people.

  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Just took the dogs and the kids for a walk- 45 mins- why did i think it would be fun?????:grumble:

    Oh well, all in th ename of execise, i guess :)
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    I did the Shred Level 1 + 30 min on stationary bike...

    I won't be checking in Friday, Saturday, or Sunday... My sis and I are heading down to Cincinnati for the ATP tennis tournament. We will do lots of walking around the site, and they do have subway as an option for food. I will try my best to be good, but the beer tent often calls our names! :drinker:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    have s fun weekend!!!

    Resist the urge to visit the beer tent.... too often...
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