Anyone up for a challenge?

gameset Posts: 100 Member
Hi! I am a newbie, looking to form a support group- i.e. motivate each other towards a goal- eg exercise 5 times in a week, have a 95% perfect week etc.

Anyone game?:bigsmile:


  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I am a newbie, looking to form a support group- i.e. motivate each other towards a goal- eg exercise 5 times in a week, have a 95% perfect week etc.

    Anyone game?:bigsmile:
  • northernmama705
    Sure!! Looking at your profile and goals, we are similar. I had 26 to lose and am at my half way point. You will love this site!!

    Here are my goals
    Cardio X5 (am already doing this faithfully but have had no weight loss for 4-5 weeks) so I am going to try to mix it up. I have added squash and think I will try swimming too

    My new goal is to add:
    strength training 2-3 times a week (I signed up with a trainer for 6 sessions to "show me the ropes")
    participate in 100 push up challenge X3 per week

    Good luck and keep in touch!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Okay- here goes-

    My goal for the next week:
    Walking 45 min *5
    Yoga/ Pilates 20 min *5
    cardio/ Tennis *2
    To drink 8 glasses of water a day
    To limit the sweet snax (healthy choice, of course!)to once day.

    I am going back to basics, and starting from scratch to get myself going...

    Okay, Northernmama- lets do it!
  • judys
    judys Posts: 16
    i think i'm down for that challenge can i join you?
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member

    Just list your goals, give us updates and feedback, we will do the same.
    We should think ofa name for our Challenge group???
  • andrea2008
    I would also love to join in the challenge!!!! my goal is to do cardio 5 times a week and pilates 3 times a week. :smile:
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    I am in another challenge that will be ending soon, so I would love to join this one as well...

    Exercise goals...
    Walking-- 5 times a week (3+ miles)
    Push ups--25 per day (modified)
    Strength Training--Power Sculpt DVD-- 3 times per week
    Tennis -- when possible

    Food goals...
    Remain within my allowed calories
    Eat my exercise calories... this is sometimes hard to do
    Drink 8+ glasses of water each day
    Eat plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein
    Limit sweets
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome everybody!!
  • judys
    judys Posts: 16
    OK here i go

    Exercies goals..................
    running 5 times a week
    crunches 50 a day
    cardio two times a week ........Tae Bo tape

    food goals
    TRYING to drink 8 glasses of water a
    sticking to my calories
    limit my sweets to almost none at all
    eat more fruits/veggies

    trying to meditate at night before i go to bed so i can sleep better
  • judys
    judys Posts: 16
    question how do you eat your exercise calories?
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    question how do you eat your exercise calories?

    basically a very long winded way its this

    when you come in here, you log in both your food and exercise for the day
    you'll notice when logging in your exercise it shows that you burnt a certain amount of calories for that exercise, technically you're supposed to eat these exercise calories, the site actually allows for this itself
    you'll notice on the days you've logged in your exercise that your food dairy has already added these exercise calories (and theres a note at the bottom saying how many calories has been added)
    some people call them "bonus calories"

    i'd post link to threads where banks explains this and why you should (which you should, people on here will testify to that) but i dont know where those threads are

    sorry i rambled, but its late and i'm tired:yawn: if you have anymore questions, i'm sure there'll be smarter people along later to answer any questions you have, good luck, have fun with your new lifestyle and welcome to the site:flowerforyou:
  • debsgoal115
    hi there! this is my second week on and I would love to join this group!
    my challenge with another group is ending this week, but I want to join for next week.
    My goals -
    exercise 5 times for at least 30 minutes
    eat within my calorie limits
    drink 8 glasses of water a day

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Day 1 i walked for 40 minutes- yay me, only got in 6 waters, but did well foodwise yesterday!!
    Day 2_ i played Tennis this morning- 4-6 and 5-1- whew- i may have a chance at my match next week!! and have done great foodwise today- but are going out for dinner- and tailgating before?????? Sound like overkill. Will not eat anymore till i go out- just coffee or water!!

    How is everyone else hanging in there?
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Good for you!!

    Day 1...Walked 3.25 miles + 25 modified pushups, stayed within calories, drank lots of water

    Day 2...Walked 2 miles + BL Power Sculpt Level 2... cook out tonight... fish, potatoes, salad, beer... ohhh beer... I'm saving calories for a couple!

    Good luck everyone!
  • northernmama705
    Me? So far so good!!

    Worked out with my new trainer for 1 hour
    Stayed within calories
    Needed to drink more water though!!

    Is my "rest day" but I did do the 30 day SHRED - first time and I really liked it. Was a good workout and burned 185 cals in 20 minutes - which is a bonus!
    Drinking more water today too.

    No formal workout BUT I will walk 18 hole golf course - My brother-in-law died 5 years ago of cancer (at age 39) and we hold a charity golf tourney in his honour. We have raised over $100 000 in the past 4 tourneys. Tomorrow is number 5!! I will try to not drink too many bevies on the course - and will stick to lite beer. :drinker: Also I will try to drink lots of water!!
  • northernmama705
    Good for you!!

    Day 1...Walked 3.25 miles + 25 modified pushups, stayed within calories, drank lots of water

    Day 2...Walked 2 miles + BL Power Sculpt Level 2... cook out tonight... fish, potatoes, salad, beer... ohhh beer... I'm saving calories for a couple!

    Good luck everyone!

    How do you like the Power Sculpt?
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hey- sorry about your B-I-L- i will think of you tomorrow. The picture of you and your little on is great!! Such a cutie!
    Natalie- you have a great smile- it catches my eye everytime!!

    way to go ladies!! You are inspiring me- maybe i will get up early enough to do cardio tennis! I am having such a hard time getting up- don't know what i am going to do when school starts in a couple of weeks!!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Good for you!!

    Day 1...Walked 3.25 miles + 25 modified pushups, stayed within calories, drank lots of water

    Day 2...Walked 2 miles + BL Power Sculpt Level 2... cook out tonight... fish, potatoes, salad, beer... ohhh beer... I'm saving calories for a couple!

    Good luck everyone!

    How do you like the Power Sculpt?

    I like it! I've just added Level 2 and heavier weights over the past week. It's tough, but it goes by really fast... 40 minutes with warmup, level 1, level 2, and cool down...

    I think it is such a tribute to honor your BIL with a golf tourney. What a nice way to honor his memory and help others. I wish you all much success this year!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Hey- sorry about your B-I-L- i will think of you tomorrow. The picture of you and your little on is great!! Such a cutie!
    Natalie- you have a great smile- it catches my eye everytime!!

    way to go ladies!! You are inspiring me- maybe i will get up early enough to do cardio tennis! I am having such a hard time getting up- don't know what i am going to do when school starts in a couple of weeks!!

    awww... thanks!

    Are you a teacher? I am, and I dread getting up to go to work when school starts. I live for summer!

    Enjoy the tennis! I'm heading down to Cincinnati next weekend for the ATP tournament there... It's always such a good time!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    I could really use another challenge b/c I'm finding the more I have to check in, the more accountable I seem to be. (Also, all the time at the computer is time that my hands are too busy to stuff my face!).

    Here are my goals for the week (will be tough b/c we'll be on vacation and I don't know if I'll have internet access):

    NO alcohol
    NO soda
    NO caffeine

    Exercise every day -- at home: treadmill and power sculpt DVD (I love it, too! I find the instructor for Level 2 slightly annoying and Level 3 is a killer!!!! But I am so happy when I do that DVD b/c when I put it in for the first time 7 weeks ago, I sat and watched it b/c I could not do one rep of anything!!! Now, I'm adding weights and truly working up a tee-shirt soaking sweat!). On vaca: either elliptical in the fitness center (if it's raining) or hike . . .

    Eat all my calories (including my exercise calories)

    Today has been a great day so far. I feel committed!!!!

    Thanks for starting this group!:smile: