

  • I haven't read all the threads except the original post. I have had a Wii Fit since April and love it. It actually is very motivating and provides that necessary boost whenever I feel like slacking off. Count me in. 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day.
  • I took a hiatus myself just based on job promotion, heavy schedule and got a new PC. I managed to gain weight but am back and educated on how to turn this from a "diet" into a LIFESTYLE. Good luck to all your endeavors !
  • I usually have a banana because it's easier to digest, especially since my stomach is so sensitive in the morning. I just try to avoid it all together until the workout is over. Hope this helps.
  • My account has remained dormant for the past month because of so many events. Unfortunately, I haven't updated my journal in a span of time but I haven't done too much damage. Regardless, it's nice to be back and hope everyone is doing successful in their journey to a healthier life. That being said, tomorrow I am…
  • I've been on this board for awhile but had a lot of family issues and what not. Now I'm back and my fire is burning for my trail of glory. After these past years of lifestyle change, FINALLY, something clicked inside me. My passion, my motivation, the instinct or feeling that triggered this lifestyle change to being with.…
  • It's amazing how much we underestimate pullsup, eh? I used to crack out 7 in a single session but due to my recent laziness for the past three months, I'm surprised I can still do at least one. Congrats to you pal! Here's to us pulling ourselves up more often!
  • for the past year, I've faced some of the biggest battles you can encounter within a lifespan. I've also come to the stone cold realization that the perpetrator of those wars sometimes was myself. I took my dramatic weight loss for granted and I begin to resort to careless tactics healthwise. Well, I refuse to live like…
  • setting up for another two miles and some serious weightlifting again. cheers!
  • It's rough but you're definitely on the right path. Keep the faith and strive for nothing less of success. There will be rough days but once you've subjugated those tribulations, you'll definitely start seeing the results you've been working so hard for.
  • You guys all rock, regardless if there was only one person's point of view I didn't agree with but definitely respected for posting. Two mutual best friends have arranged for her and I to get together and talk this evening. I will stand my ground. I wish I could be a heartless jerk and just write her off like a bad check…
  • Okay, so here's an update :explode: : Last night I came home from a 10 hour shift. I hate PORK. The night before, the girlfriend had made chops and left the pan in the sink, along with Tuna Helper :indifferent: . When I got home last night, it smelled soooooooooo bad. Her backpack of clothes was tossed on the floor and I…
  • My girlfriend is a wonderful girl. She's got a great sense of humor, she's very smart when she applies herself, she has an adorable smile and her company is something I enjoy. That being said, I'm at my wits end with her laziness. Now, I'll be the first to admit it, I'm a procrastinator and sometimes can be messy. But…
  • Your husband is in my prayers. Pack as many filling snacks as you can. Relax and take a walk, I admire your concern for your family but you have to look after yourself as well, as arduous as it probably is lately.
  • High fives to you and your wife's better judgment. This is only the tip of the iceberg and look forward to hearing more great updates on you folks.
  • I just got done running 2 miles with a 20lb Gold's Gym vest and twenty minutes of weight training. It would have almost been the perfect workout if I hadn't dropped my iPod on the treadmill. It fell in between the crack and took me ten minutes, a lot of cussing and a screwdriver before I finally got it out. Now, I'm eating…
  • In no particular order, these are the ones that I had a couple of tears stroll down my face: The Freedom Writers Schindler's List The Pianist The Passion of the Christ
  • :smile: every Thursday night I take off all my clothes randomly in my apartment hallway and stand on that scale. sometimes I'm happy and sometimes I come out pissed off. This last Thursday, I was pretty happy.
  • It's been five years since I've had any type of soda. Yesterday was the first time I had a diet Pepsi. Upon starting this lifestyle change, when I gave up soda, I lost 25lbs alone on that so it really showed me how much that has affected my body. Now, I avoid it like the plague. I prefer Diet Green Tea, Propel or Crystal…
  • It happened to me with my classmates. I was fortunate to get along with every clique and social group. But NOW, they're wanting to hang out and be just more than classmates. Sorry, you had your chance. :laugh:
  • at least you care, my good friend is a social worker and she tells me of the abuse children are enduring nowadays.
  • Remedy by The Black Crowes Under my Umbrella by incubus Helter Skelter by the Beatles The Rover by Led Zeppelin Roadhouse Blues by the Doors You Won't Know by Brand New
  • You've got the right idea but for myself, personally, it's 50/50. Maintaining good eating habits is very crucial to our bodies development. However, exercise helps break plateau's and is really good for you mentally and physically. I like your discipline towards your eating. That is something really important in…
  • Definitely something I need to rectify for myself. Thanks for an awesome post, made my night.
  • Based on my experience, weight training helped me lose 75lbs and continues to be beneficial. I've been slacking but I usually feel an endorphin rush right afterwards. Make sure to start off where it's not so darn difficult. I went into it thinking I could lift a house and learned a lesson the hard way. I run and weight…
  • What a bunch of troglodytes. Their little simple minds can't comprehend reciprocity and decide to act like morons at someone else's expense. Little do they know that karma is REAL and I'd hate to be in their worthless little shoes when it all falls down on them. Sad, really. Sorry about your ride.
  • The battle will only be lost with your consent. Bad days suck but it can't overcome the mission and vision you have set for yourself. Why turn back now after your awesome progress? No, I say you rebuke the thought of giving up and remain focused. You've already sweat and endured pain and now a bad day has got you on the…
  • Woke up feeling spectacular. Still have 500 cals and my workout to go, stuck here at work for the time being. My optimism is at it's peak today and I am looking forward to some sweat after work.
  • I did the exact thing for the past week. Back on my third day, going strong and kicking butt more than ever. The same applies for you! No more procrastinating our health, no more beating around the bush and no more slacking off! We will do this!
  • My prayers go out towards you and your father. It's difficult dealing with alcoholism at any level but at this juncture, you've been a really great daughter and it's something I commend you for. The tribulations in these life can be so overwhelming but keep the faith for a good recovery. Pray that clarity sets forth and…
  • awesome, I just updated my pics as well! good job there!