I think I've lost the battle....

I ate over 1 thousand cal. OVER my limit today. I am dying from this, I feel like a failure.:cry: My doctorhas made me stay in bed type of deal because my back is having continuous spasms so I am on pain meds and all I do with this is EAT and EAT and EAT:grumble: . I feel like I am going to EXPLODE:explode: What am I doing? I am at a loss right now as to what to do.....do I not eat anything tomorrow or what. You can not say this is falling off the wagon this is eating the wagon for goodness sake. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!:sad:


  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    I ate over 1 thousand cal. OVER my limit today. I am dying from this, I feel like a failure.:cry: My doctorhas made me stay in bed type of deal because my back is having continuous spasms so I am on pain meds and all I do with this is EAT and EAT and EAT:grumble: . I feel like I am going to EXPLODE:explode: What am I doing? I am at a loss right now as to what to do.....do I not eat anything tomorrow or what. You can not say this is falling off the wagon this is eating the wagon for goodness sake. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!:sad:
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    Eat tomorrow for sure. Just stay in your calorie range. It takes 3500 cal to gain 1 pound, so you haven't done enough harm yet. Get back on track tomorrow!!! That stinks that you are stuck in bed, but don't let it ruin your efforts.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh honey...that is harsh!!!

    I'm sooo sorry you hurt your back!!! and pain med and bed....not fun girl!!!

    I know how you feel though...I've been having such a stressful week, I come here to unwind, but the second I'm off this site I just eat mindlessly to numb myself I think ....I just stopped myself and got online LOL...sigh....I'm exercising so I'm staying close to range but still this sucks! I can only imagine how you feel honey!!!

    Listen, I'm w/ you....fresh start Thursday....you in? I'll keep checking on you and making sure you're not eating out of boredom...and you do the same for me LOL...deal???

    Can you do anything while in bed, like cross stitch, word games, bead work...anything that keeps your hands busy and still rests your back....just a thought!

    thinkin of ya and sending hugs!
    Ali :drinker:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I did that last week.
    You just start again tomorrow.
    Don't beat yourself up, it usually leads to more destructive behavior.
    So you went over, just be really aware tomorrow.
  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for the support. I got up out of bed to come on this site and I actually logged in all the food I ate. I almost didn't but I know that I needed to see it right there in front of me. I think it is because I usually go to the gym every morning with my two boys (they can't even have fun outside because of me being stuck in bed). I also had HUGE blowout with the hubby because he went on a business and trip even though I am hurt....so the boys get stuck in the house because I can't even drive them to a sitter. What was nice is my sister took my oldest (5) to swim lessons tonight and kept him for about 2 hours. My little guy is 2 and doesn't care where he is as long as he is having fun. So while his borhter was out we sat together in my bed and watched 101 dalmations. I do get up what choice do I have, I have two boys to care for but then I sit down on my couch or somewhere as soon as there is pain. I was just asking my boys to get me snacks and of course they did.....but they can't the good stuff like milk for cereal so they reach for a cookie for their mommy. I of course should have done better!!!!!! Thank you for the support and I will be here for you ladies and gents as well whenever needed. :drinker: I will stick under the cals tomorrow. I will just stay away from the kids snacks and eat a apple and I will drink water like a fish. It will break my heart if I gain like all the weight back or even a pound will just kill me, I have worked so hard.:brokenheart: I will totally aware tomorrow, I have to stay off the meds tomorrow anyways because I need to drive to the store....we need healthy stuff we are all out.
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    I went over too today. I was feeling sick. (allergies?) Sore throat. Skipped my bike ride home. Took an hour nap.

    It happens.

    Sometimes just getting through today in one (aching) piece is enough.

    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Lisalanay
    Lisalanay Posts: 1 Member
    You have not the lost the battle because the battle is never over! It is only over in your mind. You need to ask yourself, Are you going to control life or are you going to let life control you? You can do this - don't let food control you. It's incredibly hard, believe I know. But you can beat this - you just need to replace food with something else that we save you from the boredom. I read and I read a lot of suspense and thrillers. They are exciting and they capture my attention so fully that I am distracted enough not to think about food. You need something like this in your life. If you want a recommendation of authors, let me know! Good luck and you have not lost the battle! You are stronger than food! You are in control.
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    Eat tomorrow for sure. Just stay in your calorie range. It takes 3500 cal to gain 1 pound, so you haven't done enough harm yet. Get back on track tomorrow!!! That stinks that you are stuck in bed, but don't let it ruin your efforts.

    And it takes 3500 cal burnt to lose one pound in a weeks time.. .... i just saw that on a show.. a good show actually i learned alot...... yes.. just follow you cals.. tomorrow... we all have days where we go over board. i suffered this whole week.. its ok... CHIN UP.... SMILE... AND BUT ON YOUR FIGHTING FACE!:explode:
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I'm sorry that today has not been as good as you needed. Forget today. We all need time to cheat. It reminds us why we do this torture, when a love affair with food is just as satisfying in the short run. Start fresh tomorrow.

    And just a thought. They had a news special on recently that discussed healthy foods. The higher the water content, the lower the calories. Like eggplant? Or squash? You can eat a bunch, get full and stay reasonably within your calorie range. Check the veggies.

    Also. I eat when I'm bored. Between that and my love affair with yummy foods (higher the fat, the yummier) I weigh more than I need to. As in my work uniform has gone several, shall we say, "upgrades?"

    In the meantime, get better sweetie. Backs are hard to work around...:ohwell:
  • overthehillsandfaraway
    The battle will only be lost with your consent. Bad days suck but it can't overcome the mission and vision you have set for yourself. Why turn back now after your awesome progress? No, I say you rebuke the thought of giving up and remain focused. You've already sweat and endured pain and now a bad day has got you on the edge of doing this all in vain? Yes, that broad path seems more appealing it's mundane and we know the result of that road.

    Your husband needs you. Your kids definitely need you. And most importantly, YOU need this for YOUR health and YOUR wellbeing. God bless you, my prayers are with you and I believe in your dedication to strive and win this battle.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Thank you for the support. I got up out of bed to come on this site and I actually logged in all the food I ate. I almost didn't but I know that I needed to see it right there in front of me. I think it is because I usually go to the gym every morning with my two boys (they can't even have fun outside because of me being stuck in bed). I also had HUGE blowout with the hubby because he went on a business and trip even though I am hurt....so the boys get stuck in the house because I can't even drive them to a sitter. What was nice is my sister took my oldest (5) to swim lessons tonight and kept him for about 2 hours. My little guy is 2 and doesn't care where he is as long as he is having fun. So while his borhter was out we sat together in my bed and watched 101 dalmations. I do get up what choice do I have, I have two boys to care for but then I sit down on my couch or somewhere as soon as there is pain. I was just asking my boys to get me snacks and of course they did.....but they can't the good stuff like milk for cereal so they reach for a cookie for their mommy. I of course should have done better!!!!!! Thank you for the support and I will be here for you ladies and gents as well whenever needed. :drinker: I will stick under the cals tomorrow. I will just stay away from the kids snacks and eat a apple and I will drink water like a fish. It will break my heart if I gain like all the weight back or even a pound will just kill me, I have worked so hard.:brokenheart: I will totally aware tomorrow, I have to stay off the meds tomorrow anyways because I need to drive to the store....we need healthy stuff we are all out.

    Good for you....you can do this....
    Take it easy so you mend..
    On days I can't/don't work out...I have to be really strict with calorie intake....trust me, I slip up all the time. However, I just keep swimmin and know that a slip up today shouldn't sink the boat tomorrow....or the next meal....etc
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Sorry you are feeling yucky! What about popcorn and tons of ice water? This is my "total useless pig out" item. When DH goes TDY and I just want to chow!!! :laugh: It fills me up but doesn't add many calories at all to my day. I munch on Act II 94% fat free. Would this help you? Good luck girlie! Just be patient...You can do this!!!
  • veracruz
    veracruz Posts: 104 Member
    I was given this quote from a coworker and keep it on my refrigerator.

    It's entitled: FORGIVE and FORGET:

    "Don't beat yourself up if something tempts you beyond control. Try taking an honest look at the triggers leading you off track and adoping an "I'm in control" attitude. Have an action plan handy, just in case you're tempted again. There's no need to worry or feel discouraged. One slip-up doesn't wipe out all of your good efforts."

    You sooo haven't given up. Your decision to go to the store tomorrow to get healthy snacks shows you're thinking is right back on track. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!

    That which does not kill us - makes us stronger! And we are going to come out of this stronger physically and mentally!! :happy: Good luck!
  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, well my back was hurting ALOT this Am so I put off going to the store and am still good on cals. My sodium intake is over though because all we had was lebonon bolangna for a sandwich so I had two pieces on some light bread. Anyways, my little guy is napping and my big guy is playing Wii (thank god for that thing right now). I usually only allow an hour a day but he is just going nuts this past two days so today I just said go ahead a play and now he is jumping and running playing tennis.:happy:

    So the hubby may come home tonight instead of tomorrow night because I called him ans was like you need to come home. I did not sleep one ounce last night. On a good note I did not gain anything YEAH!!!!

    So thank you to all:flowerforyou: . I felt like I wasn't alone and I really appreicate it.:smooched: Now to make myself feel better because I am supposed to see Avril tomorrow and then a baptism on Sun. I have got to try to get better, I just don't know what to do.