dpollet2 Member


  • I think different people need different kinds of feedback. I weigh every day, and it doesn't bother me if I gain a lb or 2, but I can definitely understand if this drives some people crazy. Everybody is different.
  • I'm on L2D7. I took one rest day once I finished level 1, and one at the end of last week because I was busy with finals. I'm also doing the Zombies, Run 5 k training. I started both on May 2. My right knee is giving me problems, but I can do the static exercises and some of the squats. I modify the ones that hurt too…
  • The polka dot bathing suit is so cute! Where did you get it??
  • I eat vegetarian about 90% of the time and only eat fish every now and then. I also cook for my family, and they all are meat eaters so I'm pretty good at replacing meat or finding a way to leave it out for myself. I do a pasta primavera with zucchini, squash, mushrooms, carrots, onions, and bell peppers. Saute the veggies…
  • This is not possible. Are we talking blood pH or the pH of your stomach acid because a 1 point difference in your blood will kill you (which is 7.4 btw, a difference of more than .2 can kill you.)
  • It is HOT here, so although I prefer to wear stretchy pants of some kind to hide the jiggle, I suck it up and wear Old Navy running shorts ($12 a pair!!). Sports bra and either a thin t-shirt or a tech shirt. LSU visor and sunglasses most days because it's hot and sunny. I have an arm band with my iphone in it for my…
  • I suggest a Coach to 5K app. Even if you aren't interested in actually running a race, it helps to increase your endurance. I'm doing the Zombies, Run! 5K training app now, and it really makes it more fun. I've run a bunch of 5K and 10K races, and 1 half marathon, and the best advice I got was to get good running shoes and…
  • You look great! And you are very brave to post your pics. I'm so inspired by the ladies on here that post their amazing before and afters, and I KNOW I should do it so that I can be that person for others, but I'm too scared. Thanks for posting!
  • Yep, I am a size 9 when significantly overweight or pregnant and a size 8.5 when at a normal weight. My feet are always wide though. :cry:
  • It depends. Sometimes he may be getting enough air to move his chest, but his O2 may still be dropping. It's harder to see that just watching him. It's called a hypopnea, which is a partial airway obstruction. If he is overweight and snores he will probably still qualify for a sleep study, and it can't hurt to get that…
  • Did you mean he stops breathing during the night? This is a witnessed apnea, and an indication that it is not just simple snoring. You may notice that he snores like a freight train and then the snoring stops and he just seems to be struggling to breath. He may take big gasping breaths at that time. This usually happens…
  • I am a RPSGT. You aren't crazy. People have suddenly died from sleep apnea, not to mention the myriad of other problems it exascerbates...high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. If your fiancee doesn't want to go get a sleep study, he may qualify for a home sleep test. In the mean time, he should try and sleep on his side and…
  • It depends on what kind of knee problems you have. I have had chondromalacia since I was a teenager, and there are exercises I can do to strengthen the tendons to help keep my knee cap from sliding the wrong way. I do run which is not great, but I just got one of those straps to support it which seems to help. A lot of…
  • I usually get Veggie Chop Suey with no noodles. It's very high in sodium though, so if you have issues with bloating this may not be too helpful. Most of the calories does come from the rice, so I usually just mix in a few tablespoons for the texture.
  • Makes me feel much better about the 1600 calories I ate at Yardhouse on Friday night! But seriously, if I were in your shoes, I would really be thinking about why I felt the urge to eat THAT much in one sitting. Was it a buffet full of your absolute favorite foods? Was it a restaurant you won't have access to for a long…
  • I ran this even a few months back. I did NOT like getting shocked! Watch out for the hanging metal wires, and have fun!
  • I'm on L1D10 and I'm down 1 inch in all my measurements except I'm down 3 inches in my bust. So far I'm liking the results.
  • My in-laws did Atkins. First of all, have you read the book? To do it right you're supposed to take tons of vitamins and supplements. I don't personally know anyone who's kept the weight off with it, but I'm sure there are people out there.
  • Even if you run just a little you will not come in last, so don't worry about that. I always found that I improved my time during a race because of the adrenalin at the beginning and the sense of competition with the other runners. I hadn't run in awhile and started doing the Zombie run training app too! I'm on Week 2 Run…
  • One good thing is that PCOS and insulin resistance do improve as you lose weight. It's getting it off that's the hard part!
  • That gives me a lot of hope! I have never been able to do a full push up and was hoping to start again at L1 with 5lb weights and attempt some full push ups.
  • You can really see it during the last episode when they announce the winner. Some of them chunk out pretty fast after they come back to the real world and can eat anything they want.
  • I think rest days become more and more important the harder you are working individual muscles. If you were using a huge amount of weight with the Shred, then you would probably need to rest in between. I'm using 3lbs which still leaves me with a burn, but I don't think I'm in much danger of overworking and hurting myself.…
  • I don't assume that anything is totally accurate so I always underestimate my calories burned and over estimate how many calories I eat to make sure I'm under. I'm losing pretty steadily so it seems to be working.
  • I like it because it feels so good to have a cool shower afterwards! Plus I didn't feel so sore after I worked out if I sat in the sauna for awhile afterwards, but that's probably totally a mental thing on my part.
  • Currently 198lb. and started running at 210lb. Start today. No excuses!
  • Getting sick is a huge tax on your body, and your immune system is probably still recovering. I would count your total recovery in months if you had something really nasty. Since I have asthma a mild cold would sometimes effect me for weeks after all my symptoms were gone. Take it easy and listen to your body for awhile.
  • When I started back up again, the first week all I did was log my food. I didn't change a thing about what or how much I was eating. That is a real wake up call! Plus it makes it easier to see what small changes you can make the next week.
  • My go-to snack for when I need a few more calories is fat free greek yogurt or natural peanut butter on whole wheat toast. Usually not enough calories is not my problem though!
  • It's not always true that people only gain the weight back by losing it irresponsibly. In 2010 I was 225lb. and decided I had to lose weight and get fit. I used MFP and started running. I lost 70 in a little over a year, and in Nov. 2011 ran my first half marathon. The next spring I started back to school, and I just did…