Do You Weigh Yourself?

trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
I don't because the scale caused me to go off too many diets.If I gained,it was "what's the use",
losing a couple pounds it was " now I can slack off & eat!".

What was I thinking? I wasn't. Just looking for another reason to stuff my face.

Knowing this time it's for my health has set me free.Doesn't matter what the scale says,eating healthy is where it's at for me.Having blood work & Dr's appt in mid June.Will see how I 'm doing,but nothing will change. Good for me....finally.


  • MadisonLeo
    MadisonLeo Posts: 89
    I understand. I weigh in every two or three weeks just to see my progress. If I do anymore than that, then when it doesn't move or goes up due to water gain, I would get discouraged. Whatever you have to do to keep at it, DO IT! Let your clothes falling off be your guide lol.
  • elisew34
    elisew34 Posts: 27
    I threw my scales away yesterday because I've become so obsessed with wanting to lose weight that I was stupidly weighing myself twice a day and I know that's not a healthy way to be. I was becoming frustrated with the way my clothes are clearly telling me that my weight is going down or at the least my body shape is changing, yet the scales 'told' me that my weight wasn't moving or was up by a couple of lbs.

    I'll weigh myself once a week as/when I am at my parents in future.
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 324 Member
    i weigh myself twice a day, everyday. once in the morning and once in the evening. i know some will see this as obessive, but it the way i stay on soon as i stop weighing myself EVERY DAY, thats when i start to put weight back on....when i stop weighing myself, it allows me to go into denial about making the wrong food choices. its how i stick to WOL helps to keep me conscious of everything i eat and motivated to excercise because...i know i have to answer to the scale twice a day.
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    I've sworn off the scale for the exact reasons you mentioned, OP. Weighing sets off a cascade of crazy number games in my head. When I weigh, I either feel disappointed and angry at myself that I didn't hit the number goal I set for myself (even though I trained hard and ate well) OR I lose more than I expected and "treat" myself. Weighing = Crazy for me. I'm trying so hard to focus on the process and how my clothes are fitting. Now a good day is any day that I eat right (not too hungry or over full) and get a good workout done. I know I'm losing, but don't know how much. I won't lie. It's not easy to stay away from the scale after all those years of obsessing over it, but it's for the best.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Scales suck. I take measurements.
  • Rasheeda118
    Rasheeda118 Posts: 4 Member
    I still do, I am working on stopping this cause I really dont care about the number. I need the inches. I like my curves I just want them to be a little tighter for curves LOL.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Sure do; nearly every day because I like data. It's helped me to learn that fluctuations are normal. As a result I'm not completely obsessed with ths number on the scale and when there is a jump I can understand what caused it rather than automatically assuming I've gained fat.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    You have to do what keeps you on track. I weigh myself once a week when it keeps me on track. AS soon as weighing discourages me... i stop. But what I find is a sure easy best thing to the tight jeans test. Trying on that right pair of jeans or dress... When it starts fitting better. You can't deny that! I will say...when I've weighed myself before when I got down to my goal weight..there were weeks when the scale didn't move but I was shrinking.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I rarely weigh myself..I measure instead.
  • GeeGirl82
    GeeGirl82 Posts: 32
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night before bed. It keeps me on track and when I lose, it is motivating. When I don't or gain, no big deal, it's temporary.
  • krhodem
    krhodem Posts: 17
    I had to put mine away because I was weighing too frequently. I weigh every week or other week now just as a rough estimate but I judge my progress by how my clothes fit.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I weigh daily, but because I find it interesting. I am my own science experiment. :smile:
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    I do the tight jeans test, too. I have one pair of jeans from years ago that I try on every few weeks. I know I'm getting close to goal when they zip up without having to do the zipper wiggle dance.
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    Sure do; nearly every day because I like data. It's helped me to learn that fluctuations are normal. As a result I'm not completely obsessed with ths number on the scale and when there is a jump I can understand what caused it rather than automatically assuming I've gained fat.

    This. I decided to weigh myself every day and log it every day. I started to see trends. Now when I go up a few pounds, I know that I am usually going to go down by a bunch soon. I just keep doing it despite the number. I have been working on not having the number affect me. It isn't perfect, but it is much worse when I don't weigh at all!
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    I think different people need different kinds of feedback. I weigh every day, and it doesn't bother me if I gain a lb or 2, but I can definitely understand if this drives some people crazy. Everybody is different.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I weigh myself for arbitrary reasons. Mainly I do it so I see where I fit on the exrx strength standards scale. I'm tracking my lifting stats and strength versus body weight.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    I weigh weekly, same time, same conditions. Once I get to where I am maintaining, I will focus on measurements and other non-scale measurements.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I find that I stick to things more when I weigh myself a lot. I'm totally aware of fluctuations and know my ranges so I don't get freaked out if I step on the scale and am a few pounds heavier or a few pounds lighter. I do not log my weight every day though. I only log it once a week or once every other week depending on if there is any difference.

    I started only weighing myself every other week but found that I didn't stay consistent when doing it. I would eat like total crap for one week then eat healthy the next week to get back on track. So then I would weigh myself once a week and the same pattern emerged. I would eat like total crap for a few days and then get back on track before the weigh in. I am a natural procrastinator so it only makes sense that I would be with this too.

    Now that I am weighing myself every day, I just find myself making better choices every day. I still do eat some "junk" here and there but because I hold myself accountable every day now, I feel like I am more successful and haven't even really wanted one of those days where I eat nothing but junk food.
  • DorisInTheDena
    DorisInTheDena Posts: 152 Member
    I weigh-in once a week. I'm not obsessed with it but I have to admit that it took me years to get to this point. Remember that your weight fluctuates. That is key. I guess whatever works for you but I like seeing the progress.
  • SHHitsKaty
    SHHitsKaty Posts: 301
    I went out and bought a brand new scale when I started eating right and exercising and decided I would only weigh myself in the mornings right after I've gotten up and taken my morning bathroom break or right after I've gotten up in the morning, went to the bathroom and showered. I don't tend to do it every morning but once or twice a week perhaps.