Jillian Michaels?

Hi everyone!

I just started 30 day shred, and like most of you who have tried it, I am extremely sore on day 3! The workout is great, and I welcome the pain as I know it is a sign of a good workout. I am happy to push through it every day and continue with her program of Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days, and Level 3 for 10 days. I am hoping for the same amazing results I have seen from many of you dedicated shredders on here!

My question is more out of curiousity (and somewhat out of concern). Through research and general discussions with people over the years, I have always heard how important rest days are, and that you should be alternating what areas of your body you are working out (Legs one day, arms the next, or strength training one day, cardio the next, etc.), so as not to over-stress or damage your muscles by not letting them fully recover. With Jillian's program, you are following the exact same routine with the exact same exercies for 10 days straight. Is this going to be a) not as effective because I am not letting my muscles recover, and b) potentially damaging to my muscles at all? The progress pictures on here speak for themselves, so obviously the program works, but I'm just curious as to why the lack of rest days/alternating exercies is not an issue? Would it be more beneficial to rotate through the three levels every three days rather than doing the EXACT same moves every day? Or even to do one of her other DVDs every other day?

Any responses are greatly appreciated :)



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I think, although the name is 30 day, its more along the lines of 30 workouts. You should take rest days, frequency is up to you. I was taking 1 rest day every 10 days or so, but I did end up getting hurt. So now I'm going to take 2-3 rest days a week and see how I feel.
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    I think rest days become more and more important the harder you are working individual muscles. If you were using a huge amount of weight with the Shred, then you would probably need to rest in between. I'm using 3lbs which still leaves me with a burn, but I don't think I'm in much danger of overworking and hurting myself.

    Even with running, I am going about 2.5 miles per day during the week and 5 on Saturdays since I haven't run in awhile. I don't take a break during the week because I'm still stopping to walk some of that time and don't feel like it's stressing out any muscles.
  • yummy_mummy85
    I do the shred 4-5 times a week and also do alot of walking almost every day. I think rest days are important as it gives you a chance for your muscles to repair and heal...

    Also i find that if i have rest days, im more energetic doing the workouts especially as im a busy mum of two with a husband and a house to run lol.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    She actually recommends 2 rest days a week. When I did it, I did 3 days on, 1 day off.
  • panda1414
    panda1414 Posts: 12 Member
    Okay great, thanks everyone! Do you think it would be more effective to cycle through the different levels? Rather than the same exercises every time for 10 days?
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I did it every single day and was fine, but you should listen to your body and use your best judgement.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I did it 6 days a week. Not having to work out on a sunday morning was a nice incentive in a way.

    I would stick to 10 days of each level before moving on as the levels do get harder. Also I notice as I go through a level how I get better at the excercises.

    I finished the 30DS 6 days ago and I decded to go back to the begining using heavier weights and following Natalie instead of Anita. I notice a big difference in my ability. I can even do some full pushups now and I have never been able to do them before.
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    I did it 6 days a week. Not having to work out on a sunday morning was a nice incentive in a way.

    I would stick to 10 days of each level before moving on as the levels do get harder. Also I notice as I go through a level how I get better at the excercises.

    I finished the 30DS 6 days ago and I decded to go back to the begining using heavier weights and following Natalie instead of Anita. I notice a big difference in my ability. I can even do some full pushups now and I have never been able to do them before.

    That gives me a lot of hope! I have never been able to do a full push up and was hoping to start again at L1 with 5lb weights and attempt some full push ups.