Gillott232 Member


  • I log it under "Aerobic- High Impact" Right now because of my work schedule I only attend classes once per week. but I zumba at home with my training DVD's and PS3 game everynight for atleast 20-30 minutes. For me, it didnt not get less effective because once I learned the moves, I put more work into them and worked harder…
  • Get yourself a monitor and strap that baby on and see what happens. :laugh:
  • "I would just google in your area, or if you have a YMCA they might have classes. " You can also go to and search for classes/instructors in your area.
    in Zumba Comment by Gillott232 May 2011
  • The most important thing going into your first class to know beside HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE is to focus on your footwork. Dont worry about shaking your hips/butt or the arm work, just try to get the steps down. When your comfortable with footwork, then add in your arms and style/hip shaking. Zumba is alot of fun. And when…
    in Zumba Comment by Gillott232 May 2011
  • This is common with Zumba, but its because you body adjust to the workout that you've been giving it. I was speaking to a fellow instructor about this a few weeks ago and he was telling me that the best thing you can do when this happens is change it up a bit. Drop a Zumba class or two, so instead fo going 5 days per week,…
  • I'm not a guy obviously, but we have several men in our Zumba class. Ranging in all ages, and about 15 miles from where I live there is an amazing instructor who is male. Its obviously not a common for men as women, but The men that do it, seem to enjoy it. I know that the single girls in our class really enjoy watching…
  • It does actually work. I started Zumba when I was 5 week PP with my daughter. I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks... Almost too much too fast, but I was also breastfeeding so that helped bring alot off too at the same time, it was almost calorie burning overload on my body. ANYWAYS I've maintained my weight but I've toned alot of my…
  • I am a Licensed Zumba Instructor and I have been doing Zumba for over a year now. I loved Zumba instantly. I have two kids and at first Zumba was just "my time" to get away from the kids and get a good workout in as well. Now its just part of ME. I HAVE to Zumba. if I miss it for any reason, I am cranky and tired and its…
  • The difference in the DVD's is just a different set of music, different choreo. Newer stuff. It wont matter which set you buy Zumba is rated for people of all skill levels. Releasing new DVD's is just to give ppl who do it at home more stuff to work with when they get used to everything in the current set that they have. a…
  • Zumba is alot of fun, but it is not your traditional Aerobic type workout. It keeps you on your toes and that is half the fun! You concentrate on whats going on so much that you dont really have time to think about much else. I am a Licensed Zumba Instructor and doing Zumba has changed my life. It has made me feel amazing…
  • I have not ordered it yet, but will be ordering it after this weekend likely. Hope you like it!
  • TRY IT! it is worth every second! I have been doing Zumba for a year now and I am actually getting my Instructor certification this weekend. I started 5 week PP with my daughter and have lost 15 lbs getting back down to my pre-pregnancy weight and then some. My endurance has increased and the best part is it does not feel…
    in Zumba? Comment by Gillott232 May 2011
  • I track mine under "Aerobics- High Impact" :)
  • I am a stress binger... when I get stressed out I eat. ALOT.. and right now I REALLYYY WANT TO EAT! I have a final exam to take and this class has been rediculously hard and I have not done as well as I have liked. I CANNOT fail this exam and now I'm stressed and all I can thinking about going into this test is something…
  • ANYONE can do zumba... the beauty in Zumba is that it is based off your level of intensity that you put into it. FIRST OFF. You will be confused at first, the footwork and armwork and butt shaking can be intimidating but just focus on your feet. get the feet down, if you do that fast, then try adding in the arm movements…
    in Zumba Comment by Gillott232 May 2011
  • I've been doing Zumba for 1 year now... and my body transformation has been AMAZING! I started 5 weeks PP with my daughter and I shred 15 lbs doing it twice a week in the first 2 months. Then since then I've been able to tone and define my body in ways I never imagined. My instructor has even motivated me to get my…
    in Zumba Comment by Gillott232 May 2011