


  • hollykmckinney
    Sometimes I wonder why people chime in where it isn't necessary. I don't recall any question in this thread asking what do you think of me doing Zumba?
    So, back to your question.

    I use a HRM and I am 5'5" and weight 142 currently... I did Zumba three times this week and for 60 minutes my burn was anywhere from 554-648.
    I log it manually with those calories. Before I was logging it in as high intesity aerobics and that was putting the burn a little lower than what I was actually burning. Hopefully those numbers can help you a little.
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    I actually did zumba for the first time last week and asked on here what the real burn amount is....and I was told by many to look it up online and you'll get a better idea of the range of calories you've burned depending on your intensity....i've never sweated so much in my life as I did with Zumba...even my hair in a ponytail was dripping.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Do a web search and figure out what *you* personally burn for an hour of Zumba. My class is very intense and I burn over 500 calories. I drink a ton of water in that class and sweat a ton.

    Add the calories burned and log it in your personal log. That way it will be in your drop down. And DON'T count it as aerobics or something it's not. I burn more in Zumba than any other class.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Both men and women take my Zumba class. Our teacher has told us it's more intense than other Zumba programs. You would not make it through the whole hour. If you are knocking it, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You should see the Zumba instructor that lives in my neighborhood. She's amazing and you don't hear her hubby saying "it's not really a workout"
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I post it under Aerobic, General and I use the Wii Zumba and yes, I'm sweating and my heart is racing for most of it!!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    First off yes, i have tried it. dancing for 5 minutes at a time isn't my kind of workout. if fitness is your goal, then yes, Zumba and other high intensity excersises (if you can call zumba that) can help you maintain your physicaly fit lifestyle. However, as far as weightloss is concerned, strength trainning and LOW intensity cardio are the way to go.

    Secondly I have several friends of mine who have been doing tons of zumba for about 6 months now, they haven't lost anything, and in some cases GAINED, and are about ready to give up, so pardon me if i am a little bitter about the effectiveness of it. From my experiences with it, Zumba is more like a social club than a workout group. Maybe it was just the couple of classes i went to (diff instructor and class each time) but regardless i've had nothing but negative experiences with it.

    Thirdly the comment was actually intended as joke, a playfull ruse, a harmless play on word derived from Zumba's tagline. If we overweight people cannot have a sense of humor about the situation WE put OURSELVES in, then the negative attitutde that insues will only hurt any chance we have of succeeding.

    Ultimately, no fad excersise or diet craze will ever have lasting results. The ONLY way to loose weight, and keep it off, is to eat healthier and excersise more. Period. If doing Zumba mean you get up off the couch, awesome, it has just been my experience that one can achieve better results doing other things. My big thing is an hour walk in the morning, a 20 minute run at lunch, both of which are FREE and require no gym) and then an hour of strength trainning in the evening ( the cheapo weight set i got at walmart cost $20).

    My buddies and I are all in a weightloss competition at work and the playful banter and zing that we lob back at forth at each other have helped us succeed ("hmmmm....i better not bring a cheeseburger to lunch or they'll razz me about it ") and it was in that spirit that i made the comment i did. If any body took offense to it, i apologize, but learn to have a sense of humor about your situation and let it motivate you to improve your life. I would have responded to this earlier before it got out of hand, but i was too busy WORKING OUT!!!!!! :D

    I'd like you to go face to face with my very muscular Zumba teacher and tell her this. Although everyone's experience is their own, I will tell you that my Zumba class does not stop for 60 minutes (you can stop to grab a drink any time). It's extremely high intensity and is no joke. It appears that in my area you HAVE to get certified to teach it and the instructors I know are in AMAZING shape. So if the instructors in your area are lame and you know people gaining weight on a Zumba program, then I pity them and their crappy teacher. Just don't knock it because some of the programs in the US are legit. My instructor could kick your *kitten*.
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    Zumba is an awesome cardio workout! nothing makes me sweat like zumba except running. and if you're good at engaging your core it's a great strength & agility trainer too... twice a week is great! i only go once in a while, i wish my gym offered it... although sure they'll jump on the bandwagon before long...

    I used the "belly dancing" calories search. idk. i think it all varies anyway... your weight itself will determine how many calories it takes to do stuff. but it's not an exact science anyway.. and when in doubt track under the amount you spent...
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    ditch the party, start actually working out.....

    Don't let this silly comment insult you... some ppl think if you're not lifting weights ur not doing anything...

    Zumba is an awesome cardio workout! nothing makes me sweat like zumba except running. and if you're good at engaging your core it's a great strength & agility trainer too... twice a week is great! i only go once in a while, i wish my gym offered it... although sure they'll jump on the bandwagon before long...

    I used the "belly dancing" calories search. idk. i think it all varies anyway... your weight itself will determine how many calories it takes to do stuff. but it's not an exact science anyway.. and when in doubt track under the amount you spent...

    Yeah, you have to look online and plug in your gender, weight and height to get the accurate # for Zumba calories burned. It's more calories than belly dancing. I don't want to count it as something it's not. Another example is my Centergy class is part Yoga and part Pilates. I don't log it as something it's not.
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    wow, as i very clearly stated when i apologized, i was joking around and didn't mean to offend or insult anyone....calling me an idiot was obviously solely intended to be offensive. also did you really just say "my zumba instructor could kick you butt?"....that seems a little like "my dad can beat up your dad" from elementary school days. again sorry to have offended anyone. have a sense of humor.

    also just about any doctor will tell you that yes you do need to build muscle to help loose weight. high intensity cardio does burn lots of calories while your doing it, but it can also burn muscle through glucogenesis(which is quite counter-productive). adding more muscles (not he-man like muscles) helps you burn more calories the other 23hrs of the day that you aren't working out as muscle burns calories just sitting there.

    youre all right though, i'm completwely ignorant, what the heck do i know about loosing weight.....
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    My Zumba instructor used to be a bodybuilder and is still the only woman I know who has a six pack, well she does do 4 Zumba classes a week, then her dance class and her other personal training so who knows what else she does but I sure she would have loads to say on the subject.

    The biggest reason I do Zumba is that I have tried other forms of excersise and find it so compleatly boring I usualy stop going after a couple of weeks, for you to tell me to dich the party and start working out which you claim was intended as a joke actualy ruined my day, you compleatly dismissed my main form of excercise and to me told me I was waisting my time even bothering to go.

    your second commet was valid, sure not everyone has a good instructor, not everyone likes Zumba, and yes if you dont get your calorie/excercise balance right you will gain weight regardless.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys,
    I've just edited a few posts that contained a quote that many found offensive...please let's keep the thread "on track".

    Please remember...

    Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    If you have concerns about another poster or wish to report a rule violation, the ONLY appropriate venue is to use the Report Post feature or to message me. You may NOT air such concerns on the message boards themselves. If you have a general concern that does not involve a specific member, you may post your question in a civil manner in the "Feedback" or "Help" forums.

    Thank you! :wink:
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator.
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    We're all adults here and if someone offers an opinion differing from mine, i welcome the opportunity to possibly view my stance in a different light or possibly even re-evaluate my position on a topic. Nothing anybody says on these impersonal public forums is going to bother me in the least. Its not going to upset me or "ruin my day" or really have any measurable impact on me what-so-ever, outside from possibly a little chuckle about individuals who can't think of anything better to say than "oh yeah well your stupid!". I would very much like to have a chance to read what was wrote, if at all possible. A spirited debate can be most enjoyable from time to time and i was rather enjoying this one.

    and finally some usable info actually pertainning to the original topic...as with most CV excersise caloric expenditure is most accurately calculated by means of a HRM or BGM. There is really no accurate formula to use becuase it cheifly depends on your heart rate which is determiend by your fitness level and level of excertion. The best way to get an accurate number, without having to spend any money would be to where a watch and every 10 - 15 minutes take your pulse (using the 10-20second multiplication method) and then calculate your calories burned based on those an average of those numbers.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I didn't read all of the posts here but I wanted to add if it hasn't been said already that the intensity and effectiveness of zumba classes very widely. I took classes from 3 different instructors before I found one that pushed me to get the work out I was looking for.

    I'd also like to add that my zumba routine incorporates strength - mostly squats. My legs and butt are sore the next day! We do one song that is all arms too.

    I've lost quite a bit of weight and wouldn't be discouraging of anyone's choice of exercise because I know that any little bit helps. Everyone is different and if you find something that works for you... you should keep at it. If you find a way to ENJOY exercise... by all means continue and don't let anyone tell you to stop!

    I log my work outs as "dancing: Swing, twist, modern"
  • amorvincit105
    I'm tryin zumba for the first time tonight and can't wait! I am doing it because I have a hard time excersizing more than 30 mins at a time so hopefully this will be fun! As far as the guy who made the joke.. I think we shold all take a deep breath and calm down just a smidge :) He apologized and I think that being the "bigger persons" (haha bad joke I know) we can find it in us to forgive the guy! :) I mean after all.. when does a mans opinion matter anyways? haha. JK. Anywho.. I got his joke and I take it just as it is.. a joke, so now lets get this forum back on track! Now my turn for a zumba question.. Since tonight will be my first time going.. I am 213 pounds (but only 5foot tall) and get tired easily.. will I be able to join in? or is this only easy for skinny girls? let me know, and thanks in advance for your responses!
  • Gillott232
    Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for 1 year now... and my body transformation has been AMAZING! I started 5 weeks PP with my daughter and I shred 15 lbs doing it twice a week in the first 2 months. Then since then I've been able to tone and define my body in ways I never imagined. My instructor has even motivated me to get my certification at the end of this month and join her company as an additional instructor. Zumba is amazing. its the ONLY workout program I have ever stuck with and its because it never feels like a work out at all. its FUN. and thats important to me because that last thing I want to do after chasing 2 kids around all day is go and do something that feels like more work. I've NEVER left my Zumba class not covered in sweat. its just not possible. Keep it up Zumba ladies!!!! :smile: :heart:
  • Gillott232
    Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm tryin zumba for the first time tonight and can't wait! I am doing it because I have a hard time excersizing more than 30 mins at a time so hopefully this will be fun! As far as the guy who made the joke.. I think we shold all take a deep breath and calm down just a smidge :) He apologized and I think that being the "bigger persons" (haha bad joke I know) we can find it in us to forgive the guy! :) I mean after all.. when does a mans opinion matter anyways? haha. JK. Anywho.. I got his joke and I take it just as it is.. a joke, so now lets get this forum back on track! Now my turn for a zumba question.. Since tonight will be my first time going.. I am 213 pounds (but only 5foot tall) and get tired easily.. will I be able to join in? or is this only easy for skinny girls? let me know, and thanks in advance for your responses!
    ANYONE can do zumba... the beauty in Zumba is that it is based off your level of intensity that you put into it. FIRST OFF. You will be confused at first, the footwork and armwork and butt shaking can be intimidating but just focus on your feet. get the feet down, if you do that fast, then try adding in the arm movements and then add the sass to it. It may take you 4-5 classes before you feel comfortable enough to really not focus on the instructor and just have fun. Totally normal. It starts hard and stays hard because the longer you do it, the more you learn, the more confortable you get and the HARDER you will work at it. We have women of all sizes and shapes in my class. SHort girls, tall girls, bigger girls, smaller girls, and even pregnant girls... YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :happy:
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I have gone to a 60 minute class 3 x's a week since January 4th and it is an awesome workout. Burns around 500 cals. You sweat to death and are breathless at times. Zumba rocks! It is so high energy. Good for you for doing it! Keep it up- it pays off! I've lost around 10 lbs. since I started it, but i didn't have a lot to lose. I've heard several times that the more you weigh, the more you burn. Your clothes fit better too. It really strengthens all muscle groups and makes you more flexible.
  • tisha732
    tisha732 Posts: 3
    As a zumba instructor, of course I am a big advocate for it. In general, I encourage people to get up and do whatever is going to get you moving. Bad mouthing Zumba is just dumb. Every "body" is different and is going to respond differently to different things. I have personally lost 30lbs doing just Zumba...built muscles in my arms, legs and stomach. And baby got a lot less back. You can burn anywhere from 350 to 650 calories (depends on you and your instructor). If you act like you are at a club and just kind of mindlessly go through moves...not really getting a workout. But if you do it at as high intensity as you can, then you will reap the benefits. I hated the gym, Zumba got me going because it was enjoyable and I saw results. Now on top of my classes, I include kickboxing, step and strength training classes. Zumba gave me the confidence and strength to try new things. Zumba is not for everyone, obviously not your thing. Cool. But don't discourage people from trying something that may be just the thing to get them motivated. Good luck on your journey!
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    thank you for that. and as too your question you will most likely be quite sore after tonight. but you CAN do it! weight loss is 99% mental. it certainly isn't easy for anybody though, if it was easy then it wouldn't be called "work"-ing out. also it can get quite loud in the room depending onthe set up so if your sensitive to that you might want to bring some earplugs, you'll be able to hear just fine through them.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I don't know how rude the comment was (been deleted) but from what I've seen of many Zumba threads on this board and others the discrepancy must come down to two things:

    1) The difference between individual classes and instructors
    2) The age, weight and physical fitness of the individual taking the class.

    The problem with 1)
    We could argue back and forth all day saying things like 'my instructor has us all dripping with sweat', 'my instructor barely gets us to move our feet', 'my HRM says I burned 600 calories', 'my trainer says Zumba is for fat people who want to feel like they're exercising' etc. But, sadly, we cannot attend each others classes and experience what other posters are. So I guess we just have to accept that some classes are a good workout and others are a crap one.

    Zumba seems to be a class with more variation of music, moves and intensity that most other standard classes.

    The problem with 2)

    We can't know what people of different builds, fitnesses and experiences get from a workout.

    I am 27, fairly slim, very short and of average fitness. Therefore I have real trouble comprehending the huge calorie burns reported from Zumba because, though I have only tried 2 classes with 2 different instructors, it burns 250 cals max for me and I was bored - found the moves repetitive and the intensity level very low. However, my sister who is 24, fairly slim and of insanely high fitness makes the same complaints about a class like Body Combat which I find to be fun and a really good work out. And there are presumably people out there who would be fit enough to describe even a Spin class as a walk in the park! It's all relative and about supporting people where they are and with what works for them.

    So no, if you are already very fit, slim and muscular Zumba is unlikely to help you lose weight or get fitter. But it's very unfair to tell someone to ditch it just because it doesn't work for you!