
rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
I go to a Zumba class twice a week but its not in the database so put it under dancing, aerobic, ect. want to know peoples opinion is this to right category, I also have Zumba for the wii but unlike the wii fit this also is not in the database. ?? want to get my food excercise ballance right.


  • arabellastrange
    Watching.... :)
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I add it under aerobic, high intense
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Thousands of women and men have toned up using it. I know I have...
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    Try a serious Zumba class and then say it's not really working out. I've lost 35lbs since Janaury using Zumba as my primary exercise. wow.

    I think dancing, general is a pretty common category to put it under.
  • riley22
    riley22 Posts: 27
    I've used Aerobics, high intensity and the dancing one. Zumba is an intense workout. I love it.

    As for the person who said ditch it - you've never taken a class have you?
  • sunnybigmc
    sunnybigmc Posts: 29
    I completely agree! You burn more dancing and moving around like that than you do just walking. 30 min of zumba burns 200+ calories depending on the intensity.

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  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    i go to a class run by a friend as its cheep therefor I can afford to go, I don't go to the gym as its outside my (deepest apologys) budget. I prefer to feed my kids and pay my bill. It's not my only form of excercise just convienient time and price. oohh yes sorry decided to follow my dreams for a while and go to Univercity, will ditch the part time job and get my *kitten* back to Asda, but hay thanks
  • riley22
    riley22 Posts: 27
    i go to a class run by a friend as its cheep therefor I can afford to go, I don't go to the gym as its outside my (deepest apologys) budget. I prefer to feed my kids and pay my bill. It's not my only form of excercise just convienient time and price. oohh yes sorry decided to follow my dreams for a while and go to Univercity, will ditch the part time job and get my *kitten* back to Asda, but hay thanks

    Good for you for doing something you enjoy and can afford.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    ask my big muscley weight lifting manly boyfriend how he felt after taking 1 zumba class with me.

    he wore his HRM, too, so ask him how many calories he burned.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    i go to a class run by a friend as its cheep therefor I can afford to go, I don't go to the gym as its outside my (deepest apologys) budget. I prefer to feed my kids and pay my bill. It's not my only form of excercise just convienient time and price. oohh yes sorry decided to follow my dreams for a while and go to Univercity, will ditch the part time job and get my *kitten* back to Asda, but hay thanks

    Don't worry about stupid responses from people who don't know what they are talking about. You keep doing just what you are doing!!!
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Seriously? Try a serious Zumba class and then say it's not really working out. I've lost 35lbs since Janaury using Zumba as my primary exercise. wow.

    I think dancing, general is a pretty common category to put it under.

    I have hear from several people that Zumba for the wii is really good, I have personally not try it I do have the wii and I am going to try and get it. I also know a friend who has been doing the Zumba and lost over 45lbs in 5 months period. So rwinnie2 don't listen to negative people. You just do whats best for you and if it is working for you then keep going, everyone is different so what works for some might not work for others. Good luck and keep up the great work

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  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    sorry but to the ditch the party responce, but I got a little offended by that reply, i go to a class run by a friend as its cheep therefor I can afford to go, I don't go to the gym as its outside my (deepest apologys) budget. I prefer to feed my kids and pay my bill. It's not my only form of excercise just convienient time and price. oohh yes sorry decided to follow my dreams for a while and go to Univercity, will ditch the part time job and get my *kitten* back to Asda, but hay thanks

    You go girl You don't need to take crap from no one, do whats best for you, Congrats on ur efford I give you a HI5 it isn't easy and you are doing a great job

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    ask my big muscley weight lifting manly boyfriend how he felt after taking 1 zumba class with me.

    he wore his HRM, too, so ask him how many calories he burned.

    [/quote]Exactly. have you ever hear of a concept called cross fit? The idea being you improve your fitness in all areas. have you actually tried Zumba? My guess is no. I literally worked my *kitten* off. Just this weekend there was a story of firefighters all doing yoga classes. My suggestion...do little research before you type.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I love zumba and get a great work out from it ! Party on ladies :)
  • MzzGib06
    MzzGib06 Posts: 1
    I really hope my HRM comes in soon. I have my second Zumba class tonight it is a killer!
  • caysea
    caysea Posts: 16 Member
    I love ignorant people. I do Zumba 4 times a week and burn an average of 500-600 calories per class....as per a HRM. If this guy had the slightest clue how hard you work aerobically in Zumba, he wouldn't be so quick to be a complete jerk. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought these boards were for encouragement and support. And for a guy who even after losing over a hundred pounds, has a LONG way to go....there should be nothing but encouragement and support crossing your lips. You keep getting your Zumba on, girl! Working hard can be and is a party!
  • jeaniemon
    jeaniemon Posts: 4
    I love Zumba....it has made me like working out more than i ever have before. I burn 500-600 calories a class to and it is fun too.
  • thirteenblessings
    I am a runner with several 5Ks under my belt and am working toward a 10K and Zumba kicks my butt. It's an awesome workout. Don't knock it 'till you try it. I would think that someone who has had as much success as you would be a little more supportive.
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    First off yes, i have tried it. dancing for 5 minutes at a time isn't my kind of workout. if fitness is your goal, then yes, Zumba and other high intensity excersises (if you can call zumba that) can help you maintain your physicaly fit lifestyle. However, as far as weightloss is concerned, strength trainning and LOW intensity cardio are the way to go.

    Secondly I have several friends of mine who have been doing tons of zumba for about 6 months now, they haven't lost anything, and in some cases GAINED, and are about ready to give up, so pardon me if i am a little bitter about the effectiveness of it. From my experiences with it, Zumba is more like a social club than a workout group. Maybe it was just the couple of classes i went to (diff instructor and class each time) but regardless i've had nothing but negative experiences with it.

    Thirdly the comment was actually intended as joke, a playfull ruse, a harmless play on word derived from Zumba's tagline. If we overweight people cannot have a sense of humor about the situation WE put OURSELVES in, then the negative attitutde that insues will only hurt any chance we have of succeeding.

    Ultimately, no fad excersise or diet craze will ever have lasting results. The ONLY way to loose weight, and keep it off, is to eat healthier and excersise more. Period. If doing Zumba mean you get up off the couch, awesome, it has just been my experience that one can achieve better results doing other things. My big thing is an hour walk in the morning, a 20 minute run at lunch, both of which are FREE and require no gym) and then an hour of strength trainning in the evening ( the cheapo weight set i got at walmart cost $20).

    My buddies and I are all in a weightloss competition at work and the playful banter and zing that we lob back at forth at each other have helped us succeed ("hmmmm....i better not bring a cheeseburger to lunch or they'll razz me about it ") and it was in that spirit that i made the comment i did. If any body took offense to it, i apologize, but learn to have a sense of humor about your situation and let it motivate you to improve your life. I would have responded to this earlier before it got out of hand, but i was too busy WORKING OUT!!!!!! :D
  • KaytiGirl
    KaytiGirl Posts: 11
    Hmm, I think zumba is one of the best cardio there is. If your friends arent losing weight perhaps they should check their caloric intake... Im not sure I have ever heard that. I am guessing they are not fully participating...