


  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Oh and a dangit moment attached to it.... I allowed 600 calories for the work out -- I have so many calories that I need to eat now at this point and it's 930 at night. I can't eat this late =( all in all I've only netted 500ish calories for the day. Is this super bad??
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    Zumba is so FUN! I burned 500 calories today in my 58 minute session. Bring LOTS of water, a towel, dri-fit clothing (it helps me stay cool while I'm soaking wet with sweat), and a positive/upbeat attitude. EVERYONE in Zumba stumbles at first, but as long as you just keep moving, you will have fun and fit right in!
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    This will be my 3rd zumba class (the first 2 were many months ago and I wasn't totally into the type of dancing that this particular instructor was teaching - turkish + indian mixed with latin american dancing. it was weird) Hope this experience is better! 45 min class, hope to sweat and burn tons of calories!
  • igwemaggie
    igwemaggie Posts: 1
    I have just had my first experience with zumba today..i bought the dvd and i did the basic steps and the 20 minutes express..and i am impressed so far..it has a great energy and the steps are not so hard.. and hearing about other people success stories entourages to keep it up and hopefully i will get the results i wants using zumba
  • Twilightmom06
    Twilightmom06 Posts: 35 Member
    I love ZUMBA. I am glad you went Braonain. It takes awhile to get the moves but concentrate on your feet and keep moving like Kelly said.
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Zumba yesterday was awesome! The instructor had all of us sweating tons & our faces/bodies were various shades of pink/red from all the blood flow! Such a great workout and 45 mins is not a big commitment for such a fun class!
  • I would just google in your area, or if you have a YMCA they might have classes.

    For those that that asked to be told how it was...

    It kicked my butt hardcore lol. Couldn't keep up with a lot of the movements and had to flat out stop a few times but I'm going to give it a few more trys. The instructer said it was 1000 calories, but I don't think I burned that much.

    I'm glad that you're going to keep trying. It will grow on you, I swear. And watch how much more you get this time compared to last and that will just keep growing as well. And yes, my instructor says we can burn up to 1500 calories. This is why I put it in as Aerobics, high impact, whenever I do it. It does depend on your weight, etc. but for me that says I burn 703 calories every 60 minute class. That's roughly half of what my instructor says I'm doing and I feel pretty comfortable with that. Especially when she brings in new songs and I do alot of "just standing there looking dumbstruck" myself. :) As long as you keep smiling and keep shaking it, you'll be amazed at how great your body starts to feel, and how quickly your stamina improves too! Congrats on surviving your first Zumba experience!!!! :)
  • Gillott232
    Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
    The most important thing going into your first class to know beside HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE is to focus on your footwork. Dont worry about shaking your hips/butt or the arm work, just try to get the steps down. When your comfortable with footwork, then add in your arms and style/hip shaking.

    Zumba is alot of fun. And when Is started over a year ago I had no dancing ability either, but you catch on fast, and I'm not Licensed to teach. Everyone is too busy doing the moves to care how anyone else looks.

    I really hope you have fun!
  • Gillott232
    Gillott232 Posts: 18 Member
    "I would just google in your area, or if you have a YMCA they might have classes. "

    You can also go to Zumba.com and search for classes/instructors in your area.
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    I'm supposed to do my first ever Zumba program tomorrow with some friends who have been doing it for a few months now. I'm extremely nervous about it because while I enjoy dancing, I am very uncoordinated and have trouble with complex moves that require hand/foot movement at the same time. Not to mention I get wore out very easy. Does anyone have any tips?

    Also - is there a way to gauge how many calories I will burn while doing it?

    I found this in another post but I have been using this http://health.walmart.com/tools/calorieburn/ to count the calories burned after doing zumba. It can give you a general Idea of how much you burn
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