lukeleia4 Member


  • My parents are 21 years apart...
  • I need a Challenge to keep me inspired. Please include me!!!!
  • Sounds good to me. I'm a huge Leslie fan!!!!
  • I recently went on a Carnival Cruise and gained no weight. Here are my tips: avoid buffets, instead eat in dining rooms and order Spa Cuisine. Very tasty and lower in calories/fat/etc. WALK, WALK, STAIRS, WALK, DANCE, WALK, WALK, WALK. Drink water. Have a small treat if you're tempted, but just don't go crazy. I was…
  • YUM! Thanks for sharing!
  • My husband had several retinal detachments in his 20s and 30s and if you see any flashes or a "curtain" coming down get STRAIGHT to the hospital. They can do amazing things if you get there quickly. He has learned to adapt very well with his eyesight changes. Deal with it as it comes. Don't stress about. It won't help one…
  • I recently gained 5 pounds on a 4 day cruise, however, once I got home and back into my normal mfp routine I lost 7 pounds only 3 days later. Don't stress about it. Enjoy it!!! Eat what you want, do plenty of stairs and of course there's always a gym on board if you're feeling really guilty!
  • I'll give it a shot!
  • I had a tummy tuck as part of my last c-section and it was really worth it! It's the only way to go and it's really not a bad or expensive procedure. When you get to the point where you want to be I highly recommend you do it!
  • SW 189 6/1 WI 187 6/7 WI 185.8 6/14 CW 183.4 6/27 GW 179 7/2 Getting closer and I'm NOT giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • It's worth the 100 calories because it makes you feel full longer. It's good on whole wheat toast, dip apple slices in it, dip pretzels in it. Americans put it on everything.
  • I was much like your husband...85% ready (after being married 6 years with a mother-in-law asking every day "are you pregnant yet?"). Went off my birth control thinking it would be a few months at the very least and within the month I was pregnant. In those 40 weeks it gives you time to deal with the whole concept and in…
  • I'm a knee pain girl as well and I find that aqua aerobics or simple exercises in the swimming pool burn a whole lot of calories with NO pressure on my knee. It has taken me a year, but my knee is now OK to go for walks and light cycling. It's a long slow process, but in time it will get better and better. Let pain be your…
  • Here's my take. I am married (17 years) and still get approached by men several times a week. I'm a frumpy middle-aged mom, I smile a lot, am incredibly clumsy and completely NON-THREATENING. I have far more male friends than female friends and can tell you that my single male friends often complain about how lonesome they…
  • SW 189 6/1 WI 187 6/7 CW 185.8 6/14 GW 179 7/2 When I see it like this I guess I'm doing OK, but it's difficult! I've been baking and didn't lick my fingers ONCE, nor did I eat anything I baked! I controlled myself at a kids party surrounded by snacks and pizza and cupcakes/candy. I struggle with the exercise. That's…
  • Sea World has plenty of healthy options. Have a fantastic time!!!! If you choose something unhealthy, just go up and down the stairs in the stadiums a few times. That should help! :)
  • Lost 2 lbs this week! I've got to say it's a lot easier with support from other people working hard at it too! Thanks guys for keeping me motivated!!!!!! Keep up the great work!:happy:
  • I have EXACTLY the same problem. So far I try to restrain myself from even starting to eat that stuff, but if I'm seriously craving it and it won't go away with a 30 minute walk and lots of water I pull out the problem food in front of children who are like vultures. I carefully measure what I have calculated I can fit…
  • I have the same lofty goal, but I think we can motivate each other to actually do this! SW 189 6/1 GW 179 7/2