APO_Katie Member


  • No loss this week. 179.5lbs. BUT, I did lose an inch in my waist since we started all of this. :D :D :D So, I'll settle for loosing inch and gaining muscle wieght over no loss or a gain any day.
  • My weigh in is 179lb. down 0.4lb from last week. Not a lot, but every little bit helps!
  • I realize that this is probably more directed at people picking on you because you were over weight, but I was picked on in 6th-8th grade because I was SUUUPER skinny. I grew 3 inches in 6th grade to 5'3" and 103lbs., in 7th grade i grew another 3 inches to 5'6" and 110lbs., 8th grade I grew ANOTHER 2 inches and I was…
  • Doe cleaning house count at activity? if so, I can add that to my usual 30 minutes of exercise that I get in the afternoon.
  • MON – Jump rope: 0 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y TUES –Jump rope: 2 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y WED – Jump rope: 3 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y THU –Jump rope: 0 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y FRI – Jump rope: 0 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y SAT – Jump rope: 0 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y SUN –Jump rope: 0 Minutes ~ Daily calorie: Y…
  • The only spanish I know is : Sing my Clothes. I have the bathroom. Mr chicken wears a necktie. ( the eating kind, not the animal. there are two different words for chicken in spanish) What time is it? Two beers please. and last but not least, The devil cat. I have five, yep, FIVE eagle scouts in my family. my grandpa, my…
  • This will be an awesome challenge for me. I loved to jump rope as a child and still do as an adult. My challenge will be eating +/- 100 calories. I have a hard enough time eating all of my calories to start with!
  • Current weight: 179.4 lbs. Bust: 42.75 Waist: 34.5 Hips: 42.5 Legs: 25 Arms: 15 Guh. My measurements are all over the place. Arms and legs up, waist, hips and bust down. No wieght loss this week, but I completely fell off the wagon at the end of the week last week. What does everyong do to keep yourself movitivated on the…
  • MON – Squats: 20 ~ OZ of water = 100 TUES – Squats: 40 ~OZ of water = 80 WED – Squats: 20 ~ OZ of water = 60 THU –Squats: ## ~ OZ of water = 82 FRI – Squats: 20 ~ OZ of water = 50 SAT – Squats: ## ~ OZ of water = # SUN –Squats: ## ~ OZ of water= # Total Squats: 100/140 Total Days of 80 oz of water: 3/7 Man! I totally fell…
  • Seeing myself in my brother's wedding pictures in early june this year. I was the "fat" girl in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE! I just sat down on the floor and cried and cried and cried. :sad: I didn't want to be the fat girl anymore and decided it was time to do something. I mean, REALLY do something. Mostly, I am selfish and want…
  • MON – Squats: 20 ~ OZ of water = 100 TUES – Squatss: 40 ~OZ of water = 80 WED – Squats: ## ~ OZ of water = # THU –Squats: ## ~ OZ of water = # FRI – Squats: ## ~ OZ of water = # SAT – Squats: ## ~ OZ of water = # SUN –Squats: ## ~ OZ of water= # Total Squats: 60/140 Total Days of 80 oz of water: 2/7
  • Monday Squats = 20 Water = 100 oz. I had a good day!
  • I hate squats. I really hate squats. I REALLY REALY REALLY HATE SQUATS! But, My tushy looks so good when I do them! I'm in!
  • New start weight: 179.4 lbs. Bust: 43 Waist: 35 Hips: 43 Legs: 24 Arms: 12
  • I'm in too! I'm doing this for me. Kinda selfish, I know, but I want to be the "skinny *****" again! I have a 60 gallon rubbermaid FULL of clothes that I want to be able to fit into again. SW: 185 CW:179 Goal: 150 I don't know my measurements right now, but I'll post them tomorrow sometime.
  • My aha moment was when I looked in the mirror in my undies and saw a fat, ugly, Mommy. I just sat down on the floor in my bathroom and cried. My husband came in and asked me why I was crying. I told him I didn't want to be "fat anymore". He said "Squishy, no matter what your size, I'll still love you." (Squishy is my…
  • I know that coffee helps "move" things along for me as does eating a ton of fruit. I'm talking 1 c. blueberries, 1 c. strawberries, a banana (or 2), a peach and some watermelon. I that that is a ton, but it always helps. (DId I mention that I could survive on a complete fruit diet?)
  • Hi DS mamas! My goal is to be 150 lbs too! Before i discoverd beer in college, I was 143lbs. but this was also almost 10 years ago. I know htat I can get to at least 155lbs, but the ultimate goal is 150lbs. I have a really hard time with snacking. I'm hungry all the time and I need some suggestions for healthy snacks that…