What was your Ah-ha moment?



  • superflyrbi
    superflyrbi Posts: 80 Member
    Mine was one of the women in my team saying my tits were big. The last time I checked I was male. :sad:

    I feel for you, but that is frickin hilarious.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Mine was many years ago when I fell in the snow and cold and could not get up on my own. :cry: I had to wait on someone to come by to help me to get up and thankfully someone came before I was frost bite, because it was very early in the morning. I knew that day I had to take control of my weight and was going to do whatever it took to do so too.
  • jcezzell
    jcezzell Posts: 26
    i went to get dressed one day and realized that i olny one pair of jeans that would button, and i got them from my mother!!!!!!!!!!!! yikes- I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!!!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    My moment was when I needed something to wear out to dinner for our anniversary a couple years ago. I really didn't want to spend a lot, so off to Wally World I went. I wanted something casual, cool (our anniversary is in August) Took some tunic blouses and capris to match into the dressing room. I had taken 3x and 4x. (just in case) NONE OF THEM FIT! I sat in the dressing room and cried. Then, I picked myself up, went to the Avenue and bought a cheapish outfit. I'm happy to say I ripped that outfit to shreds when it was too big.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    My boyfriend's mom asked if I was pregnant again. :O

    I got that the other day from my husband's grandma... actually, she didn't even ask, just pulled my mother-in-law aside and said, "Look at this!" When I looked over, they were looking at me. After further conversation, found out she thought I was pregnant again.

    But that wasn't my ah-ha moment... Warning... TMI alert: :blushing:

    My ah-ha moment was a few weeks ago when my husband asked me what was wrong because I was apparently acting funny and I burst out into tears (out of left freakin' field) and yelled, "I hate having the top (during sex) because my belly hangs all over you and it's GROSS!" Mind you, we were in the kitchen and no where near an intimate moment. LOL! Guess it was really eating at me and I didn't even realize it until it flew out of my mouth.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When the doctor said, "Jeannie, we are going to put you on 20 mg of Crestor, your BP is a bit high and your sugar is OK right now but I want to watch your A1c"
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    My desire to be a mom.

    What a great reason! :happy:
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    Hmmm. I guess I'm in the minority. I never really had an Aha! Moment. For the past 5+ years I've been fighting my weight. I don't really get enthusiastic about losing weight anymore.
    Then again, I have an abundantly high external locus of control, so sometimes I just feel like I was meant to be a big person and I just do my best to keep as healthy as I can.

    Not very motivating, but true nonetheless. :ohwell:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    My boyfriend's mom asked if I was pregnant again. :O

    I got that the other day from my husband's grandma... actually, she didn't even ask, just pulled my mother-in-law aside and said, "Look at this!" When I looked over, they were looking at me. After further conversation, found out she thought I was pregnant again.

    But that wasn't my ah-ha moment... Warning... TMI alert: :blushing:

    My ah-ha moment was a few weeks ago when my husband asked me what was wrong because I was apparently acting funny and I burst out into tears (out of left freakin' field) and yelled, "I hate having the top (during sex) because my belly hangs all over you and it's GROSS!" Mind you, we were in the kitchen and no where near an intimate moment. LOL! Guess it was really eating at me and I didn't even realize it until it flew out of my mouth.

  • missjaeda
    missjaeda Posts: 22
    My boyfriend's mom asked if I was pregnant again. :O

    I got that the other day from my husband's grandma... actually, she didn't even ask, just pulled my mother-in-law aside and said, "Look at this!" When I looked over, they were looking at me. After further conversation, found out she thought I was pregnant again.

    But that wasn't my ah-ha moment... Warning... TMI alert: :blushing:

    My ah-ha moment was a few weeks ago when my husband asked me what was wrong because I was apparently acting funny and I burst out into tears (out of left freakin' field) and yelled, "I hate having the top (during sex) because my belly hangs all over you and it's GROSS!" Mind you, we were in the kitchen and no where near an intimate moment. LOL! Guess it was really eating at me and I didn't even realize it until it flew out of my mouth.

    I actually had this same conversation with my ex a few weeks ago. He was understanding (which I'm grateful for), and did his best to make me feel better about it. We broke up for a totally different reason than that, but it was my ah-ha moment. I've come to realize that I was letting my enjoyment of food affect everything else life had to offer. I want to enjoy intimacy without worrying about my partner thinking I'm gross, even though, if it's come to that point, obviously it's not an issue. I think my being obese affected this last relationship more than I thought, no matter how indirectly, and that needs to stop. I'm making a change so that future relationships don't suffer because of my insecurities!
  • HER94
    HER94 Posts: 10
    When my current partner told me that he wanted to lose weight and when people would shout at me in PE for not taking part and being competitive

    There is no chance im being the big one in this relationship (think this proves i am competitive)... and i want to feel sexier and be able to take part in group sports events without feeling like a failure
    Bring it on
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    I have a list lol

    1) when my grandma looked at me and then turned to my brother and said "you look so skinny!"
    2) when I went out on my 21st birthday and then only reason I wasn't the "fat girl" was because there was someone bigger than me there
    3) when I weighed as much as my b/f
    4) when I couldn't find anything I liked at my fav teen store that fit right

    etc lol
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    my momentmy 23rd birthday i got rather drunk and my boobs kept falling out of my dress :embarassed:
    i then seen pics of myself in the morning and OMG i nearly cried...... i joined the gym the next day and havent looked back that was may 29th of this year
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    The moment I decided I was serious about losing weight and knew something had to change was when I walked in to work at a new job and had to go up a flight of stairs and I was out of breath by the first set of stairs and still had another to go! I took the elevator for the first few weeks, but now I pass it right up and take on those stairs every morning!! :)
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Well I guess you could say my Aha moment was when I had my heart attack. Tossed my smokes to my wife in the ER and said, "I guess I'm done with these." And I was, haven't had one since. Did not like the idea of leaving my kids and wife behind, so started exercising and eating right. Not really trying to lose weight, I found that it's coming off, 25lbs in 3 months so far.
    I think I just lost sight of what mattered (family vs cheeseburgers and smokes) and needed a check to my mortality.

    I'm SO with you!! My ah-ha moment was watching my husband have a heart attack and realising that our lifestyle had lead him to this and it could've been prevented!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I really can't say that I had one. I've always been thin and never had to struggle with me weight. I had my son 2.5 years ago and gained 60 lbs. I lost about 50 through breastfeeding and just sheer luck; I certainly did not tame the eating beast. I tried a few things like weight watchers for a few weeks but always fell back into the old habits. A friend at work started taking some RX weight loss pill and was telling me about her counting calories, etc. I went to my dr for my yearly and asked what she recommended. I only wanted to lose about 10 lbs to get back to my prepregnancy weight. She recommended the same pills. I took them for 3 days and thought I was going to DIE. I was so light headed I could not even get out of my chair. So, I stopped taking them and my hubby found this site and we BOTH started counting calories. I lost 25 lbs (15 more than originally planned) and my hubby lost 40! We are both maintaining now and exercising to tone. Mine really just happened by accident. If I would have known it was going to be this easy, I would have done it 2.5 years ago.
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    My aha moment was when I looked in the mirror in my undies and saw a fat, ugly, Mommy. I just sat down on the floor in my bathroom and cried. My husband came in and asked me why I was crying. I told him I didn't want to be "fat anymore". He said "Squishy, no matter what your size, I'll still love you." (Squishy is my nickname.) Well, I didn't want to weigh more then him anymore and I just needed to lose the weight for me. I know that sounds selfish, but I just do. I need to lose the weight for me mostly, but I also need to lose it for my daughter. I didn't want to be the Mommy that couldn't keep up with her as she grows up.