Have you ever been made fun of because of your weight?



  • JediMaster_intraining
    People never tell me to my face but in HS I heard some girls talking about me and how in the hell my current bf could be with me because I was "fat" and he could do much better. :(
    Also, my best friend took me to a halloween store to look for a costume last year and I couldn't fit into any of the extra large costumes and we just left because I was upset that the fitting room girl kept giving me that "you can't fit into that!" stares.
    :( It's so horrible. Even as a kid, girls wouldn't play with me because i wasn't pretty..hence the self esteem issues i have grown up with.

    But I am learning that some people are better to avoid and to ignore their comments. It's hard though sometimes! Hurtful comments have a way of sticking to you even when you know that they are just words.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Yea, when I was a fat kid and wore "husky" jeans. Some kids at school would make fun of me because of it. Sure, they may have been fit for 10 year olds; but flash forward 30+ years and I see the same people on facebook, and they are way more obese than I have ever been. One guy I recall very specifically is now 400+ lbs, type 2 diabetes, and working on his 3rd bypass. He loves his hoveround because he can barely walk now. I know it shouldn't, but somewhere deep inside, that makes me... not happy, but maybe satisfied to see the karmic wheel turn.
  • janiecorona
    Constantly for what seems to be my whole life. When you're overweight, that's the insult that people come up with first, "fat." They say words don't hurt but they do. I wish they would be a little creative, at least. I can change my weight, they, however, cannot change their stupidity.
  • makemetinyplz
    I was always SLIGHTLY overweight and I went to the same school from k-8th grade and I got called fat by the same ignorant kids for 7 years since I was in 2nd grade. I was 8 and being called fat! Yes, I was a bit overweight. I think it was because I hadn't hit my growth spurt yet and didn't excersise much because of my asthma.
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    I was always picked on at school because of it, even in the street a few months back someone walked up to me and right in my face when I was on the phone said very loudly to her friend 'ewwwwww are my thighs as fat as hers'

    That is so rude!!!! I'm not a violent person, but I'd have to hurt somebody. I don't understand while people have to be so. I'm so sorry you experienced that.
  • suzyluzy
    suzyluzy Posts: 78
    In elementary school, I was a muscley kid because of the programs I was on. I developed earlier. I was always made fun of. Yes I was bigger than most kids, but I look back--I was NOT fat at all!

    But as time went on, I gained quite a bit of weight. And I get comments on my legs because they are large--I always have to find pants to fit my legs, then tailor in the waist! But hey--I love myself. Their comments don't matter. :)
  • PriorGodwyn
    I've been made fun of because of my weight. My dad always called me fat and stupid and my mom was just disapproving. And that was when I was in elementary school. I was kind of chubby, but not to where it was a health concern. I didn't get out to exercise much because I was afraid of being in public and afraid of people. It stemmed from my parents' comments about my appearance, and I felt like everyone who saw me, judged me. I know now that I'm never going to do that to my child because I will always remember how that made me feel, like I wasn't worthy of being their child, and they were ashamed of me.

    One (thankfully) failed suicide attempt and a loving best friend later, I feel much better about myself. I still have times of insecurity, but everyone should know that no matter how crappy things may seem, they will always get better. :smile:
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    The only person that has ever made fun of me for my weight is my mother...her favorite nickname for me as a teen was thunder thighs :\
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    I got made fun of periodically when I was in school. But it was never bad. I think mostly because even though I was overweight, I've always been very active and confident. I played basketball, sang in chorus, was in the orchestra, drama, and most years I was the smartest and funniest girl in my class. So what did I care if someone thought I could lose a few pounds? I also have a very loving and supportive family. For those of you who don't - that really sucks and you are so awesome and courageous for taking steps to make yourself better and happier despite their negativity.
  • auntiepandie
    You know I have, and other times it feels like they want to say something about it or they say it under there breathe and they think you can't hear what they are saying. (people can be really rude when it comes to peoples weight ). For a side note if you are happy with how you look then it does not matter what others think, but that does not change that when they are rude it really does hurt your feelings.
  • auntiepandie
    You know I have, and other times it feels like they want to say something about it or they say it under there breathe and they think you can't hear what they are saying. (people can be really rude when it comes to peoples weight ). For a side note if you are happy with how you look then it does not matter what others think, but that does not change that when they are rude it really does hurt your feelings.
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    I realize that this is probably more directed at people picking on you because you were over weight, but I was picked on in 6th-8th grade because I was SUUUPER skinny. I grew 3 inches in 6th grade to 5'3" and 103lbs., in 7th grade i grew another 3 inches to 5'6" and 110lbs., 8th grade I grew ANOTHER 2 inches and I was 115lbs. I was called "strring bean", Twiggy", and other skinny related names. I felt awful about myself, but I swore that I would never let myself "get big" and stay skinny. Well, now 15 years later, I am big and I'm working hard to get back to a reasonable weight. *sigh* Some days. it feels like a never ending battle...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I was given alot of hell for being too skinny before,when I gained alot of weight no one ever said anything negitive to me
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Me? No never.

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Shoot, I was made fun of most of my life for my weight. I grew up with three bigger big brothers, and even to this day they tease each other mercilessly. I never partook in making fun of them, and luckily they knew better than to tease me. But the rest of the kids at school? Man, they were rough. And adults are just as bad, if not worse! Kids don't know half the crap they say, adults have no excuse.

    You just gotta rise above it, let that negativity be your fuel to kick *kitten*!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I was also made fun of for being too skinny.

    And then, when I became an adult and was finally at a normal weight, my uncle made a comment indicating how much bigger I had gotten. To this day, I'm not sure if he meant well. But, it completely stuck out.
  • cjusticeg
    cjusticeg Posts: 90 Member
    i ALWAYS used to dread going to one of my grandmothers if I had put on weight recently because I knew she would point it out.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Yup I've always been put down bc of my weight by my family. Never, btw by my friends always and I mean always by my family! Never, lost the weight until I started to get away from them. Now, they say I look too thin and critize me bc I am "too skinny" and they still bring up the past bout how big I was and **** just to make me feel bad.
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    When I was in middle school there was a kid named Seth who saw it as his personal mission to point out my weight. He would follow me around and call me "Chunk" or "Chunkie" every time we crossed paths. He would even go as far as to collect other people's food and bring it to me in the lunch room because he said he knew I would still be hungry.

    This went on for years until 8th grade when one day I just snapped. My zen went on vacation or something. I threw a pencil case at him and long story short he ended up wearing an eye patch for a few months.

    From then on he was "Captain Seth" or "Pirate kid" or other variations to everyone in our middle school. I'm not advocating violence or retaliation, but he did see if from a different perspective after that.

    P.S. Years later I wrote a screenplay called "Chunkie" about eating disorders. Thanks for that one Seth.
  • BlueAventer
    My brothers have called me fat. And they have told me that I look funny when I run. It hurts, especially from someone who should be so close to you. But I got over it. I'm the heaviest of my 3 full-blood siblings, they are all rail thin and have never been overweight so I think they look at me as something of an anomaly. I've never been called fat or made fun of by anyone other than my family. :frown: :frown: