Have you ever been made fun of because of your weight?

I gained about 30 lbs these past couple years due to my anxiety medication. I switched meds but the weight stayed on.
I have lost 5 of it and am staying in track.
But my family and parents still make me feel bad about it. They constantly criticize my body and weight. They say things like "Well if you keep eating like you do and never get off the couch what do you think is going to happen?"
I don't eat poorly at all and I work out 6 days a week. They always just make me feel like crap about myself.

Have you ever been put down because of your extra pounds?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yep. I was smaller when I went to visit my grandma this year than I was last year (though heavier) and she constantly made jokes about the way I ate - even though I ate pretty well considering what she had to offer me, food-wise.

    The first time I was called fat, I was 9 years old and it was from my oldest brother. Thanks, bro. :sad:
  • makemetinyplz
    omg your not even fat. You just look average. That's really mean. Maybe they're annoyed with something in their own lives that makes them extra irritable.
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    My mom is almost 200 lbs, she never eats right or works out. I think she may envy my healthy lifestyle so she's always talking about fat people and how gross they are. I think she's just angry with herself.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I went to a new school in 4th and 5th grade and I wasnt really bad overweight but I was bigger than most kids as I was tall too.. Go figure cuz after that i never got any taller and I am 5'3. The kids called me Moose... I have never forgotten that and no one will ever know how much it affected me growing up.

    People dont realize what they say... just ignore them and keep up what you are doing!!

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  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    oh sure .. back in school .. but if anything .. it taught me to spot people's weaknesses very quickly .. really comes in handy now .. in a non-mean way lol!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    OH yeah, I have. Usually happens if I'm winning an argument w/ someone and they have to resort to ad hominem attacks. Lame.
  • Seasidedebbie
    Seasidedebbie Posts: 85 Member
    Oh yeah - all my life. People just do not get it. I know I am fat I do not need to be told I am.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I was always picked on at school because of it, even in the street a few months back someone walked up to me and right in my face when I was on the phone said very loudly to her friend 'ewwwwww are my thighs as fat as hers'
  • bopefas
    bopefas Posts: 32 Member
    Oh, of course.Now that I've lost 15 lb's and have a flatter stomach,nobody talks about me anymore.I LOVE IT!
  • pbeans
    pbeans Posts: 42
    Yes. I have been asked numerous times if I am pregnant over the past years. I have been called "wide load" before. I also get comments from people about what I'm eating. I made the mistake of telling a group of friends that I wanted to diet so every morsel they see me eat is questioned. I'm often asked now what I'm eating. That I blame myself for since I made it a deal that I was dieting. The other day while I was wearing pink a woman told me I looked like a fat bottle of pepto bismol. So, yes...I know exactly how you feel.
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    I used to be a sales representative for a company here in my town and one day I was out doing a demonstration and the lady asked me, "So when are you due?" I KNEW what she was referring to, but I played dumb and said, "Due for what?" And she goes, "You know! Your baby! When's your baby due?" And I smiled and hesitated and I said slowly, "I'm...not pregnant..." And you know what she had the NERVE to say? "Really???" OMG LADY NO! I'M LYING TO YOU. >.< Oh! And then what made it even worse, after the demonstration was over (she wound up buying something lol) she says to me, "I'm sorry about my comment earlier, but you gotta admit, you really do look like you're pregnant." Gee...thank you lady...you try to apologize, but then you make it worse by trying to get me to admit I look like a fat pregnant cow. Thank you. Apology NOT accepted.
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    i think in some form we all were made fun of. you would think that u could count on your family for support. don't they know that you're working hard at losing weight
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    Yep, my mom's side of the family does, all of the women are a size 6 to 0 except me, I am a size 18. They always tell me at family functions that I do not need to eat certain things and that I will lose weight more if a stand rather than sit, so there is never an extra chair for me. They pick a me if I get an extra helping of something and tell me I'd be pretty if I lost more weight. Yeah it sucks, but I have learned that it is the way they are and they will never change, so I avoid them
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    My mom is almost 200 lbs, she never eats right or works out. I think she may envy my healthy lifestyle so she's always talking about fat people and how gross they are. I think she's just angry with herself.

    This sounds correct as the source of her issue with you.

    I end up saying this same thing over and over to people, but it's true. Many people in your life will not realize that they don't like the changes you're making. They like you better when you're weak and accepting of their random down-turned comments. They like you better lazy because they can be lazy and not feel guilty for it. Please don't let these people discourage you. I know it's especially difficult when it's your mother.

    The other thing I tell people is that you have to work out the inside of yourself as well. Something to practice and remember is that no one can *make* you feel anything. You have control of your emotions. Find a way to master that during one of your "inside" workouts.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Also my Mum used to tell me all the time you would look beautiful if you just lost all that weight.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I gained most of my weight when I was older, and I have heard some snide comments...the one that really hurt me was just this last weekend. I was at the lake with a bunch of my girls and I am the smallest of the bunch....and I have been feelings so awesome about myself and my progress that I was actually wearing my bathing suit sans coverup!!!!

    then these snotty little **** boys walked by and said "oh should we get out the harpoons?"

    talk about taking the wind out of your sails!
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    My mom is almost 200 lbs, she never eats right or works out. I think she may envy my healthy lifestyle so she's always talking about fat people and how gross they are. I think she's just angry with herself.

    This sounds correct as the source of her issue with you.

    I end up saying this same thing over and over to people, but it's true. Many people in your life will not realize that they don't like the changes you're making. They like you better when you're weak and accepting of their random down-turned comments. They like you better lazy because they can be lazy and not feel guilty for it. Please don't let these people discourage you. I know it's especially difficult when it's your mother.

    The other thing I tell people is that you have to work out the inside of yourself as well. Something to practice and remember is that no one can *make* you feel anything. You have control of your emotions. Find a way to master that during one of your "inside" workouts.

    I can vouch for this too. Just the other day one of my obese friends told me, "You know it's ok to stay the way you are right?" And I know she was just trying to be helpful, but it really made me feel like she was just telling me that so I'd be like, "You know what? You're right. It is ok to stay fat." Therefore supporting her own fatness.

    People who have issues with themselves don't like it when others with the same issues figure out a way to fix them. It's much easier just to go on with life making excuses than to get up and do something about it.
  • Catrinaxoxo
    Well said sunkisses.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes.....when I weighed 120 lbs, I was called fat.

    If other people tease you for your weight, it's due to their own inadequacies, and has nothing whatsoever to do with your weight.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    This last 4th of July I took my little brother to the Splash [a 4th July fair] and I had bought him a ice cream and he couldn't open the wrapper so I opened it for him using my teeth. There were these two girls behind us who had made a remark about me.
    One said "Do you see how she ripped open that wrapper?"
    And the other said
    "Yeah, but do you see how fat she is? She has to get her ice cream fast."
    I am about 35 lbs - 40 lbs over weight but jeez.