

  • I'm not a vegetarian, but this is a salad I made yesterday and had leftovers today. 1c pearled farro (can also use pearled couscous) 2 diced cucumbers - seeds removed 2 diced roma tomatoes 1/4 c diced red onion 2 tbs lemon juice 1 tbs olive oil Fresh herbs to taste (basil, oregeno, parsley) (I used dried, but fresh would…
  • We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke - makes me want to DANCE!
  • Oh I'm all about a spa day. Have the works, facial, massage, mani and pedi if you can. It is heaven!
  • I'm sorry for all the things life has put you through. I'm happy to see you have finally found strength though your kids, your partner and your dad, but most of all you found the strength that is in you. I'd love to have more motivational friends, so if you'd like to add me feel free. I do like to chat and share supportive…
  • I admit, I'm not a fan of exercise. But this video was easy enough for me to keep up with (level 1) and it did cause me to increase my pulse and breathing and even sweat a little. I think it's a good starting point. And having done it for just 4 days (plus really sticking to my calorie allotment) I am down 2.6 lbs.
  • My hubby packs me little baggies of carrots and/or fruit in the morning. It's so sweet that I have to bring them with me and eat them. Over the weekend I made some low fat banana pear muffins because I had fruit that was a tad too ripe (170 calories for 2), but everyone liked them so much they were gone by Sunday…
  • I love that
  • Wow you all did an amazing job. I'm just starting over yet again, but I find the pictures very motivating. Thanks!
  • Great idea! I found some recipies including Lime Cilantro Riced Cauliflower and I'll try it this week for sure http://allrecipes.com/recipe/lime-cilantro-cauliflower-rice/
  • Congrats everyone, small victories are very rewarding. They remind us to keep doing what we're doing and to keep working for bigger and better victories. I've only lost a few pounds but I was putting on my makeup this morning and I smiled at myself ... and I could see my dimples. It made me happy.
  • Doing it at my desk while I work :) Great idea!
  • Masters in Health Education, currently working as a Research Assistant for a teaching hospital.
  • This may be just as silly as some of the other answers on here, but it was fun for me... Redo a room in your house. Carrying drywall, sanding, painting, etc... burns tons of calories and tones muscles. My husband and I did a whole cabin ourselves, and now we're planning a redo of our laundry room. Even if you dont have a…
  • Thanks. I'm not a big fan of the DVD's. My husband and step son tend to sit there and watch me and unintentionally make me feel self concious. I have a yoga ball... dont think I've ever used it. I'll give that a try :wink: I could also take my yoga stuff downstairs and do it there... with no one watching. Just need to…
  • Cup of tomato bisque soup and spinich salad with feta, cranberries, bacon bits. :huh:
  • Unfortunately, I cant say this for myself because I am also a big ole yo-yo... but three of my co-workers who used MFP for over a year each lost around 30 lbs and each of them have kept it off for over a year and a half now. They dont regularly use MFP now that they are maintaining, but when my boss gains more than 5 lbs…
  • I'm only 5'3 but I figured that was close enough to respond. I'm also older, 45, so my goals are realistic for my age/height I think. I'm currently 180 and would like to be 150.
  • I noticed that you eat a lot of prepared foods (Jimmy Dean, Stouffer's,etc) these are usually higher in calories and sodium than foods that you might make yourself. And you eat a lot of cheese, I never find that filling and it's a lot of calories. My suggestion is to cook more. Lean meats, chicken, fish, etc. and keep them…
  • My new favorite is lite yogurt with fresh berries (i vary the type of berry), 2 tbs of granola and a tbs of lite whipped cream. It ends up being right around 170 calories. Keeps me going until lunch. Sometimes I just do yogurt with fruit if I'm in a hurry, doesnt keep me satisfied quite as long, but thats only 80 calories.
  • I seem to be one of a kind :) Female 45 SW: 192 CW: 180 GW: 150 Height: 5'3 NSV: To fit in the clothes that I bought when I thought I was going to lose weight two years ago. Their still hanging in my closet with tags on them. Not giving up this time.
  • My husband and I are doing Mexican tonight. We'll share a basket of chips and salsa, share an order of fajitas and then I'm hoping to also share the fried cheesecake. Couldnt find calories for fried cheesecake, so I'll just pretend it doesnt have any ;) All in all I should be able to keep to my calories unless I find out…
  • Responsible. My boss does it so much the waiters and waitresses at our favorite restaurant remember her order and often remind her of what she likes/doesnt like. :)
  • Everyone has such amazing stories and motivations to start this change in your life. I hope we all have the conviction and confidence to keep it going and reach our goals. As for me, I suppose like most of you I was concerned with a health issue and it scared me into doing something about it. And I also hate the way I look…
  • I agree with everyone else. Unless you're eating every hour or two I dont think it's a good way to go. I also eat yogurt with granola and fresh berries at least 3 mornings a week and that keeps me satisfied for around 5 hours.
  • My wedding was a second one for both of us so we didnt need or want a whole big formal thing. We spent right around $3000. Our wedding was held at my father-in-law's house on a lake. We rented a huge tent, with chairs and tables (table cloths included), borrowed christmas lights and strung them inside the tent and on a few…
  • I think it depends on their situation. I had a friend that cheated and I stopped being friends with her. But she did so in a way that it really hurt her spouse. She was wreckless and hurtful to him and I lost my respect for her. But there are different situations so I cant say that I would flat out stop caring for anyone…
  • There are lots of gifts that I've gotten that I love, the birdhouse my son painted for me when he was 5 is still on my windowsill. But I think my favorite thing ever was when my husband (boyfriend of only a few months at the time) took me to California. Although I had traveled as a kid, I never got to travel during my…
  • I guess I was the mean mom. I would only cook one meal, if they picked at it and didnt eat then oh well. I had a picky eater too, he didnt like anything so I'd give him his dinner, if he didnt eat it he still had to sit there. Sometimes he'd eat, sometimes not. I'd always allow them to have a bowl of cereal before bedtime…
  • 1. To be healthy. 2. For my husband, he deserves better. 3. Because I hate being the fat girl at work. 4. So I can buy a cute bathing suit instead of the "old lady" one I'm currently wearing. :tongue:
  • Not hungry just want to snack = celery and a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese Starving but dont want to eat a meal snack = yogurt with fruit, tablespoon of granola, and ff whipped cream or sometimes I just have a packet of instant oatmeal.