Always Hungry!!!



  • loriamcq
    loriamcq Posts: 64
    I noticed that you eat a lot of prepared foods (Jimmy Dean, Stouffer's,etc) these are usually higher in calories and sodium than foods that you might make yourself. And you eat a lot of cheese, I never find that filling and it's a lot of calories.

    My suggestion is to cook more. Lean meats, chicken, fish, etc. and keep them simple. Add a whole grain pasta or rice or skip the starches once in a while and serve 2 or more vegetables with your meals. Stir-fried meat and veggies are super simple and quick and usually low in fat (depends on how you cook them). Plus, you can always cook enough to stretch into 2 meals so you only have to cook every other day, or take leftovers for lunch.

    Also, it looks like you need to increase your fiber. Fiber really helps you stay fuller longer. I'd skip the cheese snack and have a bowl of cereal instead, more fiber, same calories.

    You might want to make the changes a little at a time so it's not so overwhelming. Also, if you have a craving for something sweet or salty, it's ok to indulge once in a while, just keep it within the calories you alot yourself for snacks and you'll never feel deprived. Hopefully you wont feel hungry either.
  • jenkinsdeb
    I had a quick look at your dairy. I think your meals are a bit un-balanced. I don't see any fruit,or salads, ?? Or water intake??
    Try and eat 400 calories in every meal (Breakfast, lunch and tea) and that will still leave you 400 extra of snacks.and I never eat after 6pm. Also you can exercise for more food. Check my dairy out, I have lost 25lbs in 20 weeks and Im not perfect by any strech of the imagination! ;-) Hope this helps a little. Debs J from New Zealand!!
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    Cook more, eat processed foods less.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Eat To Live 6 week plan. It keeps me satiated all day long with no cravings! :-)
    => 453 grams raw non-starchy veggies (1 lb.)
    => 453 grams cooked non-starchy veggies (1 lb.)
    => 4 fruit
    => 1 cup beans
    =< 1 cup starches
    = 1 oz. nuts/seeds
    = 1 T flaxseed
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    When you eat processed foods...they are very high in calories, and you will hit your calories total much faster!! If you eat clean, meaning grown and unprocessed food you will get to eat a lot more and also more food high in fiber will keep you full longer!!
  • jenkinsdeb
    Hi Kirsty
    Your article its basically the same as what I'm eating also.
    I take bowel-biotic's to keeps everything moving thru and it also keeps me full and 2 captuals of spirulana every day. ;-)
  • awwwshux25
    awwwshux25 Posts: 96 Member
    Try a protien shake...just make sure you don't get one filled with sugar...that is what I do when I feel like I am starving.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    You are not eating enough low-calorie fruits and vegetables and too many high-calorie, dense, processed foods, which fill up your calorie goals but not your stomach.
  • RobynDCrossman
    Eat more.
    You have an enormous calorie deficit from working out. Calorie deficit is great - but you are BURNING those calories, so your body is going to have the tendency to be hungry. :)
  • now_picture_this
    now_picture_this Posts: 13 Member
    Add sodium and sugar to your tracked items: Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Sodium & Sugar. Once you do that, I'm sure you will see that you are eating a LOT of sodium & sugar. Under goals, change your goals to custom, put in the number of calories you want to eat per day and then set your macronutrients to 40 (protein), 30 (fat) and 30 (carbs). Get rid of all of the prepackaged stuff & drink only water. If you want peanut butter, eat only natural pb with no sugar added. Bread- Ezekiel 4:9 bread. Eat real foods.
  • Birdnicaj
    Birdnicaj Posts: 95
    So here is the thing .... when you shop you should NOT be buying "meals", you should be buying ingredients. Once you understand what is in each meal you consume, and the calorie counts for all the ingredients you use, you won't be asking questions any longer. Food that is nutritious, prepared with love and with healthful ingredients, will not leave you hungry or dissatisfied! The foods that come as "ready meals" are full of things that are toxic, clog our systems, and cause our systems to malfunction: leaving us fat, hungry and tired. So be careful, even when someone says "eat oatmeal", they don't mean the little sugar laden packets you add hot water to - the best is the oatmeal you cook on your own stove and sweeten with a drizzle of maple and some cut up fruit.
    Just an example, sorry that I'm so specific, just wanted to illustrate how a "good for you" food can be actually bad for you if you buy the processed, ready to eat kind of thing :-)
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    If you are going to eat pasta, try whole wheat pasta also add more veggie and fruit. To much processed food will leave you feeling hungry as most of it's nutritional value is lost, especially if you work out a lot. Try this experiment. Place a jimmy dean sandwich on a plate then on another plate place the equivalent (in calories) in veggies, fruit and a 4oz piece of lean protein and see which offers you more eats for the same amount of calories. I was shocked when I saw the amount of food when I tried this.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    My only suggestion is more fruit and vegetables, which has already been said. They really are filling. I saw bananas with peanut butter for a snack, LOVE IT! Try an apple with peanut butter. Also some sort of raw, steamed, sauteed veggie will help with feeling full. I love Spinach, not so much broccoli but it is filling, carrots with ranch dip. I'm suggesting you eat more filling low cal fresh foods.
  • ankat321
    ankat321 Posts: 1
    Dr. Joel Fuhrman does a good job of explaining toxic hunger vs true hunger in volume 1 of 'Eat for Health'. I have, like 15 different diet books in my personal library and have tried following them all, but it wasn't until I read his book that I learned how I could eliminate those 'hunger' feelings with a diet based on fruits, veggies, and whole foods. And, let me tell you, I used to eat 3,000 + calories a day and would still be hungry. But that's when I ate highly refined carbs, sugar/caffiene based beverages (colas), and processed foods. But I personally found that to eliminate those hunger feelings, I had to totally eliminate all soda & junk foods (even if they were within my calorie allotment for the day) and and get most of my carbs from fruits & starchy veggies.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Simply put: eat more - you are at a significant deficit.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I have to go with what just about everyone else has said here...

    Eat whole foods, get rid of processed foods.

    I like what someone else said... when you shop at the grocery store, you buy ingredients, not meals. I really think that if you focus on eating whole foods rather than processed foods, you will immediately notice a difference.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I have to go with what just about everyone else has said here...

    Eat whole foods, get rid of processed foods.

    I like what someone else said... when you shop at the grocery store, you buy ingredients, not meals. I really think that if you focus on eating whole foods rather than processed foods, you will immediately notice a difference.

    ^^ This. But I would also add that you need to eat back your exercise Calories more often as well. MFP has already built in a 500-1000 Calorie deficit--So pay attention to your NET calories not your total Calorie intake. Trust the tool, it works, I promise.