Always Hungry!!!

Hi, can someone please, please, please look at my diary and tell me what I might need to change. I feel like I am always hungry. I have been going by the recommendations set by MFP and I feel like I am always hungry. I started to make progress slowly and then I seem to have gone right back to where I started. As of today I have upped my calories to match what is recommended by Fat2Fit. I am on my third day of 30DS and I supplement that with 20-25 minutes on the elliptical machine. Please look at my past diaries tell me if the changes I am making should help with my fat loss? I am started to get very frustrated and HUNGRY!!! Thanks for any and all advice,


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    If you're always hungry, you need to eat more! Even when trying to lose weight, you need to eat enough to fuel your body properly. If you just upped your calories, it should help a lot. Give it a couple of weeks and see!

    Make sure you get plenty of protein and fiber. These will fill you up for a longer amount of time. Keep drinking water too. Sometimes hunger is actually thirst. If you're hungry, have a cup of water. Give it a few minutes, and if you're still hungry, EAT!
    Try to avoid processed foods, even things like lean cuisine, because all the preservatives and additives they put in these foods to keep them "fresh" makes your body work harder to clean them out.

    Keep up with the exercise (that may make you gain some water weight at first, so drink more water to flush it out), and you'll see results soon! I lost 4 inches in my first 10 days of 30DS! (Haven't gotten through the second 10 yet, level 2 sucks.)
  • Natty0506
    Natty0506 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm not seeing a whole lot of veggies (the fiber in veggies helps you feel fuller longer) and you're eating a lot of refined carbs which make you feel even more hungry. Don't eat so much pasta. Replace it with chicken or pork or some sort of solid protein and add some veggies to the mix (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) and you'll start to not feel so hungry.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I didn't look too intensely, but I would skip the Jimmy Dean crap and eat something just...better. Oatmeal with some nut butter in it maybe. It may not sound exciting, but I bet it will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    I think you could definitely cut out the elliptical on days that you do 30DS - too much cardio isn't always a good thing, and JM videos are more strenuous cardio. Also, cut out the processed (prepackaged) foods and substitute with some higher fiber, higher protein foods. That should help as well. You're welcome to check out my diary if you want some ideas, I usually eat a diet low in processed foods.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Way too much processed food and sugar.
  • agrzybow
    agrzybow Posts: 38 Member
    Hi jgriffin, I looked through two days - Tuesday and Monday. On those two days I saw a couple of things: You have a LOT of calories left at the end of the day, so you are doing exercise, but not eating back those calories. Also, I do not see a lot of fruit and veggies on those particular days. I see carbs and protein, but the fruits and veggies will add calories and fiber and help you feel more full.

    Breakfast looked good, but I saw that you are using whole milk - maybe switch to skim and that will take some calories and fat out of the equation, leaving some calories for fruits and vegetables.

    Maybe others will have some better suggestions for you, too!

    Just to let you know, some days I feel more hungry, too ;)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Less processed food. More vegetables. More lean protein.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Try increase your protein & fiber. They keep you full longer. Also, I didn't see a lot of fruit & veggies.
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    I agree. Trade out the carbs for better carbs. Brown rice, wheat toast, oatmeal, veggies like carrots and broccoli. Carrots and celery really fill me up and you can eat them plain or with lots of different dips like greek yogurt, peanut butter, low cal ranch, etc...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Just looking at the last handful of days, I don't think what you're eating is too bad. But you have some BIG deficit days (700cals +). Daily goal looks to be around 1600net, which is reasonable.

    I'd eat more.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    I would throw some fresh fruit in there like apples or grapefruits the help to keep me full and some whole grains It looks like you may need to drink more water too .
    Also try some egg whites for breakfast or egg beaters (that is what I eat ) on an arnolds whole grain roll withsome turkey bacon
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    It looks like you could stand to eat more. Maybe try coming in within 100 calories under goal.

    Also, sugar tends to fire up the hunger pangs so try to cut that. And aim for more protein and veggies to give your body better nutrition, which can reduce cravings and hunger in general.

    You're welcome to check my diary for some other ideas.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIE BACK!!!!!!!! I truly understand that it goes against logic and that you want the weight OFF (the sooner the better). If you're hesitant, experiment with eating those calories that you're leaving on the table by eating more heavy in protein than carbs. If you're still hesitant, make a concerted effort to start by eating half of your calories back.

    Sorry to holler, but the solution is at the bottom of your diary...
  • Rhiannon723
    You have a LOT of calories left at the end of the day, so you are doing exercise, but not eating back those calories. Also, I do not see a lot of fruit and veggies on those particular days. I see carbs and protein, but the fruits and veggies will add calories and fiber and help you feel more full.

    Just to let you know, some days I feel more hungry, too ;)

  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    If she is following fat2fit you don't eat back the exercise calories,it's already added in.
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    Less processed food. More vegetables. More lean protein.

  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    Try eating filling foods: Eggs, rice, lean healthy protein, apples, nuts.

    This is what my day looks like:

    Breakfast: One egg, 1/2 English muffin, 1 cup of coffee, 2 cups of water.

    Snack (2 to 3 hours later) Fruit, usually half a banana, 2 cups of water.

    Lunch (about 2 hours later) 1/2 cup brown rice and 2 to 4 ounces of baked chicken (flavored a different way and cooked once each week for the whole week), 2 cups of water.

    Snack (about 2 hours later) 1/4 cup yogurt and if I'm hungry I'll add in 1/2 cup granola or 1/4 cup trail mix or more fruit or celery and humus, 2 cups of water.

    Dinner (2 to 4 hours later) It varies, but we usually cook something from our Eat Clean Cook book, 2 cups of water.

    Snack (about 2 hours later) 3 to 4 cups of Popcorn, fruit, a desert from our Eat Clean Cook book, 1/4 cup trail mix, etc., 2 more cups of water or a cup of hot green tea if I don't want more water.

    I take supplemental fiber too and they may contribute to my feeling full. I'm sure the water helps too, but I am never hungry except when it is time to eat again, which feels like it is pretty much all of the time. It is a repetitive, easy, and filling diet.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    While I generally hate the "it works for me" defense, I eat virtually NO fruits or veggies and I do just fine. It can't hurt to add more of them to your diet, but I wouldn't jump right to fruits/veggies as the first/biggest problem.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I would cut out all the calories you are drinking.. Cokes, and juices Eat more veggies and fresh food. Cut out as much processed foods as you can.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If she is following fat2fit you don't eat back the exercise calories,it's already added in.

    1600 total cals, assuming 600 cals burned for exercise = 1000 net. If I were in her shoes, I'd start there, even if the program doesn't recommend eating back cals. Perhaps her base number is too low.