SexSeaCow Member


  • My daily goal is 1200 and honestly I don't exercise that much. I meet my goal almost every day (with time off for Thanksgiving obviously) but I've been doing it for a couple months now and it's not really a problem for me. I also eat out at restaurants and drink wine and everything. Coffee for breakfast with maybe a piece…
  • I'm right between 5'3" and 5'4". I started diet/exercise when I hit 130. I was down to 106 for my wedding and in a year and a half gained 25 lbs! Before I lost the wedding weight I was 118. So, that's my goal weight now. I'm not big in the chest and I like feeling slender so it might not be an optimal weight for everyone.…
  • Of course! Nothing like a little competition to keep me on the elliptical a bit longer. :) I'm pretty sure everybody does it.
  • Agree, it would help if we could see your food diary. TV dinners may be the problem - they are over processed a lot of the time. I'd say switch to something with a little more variety for lunch - I make a homemade turkey wrap for about 260 calories and then I have a piece of fruit. Drink a LOT of water and if you still get…
  • I'm not a nutritionist/fitness coach, but here's how I understand it as it was explained to me by a friend with a masters in kinesiology/fitness: For each pound of fat you want to lose, you have to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in. However, there are safe and unsafe ways to go about doing this. Your caloric…
  • I think everyone is different. If your stomach is bigger than your breasts they will probably make you look more proportionate. When you stomach is smaller than your breasts it can go either way depending on the size of your waist and the clothes you are wearing.
  • Boobs or no boobs doesn't really matter. A man may like to look at full-chested women, but whether or not you have cleavage isn't going to be the determining factor in finding a partner for your life. Focus on your diet and exercise routine. Shrink your belly and waistline and you'll feel a lot more confident even with…
  • It's hard as a woman to find a good workout routine that doesn't bulk us up. The key to maintaining tone and strength without adding too much muscle mass (and getting those bulky biceps) is low weight + high reps. Small weights like 3lb or even no weights with high reps will give you nice toned, strong arms without the…
  • I have nagged my husband, asked him nicely, pointed out that I want him to be alive for as long as possible, tried to incentivize him, guilt him, make it into a fun outing, etc...doesn't work. I did notice though, that when I get too heavy or when I start getting in good shape he magically starts lifting weights, swimming,…
  • I cut things into teeny pieces and if I snack I break crackers or pretzels or whatever into smaller pieces as well. Tricks my brain into thinking I ate more and I feel like I digest better as I eat so I don't cram in as much food as possible.
  • 1. Any day is as good as Monday. Say to yourself "Today" instead of Monday. It's all about making the next "right" decision. Each moment is a new choice. 2. Idk if this is "healthy" or not, but it really helps keep me motivated to look at magazines like Maxim, or Fitness, or even to watch a few minutes of those stupid VH-1…
  • Use soda water and crystal lite or diet lemonade/juice as a mixer instead of soda or regular juice. I also like to use soda water and MIO - the strawberry watermelon one is delicious with vodka.
  • Lots of people put fruit in it...I personally don't like it with fruit. A delicious thing to do with it is to add a little pinch of salt and some black pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice and then use it as a dip for cucumbers, red beets, carrots, etc. Anything you'd dip in hummus tastes great in cottage cheese too.
  • Crunches are basically useless. Even if you do get definition from them, unless you have really low body fat %, it won't be the definition you're looking for. They tend to bulk up the muscle, rather than lengthen and tone. Solution: Do cardio to burn off excess belly fat and do exercises that target your core, obliques and…
  • Please don't do this diet. Aside from the dangers of eating only 500 calories a day, and aside from the fact that a crash diet like this will only give you temporary results, look into what HCG actually is. A fertility hormone?!?!?! Ugh. I don't know, maybe it's worth it to you, but there is no way I'd want to put…
  • My Mom says the same thing and it's tragic. Swimming is such a good workout for your entire body. We all have to start somewhere - forget what anyone else thinks and focus on how great it will feel to swim and watch your body tone up, and how fantastic it will be when you reach your goal and can step out confidently in…
  • Have you ever tried sunscreen towelettes? They fit right in your pocket and they're great for running. I like Patrick's Sunscreen. It works for your face and your body. You can actually get samples on the website at :)
  • The more weight we lose, the harder it gets to lose more. When I plateau I try to look at what I'm doing as far as exercise. If you do the same routine every day and are now just doing it more often/longer, maybe try switching up your routine. Sometimes that's all it takes to see results. Your body adapts pretty quickly to…