

  • It's all about appearance if you want people to stop. If your little one's stand looks like she put in all heart and soul and is more appealing looking, she will get the business! Go get em!
  • I'm pretty sure google has a map feature that allows you to track your route and will tell you how far
  • Hi there! Feel free to add me, I finished w4 of C25k today but I am also starting the 30DS prolly tomorrow :happy:
  • Quit thinking and GO!! You are either going to feel guilty when you haven't or extra proud of yourself for doing it even though you didn't want to. End the day on a good note!
  • I don't know about the machines, but you should really check ebay for a good HRM. I got a new one for half of the price!
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with indulging even once a week. (Said as I get ready to prep the pizza I'm making tonight) You won't be able to keep up your changes unless you allow yourself these things once in a while. I know all week that Friday night I will probably blow it but that makes it easier to avoid…
  • Congrats! I'm finishing w2 today and I know Im not doing it fast or perfectly either. But yay! We are doing it! Each workout will bring you a new sense of accomplishment so enjoy it! Good job!
  • My in laws cause the same sort of destruction ;) I found that the last time we went with them, it was very easy to check the website of the place we were going so that I knew what I wanted to choose before staring at all of the glorious menu options. Also, ask for a box when you order and put half of the meal in right away…
  • Way to go!!! Just think about the new wardrobe you're going to need!
  • I think if you keep your diary going religiously it will definately help. Then you will be making conscious decisions about which meals you want to splurge on and can avoid some regret. Also, if you know your mom is making a great dinner but maybe not breakfast or lunch, try to go really easy on those meals. And I also…
  • Go with the little one and savor it. I was fighting the twix battle myself ;) It won't hurt in the long run, just don't let them become part of a habit.
  • Thanks for sharing this! sounds great!
  • I'm mentally preparing myself for day 2 tonight! Never been a runner but always wanted to be :) The first day was hard but huge sense of accomplishment after I was done. Best of luck!
  • Baby carrots are great. Few calories (35 or so a serving) and the crunch makes them almost as good as chips :)
  • I have had Mirena for 5 years and have found that I have had much more trouble losing weight. HOWEVER, I am getting older by the day as well. (: I don't think it should make that much of a difference for you though.
  • Two of the girls I work with have both been on this pill. They both had to stop because of the side effects. It worked really well for them but they were in the same boat. It made them both extremely short tempered as well and they were driving us all crazy ;)