

  • Wow, you look amazing. Such a transformation. You look great in your jeans. Thank you for sharing and well done.
  • WooHoo, my endurance is getting better and I actually kind of enjoyed the workout today. Finished Day 6 today and still gets a sweat on but there are definitely ways to make it harder. I am only doing the easier options so have upped that and increased the weights for certain exercises. Am I s'posed to go to level 2 after…
  • Completed day 5, level 1. I upped my weights from 1kg to 3kg for some of the strength exercises. My muscles feel great except for my shoulders but that is ok. That first cardio gets me everytime. From there it is not too bad. I can now jump up and down and do the cardio's without stopping. Definitely notice the difference…
  • Completed day 5, level 1. I upped my weights from 1kg to 3kg for some of the strength exercises. My muscles feel great except for my shoulders but that is ok. That first cardio gets me everytime. From there it is not too bad. I can now jump up and down and do the cardio's without stopping. Definitely notice the difference…
  • Day 4 completed! Did it in the morning and that was much better. Muscles feeling quite good today. I find the first circuit (especially cardio section) of level 1 the hardest, after that its all not too bad. Still a major challenge but I can get through it without stopping and doing the exercises correctly now. Still sweat…
  • Okay people day 3 Level 1 done and dusted!!!! I really sweated heaps today more than day 2 but I was able to keep doing the cardio sections non-stop and more effort into each movement. My muscles are still sore but not to the intensity they were. Amazing what a workout 20mins can be with Jillian. Can't wait to check my…
  • YES!!!! Day 3 done and dusted. Hope everyone is going well on the programme and sticking to it. We can do it!!!!
  • Hi me again. This thread is great. Reading through everyone's comments makes me think I'm not the only one who has been experiencing the sore muscles. Just completed L1 Day 2 and so pumped I came across this. I am logging my measurements as it will be out there and keep me accountable. You guys are all doing so well. Keep…
  • Is it still too late to join? I have just started and am up to day 3, absolute beginner.
  • Hiya, welcome to the family. You will love it here, so much support and encouragement. I am a Kiwi girl too. All the very best.
  • Congratulations,You have done so well and you should be feeling really great. That is a great acheivement. Thank you for inspiring us. Oh by the way, have a wonderful time at the pool party. xx
  • I'm totally with you on that one boob. Curves are feminine, it's the way we are designed so I figure we should celebrate being a woman. I know my husband and other guys I have talked to said they prefer to see curves rather than waif like figures. We can end up being unhealthy the other way, trying to get the number on the…
  • Hi there, I posted pretty much exactly the same thing. I am on effexor, a pretty high amount. I too lost weight when I had severe post natal depression 5 years ago. I have put on about 20kgs. During that time tho I just ate because it became my way of coping so I can't put it all down to the medication. I have read that a…
  • Thank you so much for posting that I enjoyed reading it. Again though it comes down to good old common sense. We eat well, exercise and apply the sunscreen. On the up side it has given me a boost today. I have a rounder face and am 40 years old. I am always being told I don't look 40. My skin is pretty good too. So, yes,…
  • Thank you Morgan for your reply. That information has really answered it for me. I havve body fat more than 32 so I could keep my calorie intake to 1000. Currently on 1200 but have been losing. I am so sorry Lablondee, I feel your pain. Nothing worse than trying really hard and being disciplined to find out you have not…
  • Hi there, I'm from NZ too. In Ashburton just south of you infact. I started on here 10 days ago and just love the support. Everyone is so encouraging. Just like one big happy family really. Keep logging on, it keeps you motivated. I am wanting to lose 20kg. I have lost 4kg so far. I have never been able to stick very long…
  • Good for you on giving it another go. A brand new fresh start with all the great possibilities ahead of you. I wish you heaps of success. You will do well, I know you will. You have been on here and lost before and have now learnt something from it so you that to move forward. Please add me if you would like some…
  • Welcome to the family. Wishing you so much success. The encouragement from everyone here will continue to motivate you. Bless ya
  • My children will only eat brown rice, not so keen on the white go figure. We use a rice steamer and it makes a huge difference to the taste and texture over hard boiling because let's face it, who ever heard of kids loving brown rice over white? LOL
  • Hi moremari, yes I take my pills as directed. That is a good point that you raised as I would hope people considering this first do the research and 2nd make sure they take them as per manufacturer specifications. When I bought them the shop explained to me to start off with 1 pill and slowly increase it to the dose that…
  • Thanks for clarifying that one cos I have been wondering what on earth that was and figuring everyone knew except me. I thought it stood for something lol Bless ya
    in bump? Comment by divadebz May 2011
  • Hey Boob0084 you sound like me. I don't really want to post all my weight loss details all over fb as at this point it is private, especially when first starting out. And hey, I love Paramore too. Bless ya
  • Oh phew, praise God for that Melinda. Not so bad at the moment because I have not been working this week. I will keep up the water. By the way, you have done so well with your weight loss girlfriend. Congratulations, that is inspiring to the rest of us. Bless ya
  • Thank you so much mclahey and laura. You guys are both doing really well yourself. And yes Laura I will keep the water up because I often get headaches and it was probably because I was dehydrated. I wish you girls so much success. Let's support each other to the finish line.
  • Thanks Chic_mama for your encouragement. Great to hear such positive news. I have already lost 3.4kgs in 4 days since I started. So will continue on.
  • Absolutely dancingfox, everyone is completely different. Some people on my meds have actually lost weight too. I guess its going to be a 'wait and see' situation.
  • Thank you everybody. Firstly, I am not even considering coming off my meds and yes I have spoken to my doctor. Unfortunately, my medication (Venlivaxine) is the only one that works for me. I totally agree with the increased appitite and can tell you that I have also been responsible for my weight increase over those 5…