New Start, New Account

honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
I joined myfitnesspal at the end of Dec. 2010 and I was doing really well for a couple months, I lost 10lbs and was exercising regularly, then I just sort of fell back into my old habits. Logging onto my old account just reminded me of how I've kind of given up, so I've decided to give my self a fresh start!

I'm looking forward to finding encouraging friends on here, so send me a request if you'd like to be friends!


  • divadebz
    divadebz Posts: 31
    Good for you on giving it another go. A brand new fresh start with all the great possibilities ahead of you. I wish you heaps of success. You will do well, I know you will. You have been on here and lost before and have now learnt something from it so you that to move forward. Please add me if you would like some encouragment.
    Bless ya