busywaterbending Member


  • I think the barton creek green belt is nice. The turkey creek trail loop is good with some elevation change and simple to follow. Like most trails in Austin, everyone thinks you are dog friendly and will not leash the dogs so expect to be slobbered on by the friendly ones. And the poop stench is everywhere on those two…
  • austin here... but some of the old school austinites would say that I'm not a real austinite since I'm not from here, lol. This is the most obnoxious city ever. But I love it.
  • so a second tj opened in austin this year. I'm a tj fan from VA and CA stores. IMO, the seafood at the austin tj stores is always yucky and freezer burned. Anyone else have this problem?
  • as far as I understand it fibroids can only be removed surgically. as for the cause of them you should get some blood work / genetic testing done to see what is triggering your body to create them. They can be a reaction to foods like gluten or lactose, could be stemming from hormone issues like too much estrogen and or…
  • arabesque hold, sprints, bridges, kicks, reverse torso lifts, reverse lunges, skater jumps and step ups. anyone else getting annoyed at all of the bb sites and facebook fitness feeds that show women with obvious plastic surgery (like the brazilian butt lift) as examples of women who squat? What a fkn lie! Squats don't grow…
  • uh I did, I said greens. Greens affect hormone levels. ie. spinach, broccoli, red swiss chard, nori, brussel sprouts.... They have nothing to do with calories.
  • skin will cling to the layer of fat and water that lies under it. To stop "loose" skin and skin sag you have to eliminate the fat layer underneath. Resistance training to tone, continued fat loss program, and / or liposuction are the only options. Anything to bring circulation to your body parts is a good thing, but body…
  • this quote below, and add some greens and meat / fish! You are eating way too much estrogen producing and HGH blocking foods mate. happy training, coachteresacpt
  • on and off weekly since July 2014 making gains to got to; bench press = 90 back squat = 140 dead lift = 160 and no cartilage in my right knee! :smiley: still getting it done and making gains.
  • hi, since your current workout and meal plan isn't working how about a self evaluation? I recommend that you switch to a Leg/ Glute Day, followed by a Chest/Arms, followed by a cardio day, followed by a Leg / Glute Day, followed by a Back / Shoulders Day; a 5 day split routine to ensure muscle recovery and muscle growth.…
  • hi, I will FR you. last year I bulked from the end of Oct thru Feb. and gained 1" on my biceps/triceps, added 1" to lat.s and overall evened out the upper and lower body proportions. (mind you I do this for others as a living!) It's so f'n hard to get up the nerve to do this yourself! And having to eat all the time...the…
  • BriarBelle, medically speaking go to an endocrinologist to jump start your metabolism the RIGHT way! they will order some blood tests, like blood sugar levels and basic hormone panels to see where you are at and specifically what needs to be fixed. It's all bout leveling out your current health, NOT replacing anything that…
  • you can shape pvc pipe with heat and then add worbla and paint. Or you can carve the entire sword from a large block of black, stiff foam and then paint it. Most cons will only allow foam!
  • I tend to not eat when in coxtume, but at dragon con I find grabbing a drink or a hamburger at the Hyatt is easy! I try to hydrate all day, but this year I set a record of not drinking or peeing for 5 hours. It's amazing how one costume can change your life.
  • wow. well, look in mccalls or simplicity costume section. Now is a good time, since most patterns go on sale after Halloween. It's surprising to me how many victorian, steam punk and renn. patterns are available now!
  • New 52 wonder woman. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10177461_810470918973581_612988416988629413_n.jpg?oh=a71e3f8ca90801741aba89a685c5ffd9&oe=54E68E8D&__gda__=1424859379_407615a71cfd45e733532840791d1a3b and the manga one from the 2012 DC comic book run that I did this year really motivated…
  • hi! you can friend me. I just saw Nichelle at alamo city comic con in Sept. She is so sweet. Old, but still a beautiful lady. I've been to D*C 2013 and 14, with this year's being full cosplay mode. I didn't hit any panels. No biggie. Had so much fun running around as new 52 wonder woman, with my husband as Hermes. And my…
  • Work cine UPS and pull Ps, start light using a late pull down machine and slowly progress in resistance every day until you can do them as a body weight exercise on a bar
  • Your heart rate, vo2 max rate, and your resting heart rate will determine your estimate of calories burned when using a calorie calculator like the one shape sense provides online. Never compare yourself to others Happy training
  • how about if team cybermen is for those on maintenance or shedding those last extremely tough 5 pounds of body fat??? I'm trying to get to a body builder leanness, and it's tough. I could use a team format to help me with this, but I too don't want to bring down the team. if so, put me down for team cybermen, I could use…
  • squats deadlifts bench press standing overhead press pull-ups/ chin ups I can't stress enough how important form is for generating power and preventing injury, so get a personal trainer for 1 week of working just these exercises. Then get another trainer. And the following month another. Out of three certified strength…
  • how fked up is this post? your first post, no profile picture and you give horrible advice that has nothing to do with the thread! omg. OP: fire your trainer. simple as that. Not all CPTs are created equal.
  • ah girlfriend. you need a serious body building coach, like me, not some opinions on a free website. Opinions are only worth that much. for women, it takes years of hard work and very specific eating in conjunction with your exercise to gain muscle mass without gaining fat. Don't believe anyone but a CPT with credentials,…
  • I am all for body weight exercises! I truly believe that if you can't do a body weight squat, one legged squat, pistol squat, etc. then you are not ready for weight. full range of motion is where it's at! and pullups, pushaways, dips, handstands, love!!! Without full range of motion leg work women will develop thighs…
  • aerobic means you are in fat burning mode, at a calorie deficit, if you keep your heart rate at about 20 - 40% of your maximum heart rate. you can go to 41 - 55% of your maximum heart rate if you want to go for steady state cardio, but may risk burning off muscle mass if you are not fueling your body with enough BCAA and…
  • I ordered mine a few days ago via my NYC friend's beachbody page. I'm an ashtanga yogini, t'ai chi chuan master instructor and martial artist, former professional ballerina, and I get bored easily! I love programs like this where I can turn off my brain and just do moves I love to do. Anyone putting down movement is just…
  • working on legs at kung fu, we were on stance 6 of 8, alternating sliding technique from a standing position to the floor, and back up I was feeling good, a little tired in the glutes but then some how my body just performed this super slow motion melt and I couldn't get up. Everyone was laughing, especially me.
  • you are on the fast track to destroying your hormones, losing muscle mass, and creating a mentally inappropriate disorder about food/body image/exercise. stop. 1 pound a week lost is the max you should be shooting for.