

  • Dark chocolate helps me! I will eat a serving alone or if I want something that feels more dessert like I buy the Yoplait Light n Fit yogurt vanilla, and put them in there. yummm
  • wasn't that also probably rapid weight loss? He may have been able to maintain for as long as needed but in order refrain from regaining, wouldn't he have to continue to malnurish his body? I don't know how easy it would be for a human to constantly surive on a can of tuna and an apple
  • ooo I likes these keep 'em comin!
  • my sweet tooth splurge is usually vanilla yogurt with a few little chocolate chips in it. You don't need a lot of them because the yogurt itself is sweet. The sugar count is pretty high though. But if you get the Light n Fit the sugar AND fat count is much lower. I get that when I can afford it. Unfortunately healthy…
  • I think I get it sometimes if I'm really worn out. Caffeine may have to deal with it too, since I drink more of it when I feel like I'm running on empty.
  • I'm in! I'm 5'4" or as I like to say 5' short. ha. I was originally 210 and am now down to 165 (on a good day haha) I have 20 more to go to reach my ideal weight range, so 5 pounds a month sounds good! so I'll say I want to be at 160 by the end of september!
  • I'd spray in case I love making panini's with whole wheat sandwiche thins, turkey/chicken, and tomatoes and spinach. Mmmm. I have a round one with a bunch of plates. It's cool to bake fish in the deep dish plate but you can grill fish on a normal one too. and chicken!
  • The iron makes sense or maybe the low BP. I usually eat light during most of the day then have a "real meal" with my family at dinner and it tends to go away during the evenings. I also recently started watching my sodium, but maybe I'm watching it too much. I've craved salty things, like chips and so on but have been…
  • Probably walked about three miles at work. I went outside a lot to get carts. Then me and my sis were in the art museum for a good 4 hours, I'll say maybe a mile. Probably more because we never took the elevator but I'll keep it at a mile. So I'm up to 9 miles this week. I had one night of AWFUL food binging. I was…
  • 2 today on the treadmill. I swam too but I have no idea how much. I need to find a way to calculate the distance I walk during work. I have 5 miles so far!
  • I did 3 mile on the elliptical today :D
  • 169. Or at least that's what it was before tom :( I didn't gain as much this time though! so maybe I'll weigh less when it's over??
  • Newkay, I've had the same curiosities actually. I've never done an actual cleanse, but sometimes when I feel bloated or something I try and eat some foods I know will help, like yogurt and fruit. There's a yogurt drink with the pro-biotics that's supposed to be kind of cleansing I think . As for Harry Potter. FINALLY saw…
  • GREAT!! I think "TOM" may be on his way to visit and my new lesser weight has yet to change! Lets hope he doesn't attack on weigh in day. Probably jinxed myself by saying that but I still shall have a new weight (at last!) for this week :D yay. I've been quite good.... aside from today. Cant wait to take these next few…
  • AHH!!! HARRY POTTER!!!!! I know it's off topic but I have to work thursday and friday nights and I'm sooooo bummed !I'm not seeing it til Sunday night. And I'll probably do popcorn lunch. I usually opt out of popcorn now a days, but For the last Harry Potter, I shall sacrifice my my butter/grease intake. I think I did a…
  • 170.5! Though it might be because I'm sick. I didn't even weigh until late this afternoon after lunch so I'm gonna weigh tomorrow morning and see if it's any lower *crossing fingers* I did eat an extra hot dog for dinner though. I was so hungry. All this sinus pressure and gunk totally took away my appetite yesterday,…
  • We seem to be having the same problems! My family does eat healthier than before these days, but there were so many other things i was doing when i loved at school. They won't switch to whole grain bread and pasta and we usually have hotdogs, burger, or speghetti or lasagna about once a week. I do get the sandwiche flats…
  • I'm up for all of this! I'm getting more into working out again. I had said that I'd work out on days I don't work, but I'm going to step it up. A lot of times I don't go in until 3,4,or 5. So on days I don't work in the morning/early afternoon I'm gonna start going to the gym as well! I even went on the treadmill at home…
  • I have a HUGE work out playlist these days. Here's some of my faves though, but lemme know if you need more :D Howling For You- The Black Keys (they're awesome for doing weights because most of their stuff is kinda slow and sexy sounds, along with their Blakroc stuff with Mos Def you HAVE to check them out!!) Light of the…
  • My exercise is pretty various. At the gym I do weight machines for abotu 30 minutes then at least 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. I also like taking yoga and working on taking more Zumba classes. I also like swimming and I'm a bagger at a grocery store. I definitely count lifting dog food and bringing in 5-8…
  • I'm 5'4" and 172lbs, and I Mexican food is my weakness (naaaaachoooooooes :9 ) Let's be friends :D
  • really?? I love ice cream too but I've fallen madly in love with this little frozen yogurt place. I think I may even like it better. It has a richer taste to me. But to each their own I guess Happy fourth everyone!!
  • I'm from Georgia! I live in Newton. I got to an Anytime Fitness. I've been to Zumba once. It was hard but I do want to go again. I'm not the best dancer but I don't like when things defeat me! But I havne't had time ANYWAY! It's a good class and if they're all the locations are roughly the same, they have the class I think…
  • You look great! I've had the same NSV not too long ago. I'm 21 years old and have always been overweight with a baby face, causing me to look like I'm 15 since I was, well, fifteen. One I'm in the bathroom, I look in the mirror and low and behold there is a hint of a cheekbone on my face!!! I still don't quite look my age,…
  • I haven't lost much up there, so I figured if I can't get rid of them maybe I could at least spruce them up a bit ;) Naturally that is.
  • I don't work for once!! I always work holidays and I never ask them off and i got it off without asking!! woot woot!!! Me and my family will probably going to the Horse Park for fireworks as usual. We usually splurge and get fried chicken and nothing very healthy. However this year is the first year that we are ALL (not…
  • thank you guys! I've started measuring myself once a week and I've found if I don't lose on the scale I usually still lose SOMEWHERE on my body measurement wise. I'm starting to lose my thighs as well!! I looked up my apparent Ideal measurements and according to them my hips are at the right side but I still have almost 9…