SOC Week 9 **Buddies Included**

Here are the pairs:

Myself + gibsters
GvMeSmthn2Lsn2 + lizzy_09
newkay + whiskyzee
sarac715 + kbarth91
xHallie + AllyV0621

So hopefully having a buddy will be a boost of motivation for you all. Remember to keep pushing each other and helping each other along the journey. Keep each other aware of goals, bad days, good days and anything on your mind. I hope the pairs work out well. I tried to match you up with similar weigh-ins.. If it doesn't work.. let me know! You can always message other people too..
Don't worry about posting as much this week. I'll bump up the post for weigh-ins next week.
Try to keep your food diary's good this week..

Also: Topic of discussion: What nutrition information do you log? Or which is the best to log?

Here's the chart.. The red means you are at risk of getting deleted because you haven't responded in weeks!


  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the post! I don't think my food diary will be great this week and I'll probably gain by next week, if not lose. It's my birthday friday, so that'll mean going out a few times at least. I've already got my heart set on lasagna, a big piece of chocolate cake, and lots of wine :) I've got lots of coupons for free things too. And harry potter tomorrow night! I resisted popcorn last time I was at the movies, but I don't know if I can resist again!

    I keep track of the fiber and the sodium as well as carbs, fat, and protein. I have thought about switching to sugar but I know it'll always be over because I eat so much fruit and I always have a little treat each day. I might switch calcium for fiber, since I know I already get tons of fiber. Is too much fiber a bad thing??
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    oops that should have said I'll probably gain if I don't stay the same. Which is pretty much my goal for the week!
  • AHH!!! HARRY POTTER!!!!! I know it's off topic but I have to work thursday and friday nights and I'm sooooo bummed !I'm not seeing it til Sunday night. And I'll probably do popcorn lunch. I usually opt out of popcorn now a days, but For the last Harry Potter, I shall sacrifice my my butter/grease intake.

    I think I did a fairly good job today, considering I had mexican twice and I looooooove mexican!!! I had nachos but will a little cheese and I only put on lettuce and some salsa :)

    For dinner we had bbq chicken quesadillas, but I out a fair amount of chicken and barely had any of the tempting chips and cheese. And it was still tastey without going overboard! yay!

    I've been sick but I lost some weight. I've actually even maintained it through the day, which I guess is good since I haven't done as much exercising the last couple of days. hmm. Maybe it'll help me get the ball rolling.... faster than it is now. I know losing weight slowly is teh best way to go but it is sooooo frustrating
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    Harry Potter! Not sure when I'll get to see it (alas). On the topics of Pottermania and nutrition, I've been meaning to try the popcorn recipe listed below (taken from a blog). I can't stand the slimy feel of movie theater popcorn (it makes me feel like Ron in Chamber of Secrets, puking up slugs . . .). Someone should make this version and let me know if it's worth sacrificing a little tequila (and the energy of smuggling a giant bag into the theater).

    As far as tracking, I watch calories, fat, fiber, calcium, and iron. I'm debating replacing fibre because I usually go well over the recommended minimum. I don't track carbs or sugar because my fruit intake sends them through the roof, then I feel bad.

    Also coming up this weekend is the women's world cup final! It's USA vs. Japan on Sunday, and it should be awesome!

    Good luck this week, all!

    Chili Lime Tequila Popcorn
    Adapted from Dolcetto Confections
    4 quarts freshly popped popcorn
    1/4 cup butter, melted (Note: I use less--butter is absolutely optional)
    2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime juice
    1/2 teaspoon lime zest
    1 teaspoon tequila (optional)
    1/2 small jalapeno, seeds and membrane removes, minced
    1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 1/2 teaspoons salt
    1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
    Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or SilPat. Set aside. Put popcorn in a large, clean paper bag. In a medium-size bowl whisk together the butter, lime juice and zest, and tequila. Add the jalapeno. In a small bowl combine the black pepper, salt and red pepper.
    Drizzle butter mixture over the popcorn, fold over the top of the bag, and shake until the popcorn is coated and moist. Sprinkle pepper mixture over the popcorn, fold over the top of the bag, and shake a few times to coat.
    Spread the popcorn evenly over the baking sheet and bake until the popcorn is dry, five to seven minutes. Store in clean paper bag for up to 1 day.

    Read More
  • sounds yummy!
  • bump.
    How is everyone?
  • GREAT!! I think "TOM" may be on his way to visit and my new lesser weight has yet to change! Lets hope he doesn't attack on weigh in day. Probably jinxed myself by saying that but I still shall have a new weight (at last!) for this week :D yay. I've been quite good.... aside from today. Cant wait to take these next few days of to get my burn back on (besides working)
  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
    I saw a midnight showing of Deathly Hallows and PIGGED OUT. I would have air-popped my own popcorn, but we didn't have time. And then there was the candy and my deathly hallows cookies........Jesus. What a night. And SO EXPENSIVE. Food, clothes, tickets, gas & bridge toll (my college friend and I drove back to my home town to see it with my best friend). But completely worth the money ad the gluttony, in my opinion. GIVE ALAN RICKMAN A OSCAR FOR THAT. Anyway, trying to stay on track, and go to the gym. A new bikini for my new self is out now, but if I stay on track, I'll get a few pairs of new jeans for the fall. That's good motivation.
  • newkay
    newkay Posts: 20
    i love that everyone is talking about harry potter!! haha!! it was so good. :)


    I was wondering what all of your opinions are on cleanses and detoxes. my mom has done a few and she feels great after doing them. i did colonix back in jan/feb and although it was a pain in the butt to keep up with a tea, pills that tasted like *kitten*, and a disgusting powder shake every day for a month, i did feel really good after it. what are your thoughts??
  • Newkay, I've had the same curiosities actually. I've never done an actual cleanse, but sometimes when I feel bloated or something I try and eat some foods I know will help, like yogurt and fruit. There's a yogurt drink with the pro-biotics that's supposed to be kind of cleansing I think .

    As for Harry Potter. FINALLY saw it tonight! HAVE to read the book!!! I did have popcorn but not too much. and it was kind of my dinner.
  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    I forgot my weigh in this morning because my husband surprised me with breakfast for our anniversary :) I'll try to post it after class tomorrow.
  • 169. Or at least that's what it was before tom :( I didn't gain as much this time though! so maybe I'll weigh less when it's over??
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    I'm still at 135.5 this week. We'll say it's because I weighed in the afternoon instead of the am ;)