formygood2011 Member


  • pyramid scheme...of sorts. I have actually tried anything, its kind of fad-like. It gets old. I love food...would much rather learn to eat right and fuel with real food...than pay for someone's BMW.
  • To drive home how many calories you are eating with "nibbles" take an empty jar or bowl and instead of eating put what you would eat into the jar...It will probably be surprising how little bites and tastes adds up. Especially if you did this for a day.
  • I do not like to completely eliminate things, makes me feel deprived. I do think that I do myself a favor to NOT buy the things I cannot resist! I was feeling very overwhelmed on Monday as I faced another do over from the Thanksgiving holiday...I loved having healthy foods all around this week, it made the choice easy and…
  • I haven't tried this but maybe Agave nectar? Also just an idea for a change especially during the fall/winter...I love a few shakes of ground cinnamon in the grounds before it brews, just gives a hint of cinnamon flavor and maybe you wouldn't want it so sweet? Hope you are able to find something.
  • Turn it around right now...make the next decision a great one...Think about it, what is the alternative? Keep going, eating everything in sight?? You can do it! One decision at a time. Go!
  • You are doing great...look at the pounds lost. That is amazing!!! Wife/Mom/Friend all these roles are important and hard , I admire you for making time for yourself!! I took a peek at your food...are you eating enough with all the calories you burn?? Have you thought about zig/zagging calories? I think I am going to give…
  • I'm on week 3!!!!! I have a ways to go. I am not expecting a true 6 pack but to comment on the one before mine...its better than not doing it! I can already tell a difference in tone. We took pictures and measurements before, and I cannot wait to see the after. I am also doing approx 20-30 mins on the elliptical along with…
  • Ahhhh! I have two kids and I find that if I stick a piece of gum in my mouth or brush teeth before making them a meal (Especially if I'm not eating with them) I don't food. I kind of follow the "you bite it, you write it." What if you are eating more than 200 cals? What if you put each nibble into a bag or jar for the day…
  • You have done so great! I cannot wait to have lost 14 lbs! I total find that others comments can be a booster. I feel frustrated when I feel like I have to announce that I've lost if no one else seems to notice. Maybe even keeping yourself motivated by weighing out something that is 14 pounds or a picture to remind…
  • The 10 minute solution videos are my favorite!!! we have a blue ray that I can play them on the TV...It is my way of "tricking myself" into just doing 10 minutes. Sometimes 10 is all I do, other times I do more!
  • Thanks everyone! While I appreciate that article from Mayo...I don't drink coffee every afternoon. I imagine that if I stay within my calorie goal for the day and exercise a cup of coffee will be just fine, even if I use it to suppress my appetite. :)
  • Hi there! I struggled with extreme tiredness after my first child, thinking it was thyroid issues...I had blood work done and I was extremely B-12 deficient. I have to get a shot of B-12 every month to keep my levels high enough. The sub-lingual (under the tongue) aren't absorbed by my body enough. Might be work a visit to…