Having a VERY BAD week!

I don't know what is going on.....but I am having a very bad week and have been eating everything in sight and then feeling guilty about it afterwards.

I need some motivation! Got any?


  • formygood2011
    formygood2011 Posts: 17 Member
    Turn it around right now...make the next decision a great one...Think about it, what is the alternative? Keep going, eating everything in sight?? You can do it! One decision at a time. Go!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Well, if it helps, I've been in the same boat. I do fine in the morning and afternoon, but in the evening I lose all sense of self control and flippin' kill my day. Figure out what is triggering it (mine is stress), and try to find a better way to deal with it. I'm going for a run this morning. Maybe it'll put me back on track after feeling how crappy my run will be having ate like cr@p for three days straight. :)
  • yoshi317
    just take it one day at a time if u have a slip dont dwell on it pick yourself up and start over with the next meal never wait to tomorrow because it never comes and we go days before getting back on trac remember its about progress not prefection you will get threw it
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Are you about due for that time of the month? That usually does it for me.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I've been doing the same thing this week, and TOM is to blame :( I just can't seem to feel full for some reason. I'm trying to drink more water and get a little active when I feel like snacking. I did good yesterday, but all the other days I went over by a couple hundred. Just use some determination and next time you reach for something bad, ask yourself if you really want it. It worked for me yesterday. And just remember we all go through times like this on our journey, and it's normal, but you can and will get back on track!!!
  • Mykel02
    If you have a bad week or day best thing to do is increase your exercise
  • mindphluxxx
    If i ever get tempted by things, I just ask myself whether or not the chocolate bar/packet of crisps/takeaway is more important than my ideal body... Temptation very rarely wins.
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    I would say the majority of it boils down to sound decision making, so take advantage of our greatest power, the power of choice. Our choices need to be things that are worthy of being chosen, things that are excellent and superior for our lives, so keep that in mind. The good thing about choice is that making a few bad decisions doesn't prevent you from starting to make better ones immediately, so take the bull by the horns, and get back on track. -- When you get an overwhelming urge take a short walk, or look at the progress you've made and remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place.

    If you believe you can, then you can! We're here cheering you on.
  • thebeadinggoddess
    okay here is my motivation for you!

    If you are thinking about making tommorrow your new fresh start then DONT! Make it now! because at the end of the day you will have good intentions to do better tomorrow but the truth is you will say the same thing tomorrow when you wake up. So right now get up go outside and take a walk!

    Even if it is for 5 minutes! Enjoy the world that you live in and make the decision to remain a part of it by taking care of your body use that walk to think about what you need to do to get back on the right track and as soon as you figure it out go back into the house and throw away your most favorite calorie filled food!!! and go from there.

    Each day is a battle that we all must over come. My house is loaded with cupcakes and cookies for my son and the temptations are high. Do I want that cupcake? Hell yes! Will it help me get healthy? Hell no! Do what is best for your body, you were put on this earth for a purpose so make it count because this is the only life you will ever have. Make it worth it because you are loved and and your friends and family need you!!!
  • hellmana
    I know I am definitely almost to that time of the month....hoping it is messing with the scale as well because I barely lost anything this week! I have been so hungry and after at least a month of eating the same I would think I'd be used to it. I'm just looking at it as one bad week and trying to keep my bad choices to a minimum, and then just keep working on my goal. Hope next week is better for you :)
  • Lauralynn350
    Thanks everyone....I certainly didn't expect this much support - BUT LOVE IT!