

  • Good morning! So I found my dream job but it will take a while to get the paperwork and security clearance through, so I'll be a housewife for a bit longer now. And I was worried for a bit, that if I can't start the job for 6+ months, should I hold of on pregnancy? Because in my mind it's rude to start a job pregnant....…
  • Name: dcg8r (anonymous online) Age: 31 Where you live: Washington DC Job: Finance / Accounting field Length of time on the board - 3 months! Marital Status: Married Length of time you've been with SO: 10 years Do you have kids: No Length of time TTC: 5 months Diagnosis: retroverted uterus, possible PCOS, 1 miscarriage…
  • chicken fajita wraps, whole wheat mac & cheese with ham chunks, strawberry & romaine salad, cucumber salad, grilled cheese on low carb pitas - sort of like a quesadilla
  • I was diagnosed with "possible PCOS" - my hormones were crazy, my left ovary is 2-3x as big as it's supposed to be, there are cysts and a very large one on my left ovary that ruptured and had me in a lot of pain for a few days. I don't know what "possible PCOS" means or what else they need to be able to fully diagnose, but…
  • I don't know "guidelines" but I know what did / did not work for me :) The morning after the m/c started, I tried to do the JM 30 Day Shred Level 2 full-out. That was crazy, I don't recommend that. Just be careful with anything that has you upside down (yoga/pushups) or any kind of ab exercises. I walked every evening for…
  • Happy August everyone! Long post / catch-up, Sorry! Juliaotwellsmith - We found ourselves in a similar situation (although not military, but DoD and lived in a very military town). Our house value was less than what we still owed on the mortgage. We moved away to pursue career opportunities. We were able to rent our house…
  • I'm back. Pregnancy lasted 8 wks. Not sure what my body will do with these next few cycles, I'm charting and doing CBEFM OPK. Stupid story of the month for me: The morning after the m/c began, I got up feeling great (still AF-like bleeding though) and decided (Yes I was out of my mind) that the very best thing for me would…
  • Hello! I am new to the pregnancy world. I am 4w4d with a longggggg way to go! Name: DCg8r (anonymous for now, nobody knows in real life) Age: early 30s Where are you from: Florida (go gators!) Number of kiddos: This will be our first! How long did you ttc: ummmm May was our "practice" month TTC with charting - oops I guess…
  • Finished Level 1, Day 10, finally. Found out that I am expecting baby #1 so I am taking it a bit easier than I would if I wasn't pg. :) Looking forward to a new challenge tomorrow with Level 2.
  • Happy Monday! I have been MIA - trying to get over the initial shock ;) Found out that I am pregnant. As in, ovulation occurred within 3 days of deciding we were ready to expand our family. Holy crap! Last time the Dr. took my blood, we talked about the results and PCOS and my crazy out-of-whack hormones FSH/LH etc. I…
  • Washington DC! :)
  • Zumba yesterday was awesome! The instructor had all of us sweating tons & our faces/bodies were various shades of pink/red from all the blood flow! Such a great workout and 45 mins is not a big commitment for such a fun class!
    in Zumba Comment by dcg8r May 2011
  • I fell off the wagon over the weekend (body was too sore from yoga/pilates/etc) but completed day 4 & 5. Today will be day 6 if I have enough energy after coming back from Zumba class & the 80-min walk to/from the gym.
  • This will be my 3rd zumba class (the first 2 were many months ago and I wasn't totally into the type of dancing that this particular instructor was teaching - turkish + indian mixed with latin american dancing. it was weird) Hope this experience is better! 45 min class, hope to sweat and burn tons of calories!
    in Zumba Comment by dcg8r May 2011
  • Wow congratulations! That is quite the turnaround. Hope he gets the fathers day surprise he's been working hard for!
  • Hi! I'm 31, 161 lbs and 5'3" :) I just started on Monday. Welcome!
  • I just finished day 2 as well! I LOVE that it's only 20 mins. I hit the 14 minute mark and feel like I wanna die. but then I think... I've already made it 2/3 of the way haha :) Congratulations! maybe we can hold each other accountable.
  • Hi! Looking for other early-30'somethings who want to have their 20ish yr old body back :) Age: 31 CW: 161 Goal: 127 Height: 5'3" Female
  • Are there any free classes in your community? Here, there is a yoga group that offers free yoga every night of the week at different community libraries. There is also a group of people who go for long walks either before work or in the evenings. Look on meetup.com - there are tons of groups on there as well (hiking,…
  • What a great idea for topic/thread! I guess I should join, we are in discussions now to make the "big decision" about kids - to have or have not. In either case, I want to change my body and feel better about my appearance, get my energy levels back to where they used to be when I was 120-130ish. I have been charting based…
  • Is it a chain restaurant? If so, you can look up the menu items ahead of time to look for options. On the Border has a "Fresh Grill" menu section, just don't eat the rice that comes with it.
  • But I WANT to like it :) It looks so pretty in the lettuce bag. I'm pretty sure if I can just start eating it (somehow) then I will acquire a taste for it. It's just a very steep uphill battle for me right now. dcg8r vs. $5 bag of lettuce. If I paid $5 for it, I'm definitely going to eat it. I think I will try the…
  • I don't think I've ever tried it, but I'm guessing baby spinach tastes like lawnmower clippings too? I need help to disguise that taste :)
  • Can I join this group, just for some accountability? I started yesterday (5/18). My body is so fatigued. Hoping to stretch it out with some pilates or yoga this afternoon and do day 2 of shred later today. My measurements 5/18: Weight 161 lbs Right upper arm 12" Left upper arm 12" Right forearm 10.25" Left forearm 10"…
  • Pretty much the same thing happened a few days ago with my husband. We didn't have a scale, and didn't ever weigh ourselves (except at the Dr office and he was never with me) it never came up in conversation - I wasn't "hiding" it from him, it just didn't come up. So then he saw me on the Wii for the first time in 2 yrs…
  • Going a little old-school here: Steve Winwood - Back In The High Life Again It used to seem to me That my life ran on too fast And I had to take it slowly Just to make the good parts last But when you're born to run It's so hard to just slow down So don't be surprised to see me Back in that bright part of town I'll be back…
  • Not from there, but went to school at UF and have tons of friends in the area. :)
  • I have thrown a whole bag of frozen Tyson chicken tenders (unbreaded) in the crockpot on low for 8-9 hrs, with a cup or two of water and a bottle of seasoning (bbq sauce, mojo crillo, sometimes just lemon juice and garlic salt and onions). Makes a ton ( you can portion out and freeze for use later) and its easy to steam…
  • I'm a newbie too! I wonder if there's a group for 30-somethings? Good luck with your journey
  • Okay, I haven't bought a scale yet but I stepped on the Wii Fit (that said I hadn't visited in 632 days!) last night, it said 161. This morning it said 158. So I'm going with 161 since I've been working out for a few days, it's probably a more realistic weight that I started with. Loving all the inspiration here!