Lunch Pail Diet!

ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
Ok, so just about every Frozen dinner is out for me. Either too high sodium, calories, or carbs; or so small I cannot feel satisfied.
I need meal ideas that are easy, pack well in a lunch box and can keep without refrigeration (lunch box is insulated and I do use cold packs in the "cold section"). Deli meats and low carb bread have been my staple for the last few weeks and It's getting old.

Trying to keep lunch around 750 calories and under 50 carbs.


  • jboothfsc
    What about a low carb wrap? Filled with veggies/chicken or even your lunch meat?
  • Tracey_Smith
    What about a pasta or rice salad?
  • gettingstronger
    Lunch pail doesn't have to limit to you to shelf/temperature stable. Why not try soup or chili in a thermos?
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Freeze your leftovers? I guess you would need to make sure you have a microwave though to get them to the right temp at lunch time. I freeze portioned amounts of leftovers before we even plate up our own dinners for the night so we dont over eat and have something decent for lunch at work!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sandwiches are great. Try mixing it up with nut butters or bean spreads with shredded/chopped veggies instead of meat. Use low carb wraps instead of bread occasionally. Fuit is also a great thing that doesn't need refrigeration. Carrot or celery sticks with nut butters, or just nuts in general are also great sides to bring the total up to 750 calories. Chicken or tuna salad can be kept fresh with the thermal lunch bag. Or bring leftovers in a thermos.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    Do you have somewhere to heat it? How about homemade soup? It also has the added benefit of being able to make a bunch of it and put it in small containers to freeze.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    What about a low carb wrap? Filled with veggies/chicken or even your lunch meat?

    I have made wraps as well instead of sandwiches just to break things up a bit. But I have also made and brought salads (different varieties), fresh fruit medleys and left overs.
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    English Muffin Pizzas!!

    I make a bunch of them on Sunday and pack them through out the week. I get theThoman brand 100 calorie multigrain ones, toast them, top them with 2 tablespoons pizza sauce and add veggies, turkey pepporoni or browned ground lean turkey and then a sprinkle of 2% cheese and reduced fat parm.

    The total amount of calories adds up to about 200 calories depending on the toppings for two mini pizzas.

    You can make breakfast ones too! Toast an english muffin, add some prepared egg beaters, veggies and some ground seasons lean turkey and then add a slice of low fat cheese.

  • mstorious
    mstorious Posts: 13 Member
    What about quinoa? High in protein and amazing if you cook it with some broth (I use veggie or fat free chicken)

    Generic - Quinoa (1 Cup Cooked), 1 cup cooked - calories 250 carbs 39 fat 4 protein 9 fiber 5

    I had it with pork and some stir fried veggies. Made a bunch then stored it in daily take and go containers.

    Meat - Pork Chop Boneless, 3 oz - cal 114 carbs 0 fat 4 protein 20 fiber 0

    I could honestly eat quinoa for breakfast lunch and dinner... it's that good and that filling!
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    I pack a jar of peanut butter (whipped, peter pan - 1/3 less sugar) - whole gran muffins/bread, apples, grapes, banana's, almonds, chips (multigrain pringles are great). I love peanut butter so it's a perfect staple for me. Then about 2 times per week I bring a left-over from supper.

  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    an avocado - cut that puppy open, sprinkle on a bit of salt and pepper and grab a spoon...mmm mmm good!
    tuna in the lil packs
    sliced fruits and veggies
    freeze yogurts, by lunch they should be thawed or close to it
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Nessi37 - What a great idea about the pizzas! I will have to give that a try.

    I like to bring leftovers from dinner (in smaller portions) for lunch whenever I have them (example, a grilled chicken breast, 1/2 cup of rice, cup of steamed veggies.) I pack it up as I am cleaning up from dinner and it feels like a great meal for lunch with literally no extra work involved.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Take a salad! Toss some baby spinach with some sliced almonds, then take with you a small container with some diced or canned chicken and another small container with dressing. Toss it all together when it's time to eat. Nom!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    Yes, I have access to a break room with sink, water and microwave.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    Going to try the mini pizzas and more salad! Any more ideas?
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    chicken fajita wraps, whole wheat mac & cheese with ham chunks, strawberry & romaine salad, cucumber salad, grilled cheese on low carb pitas - sort of like a quesadilla