Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    It's me again. I just found this article for guys who have wives going through infertility. I thought I'd share it, just in case it's a good read for any of you---or your hubbies. I liked it. Too bad we can't upload this into their brains like they did in the Matrix...

    What to Expect when your wife is Not Expecting.
  • bissabwell
    bissabwell Posts: 26 Member
    I knew weighing in this mornig would be bad after all the crappy food I ate yesterday, but I did it anyway...not only was it bad, it was awful! I gained back what little I've lost, but added 2 extra pounds on! I know it has a lot to do with lack of H2O and too much sodium (everyone now: "Chilli cheese tots are bad!") but dang! So I guess that was the wake up call I needed! Glad I went to the gym last night, it makes me feel better about the day in general.
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    It was soo much fun seeing everyone's wedding pictures. I know I am a little late - but I thought I would share our big day as well below. My DH and I will be married 3 years in July but we have been together for almost thirteen years. We met while working at the same camp while I was serving as a summer missionary in his home town. We both are very active in our church and lead the College Life Group, are on the Youth Leadership Council and sing on the Praise Team (DH also plays guitar and drums). I am from South Carolina and teach 8th grade History and head up the Yearbook. Speaking of the yearbook.. that is part of the reason why I have been MIA for the last couple of days - our yearbook came in! Which is awesome b/c it means one more year is almost down, but it also means that me and my staff get to sort and write the names in 915 yearbooks between now and next friday. Not a lot of free time! We also had two of the college students that were a members of our college life group (a bible study we host in our home every week) got married last weekend. It was a bit of a struggle b/c they left a LOT of things til the last minute - including giving my DH the music he was supposed to play during their ceremony. I found out a week before that I was doing all three bridesmaids hair and makeup. Not only that but she wanted a specific style of hair - did you read the part where I said I was a teacher NOT a hair dresser. Lol.. it turned out well except that her matron of honor had a horrible stomach flu and the poor thing looked like she was going to either throw up or pass out the whole ceremony. Top that off with another girl that is dear to us graduating from high school and the college student who lives with us moving back home for the summer it has been a busy couple of weeks.

    I did weigh in yesterday but I am the same weight as last week. I consider that a small victory and I have learned that the numbers on the scale cannot define me. I feel better, I am eating below my target and I have started walking 1 mile a night with my DH and the college student that lives with us. My clothes are feeling looser and my DH says he can tell I am losing - and he is not one to pull my leg. So the skinny jeans in the corner staring at me - can keep on - my happiness won't come from them but from the victory of being healthier.

    I went to the GYN for my yearly two weeks ago. Good things are that he feels confident that we should be fine with starting to ttc this summer. He offered me a solution to my fear of migraines in a slow dose estrogen patch to use during my period which makes me feel a LOT better about being off the pill. He also suggested that I have some bloodwork done just b/c I haven't had any done in 5 years. I am waiting til school is over b/c it is in a city 45 mins from home and I would have to fast for 12 hours. The only concern I have is the DH family has cystic fibrosis in their line. He suggested that we could have genetic testing done, but he didn't think it would be necessary if it was not in my line. We are still considering what to do next as far as that goes. So I am finishing up the BC and going to try and get the body regulated again before we start ttc. Anyway... on to the pictures!






  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Brace yourself girls, it’s a long one:

    Stephanie, thanks for sharing your experiences with Femera, so far I didn’t notice too much different either. I was a bit tired but that could have been the weather too (cloudy and rain 4 out of the 5 days on it!). Awesome loss this week btw!

    Congrats on the loss this week MrsHinds!

    Kim, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re feeling alone. I think we all know how that feels. Friends come and go; we tend to not put in as much effort into our friendships as the years and responsibilities progress, and because of this we loose some old friends, but are able to have new ones that fit our lifestyle and priorities. I hope this was all a big misunderstanding, but if it wasn’t don’t stress about it too much. Virtual hugs!

    Carina, stay strong! It’s hard to keep motivated when the scale is showing us something we don’t want to see. Just take it one day at a time.

    Jalara, this goes for you too! I know its de-motivating when the scale isn’t nsync with all the hard work your doing (this has happened to me more times than I can count!). But usually it’s your body just holding on to the fat to see if you’ll keep up with your new regime. If you can find a way to get over this hump, your body will start to shed the weight, just stick with it. Remember you’re worth it!

    Karen, you too! I know it’s hard to stay motivated, but with summer coming, maybe you can find something (active) that you and your family can do together. I find staying active is what keeps my munchies at bay, and who doesn’t want quality time with our DH, and in your case your DS too.

    Pixie, thanks for sharing. I know it’s not easy to talk about our “dirty laundry” even though everyone has some. If ever you need support, we’re all here. And if ever you want to talk about the drinking, feel free to msg me, I grew up with an alcoholic father and so I know a thing or two about how it feels to deal with a drunk person.

    Missionchick, I love how you’re the makeshift hairdresser, I’m usually the makeup person & hair person too. Enjoy all the weddings, and speaking of weddings, I love the photos!

    AFM, on the weight loss front, I’m a little sad. Some of you may remember I was struggling to decide whether I should renew with my gym or change to an MMA gym. Well I renewed, and went in yesterday for one of my favorite classes (tae box) and was told the class had been canceled, that my favorite instructor was no longer with them! He was one of the reasons I renewed! I’m so disappointed!
    TTC front, I had yet another u/s this morning to monitor my follies (and have yet another on Friday) and was told that the next IUI can happen as early as Monday! That would be fantastic seeing how I have Monday off already (Victoria day for the Canadians here) and wouldn’t have to worry about finding another reason I need a day off (I feel like I’ve exhausted every excuse in the book already). FC that it can happen Monday!

  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies, I haven't had a chance to read through everything, but wanted to pop in to say we got DH's SA back, and his motility is low, and he of course is not taking it well. I know their "seed" has a strong link to their perceived masculinity, and I'm not sure how to help him. Any suggestions are welcome! Also suggestions to help improve him physically, and ideas on how much it will affect our TTC chances.

    Oh, and Ashley, FC!!!!!!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi there! I'm going to try to catch up here...
    Biss- Planning is the key for me! If I don't I may as well just write the day off as a fail! Don't get discouraged. You can do it!

    Jalara- We all get in ruts. Heck, I've been in one since January. But I keep taking it one day at a time and do the best with what choices I have made. Don't quit!

    Luki- I hope you are enjoying the time with your student! What fun you are going to have! Does he speak much english?

    Pixie- I'm so glad you and DH were able to talk about things! Have fun getting healthy together!

    Karen- It's always hard to get back into the swing of things. Don't give up.

    Mission- Busy Busy Busy! Church group leaders, teacher (and 8th grade!), yearbook, wedding, hair dresser, graduations...phew! And you still managed to maintain! Well done. BTW Your pictures are beautful!

    Ashley- What a punk! Sorry for the disappointment. Hopefully they will replace him with an even better class/instructor. YAY MONDAY!!! xFCx

    Andrea- Sorry I can not be of any help...I can't even get DH in to get his checked out!

    First I would like to start by saying thank you for all of your support!!! It really means a lot! I have contacted them, only 2 have responded, and were able to share our feelings for the first time in a long time. This situation has triggered a major self-assessment. Something that was long under due! I have realized some things about myself that I have been trying to ignore for a very long time. I am ready to grow and change the way I see others around me and myself. I wish breaking my bad habits was as easy as they sound but I know it will take time. This has even made me think of how I will be as a mom. I want to be the best mom and I honestly think this is what God was waiting for...Me to realize who I am and what I need to work on... *wink* I'm starting to get it Big Guy.
    My good eating and stuff have been kind of put on the back burner this week. I have a lot more to think about and I haven't quite mastered extreme multi-tasking as well as some of you have! :wink: I will be back soon. I haven't been making terrible choices, but not really been logging either...
    I will be going down to see my sister in GA this weekend. She is a Girl Scout troop leader and they are going to World of Coke, so I will be tagging along. :happy:
    On the TTC front, DH and I are pretty much just waiting for AF to show and to start Clomid to really get serious. Hopes are pretty low with how steady the monitor says "low" and the temps have been. Here's to hoping for a March baby!:drinker:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ladies :) Just wanted to say I miss our "chats"......I'm getting tired of travel - one more day of work then flying home. THEN am going to New York for my sister's grad. Hoping to be in my own bed on Saturday night.....although this bed is mighty comfortable, I didn't really sleep well last night :(
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    KCurtis5 - when you are at the Coke museum make sure some of the girls taste the "Beverly" soda and make sure you have a camera near by!!! grossest soda I have ever put near my mouth! lol... it is always fun to try the stuff and see how everyone reacts - I think it is an apple soda from Africa is pretty good and of course they have your normal stuff. My DH is a coca cola fanatic - we frequently have a wall of coke in our house just for him. I can't have caffeine so people always laugh when they realize it is all for him. His grooms cake for our wedding was a coke can - lol...
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    I feel like i can't get on here enough to stay caught up!

    Are we sharing wedding pics? i will have to upload mine sometimes. Which do you want? the courthouse wedding before he left for Iraq or the big fabulous one we had when he got back? lol.

    Ashley- that stinks!!! I would tell them you want to cancel or soemthing...!!

    mission chick- LOVE LOVE your wedding pictures! cute!

    AFM- Spotting a little last few days and I am actuly hoping thats a good sign. I could be around 6-8 DPO and that could be implantation spotting... i hope i hope i hope. I plan on testing around CD 28 which would be in 1 week. I got a super dark OPK... but not sure if it was quite positive on mothers day. however after that they were all ghostly white...Monday was a rough day. My friend just had twin girls and we went to see them and my heart broke for myself.. i know pitty party. but i let it get to me and pigged out. stuck to it all other days... hoping to be down 50 in the next couple weeks.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Karen that’s for the article.

    Mission- Wow you’ve been busy! Love the pictures!

    Ashley- MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY, the is AWESOME praying for good news on the U.S. Sorry about the instructor, maybe they will find someone even better…

    Fiona- I’m glad you shared with us! The fact that he willing to join you the this journey to get fitter is a HUGE first step! And yes keep breathing :o) We are here for you!!!

    Kim- Have fun in GA.

    AFM-Sorry I’ve been MIA recently. Our student moved in yesterday. WHOOHOO!!! He seems like a very nice kid- his name is Jerry, he is 17, from Choung Tu China (I think that’s how you spell the city name). We still need to go over the house rules and make sure he knows he can’t hang out in his room on the computer (a program rule, I personally don’t really care…) We are his 5th host family, he has been in country on and off for almost 1.5 years and he will be leaving to go home to China is about 6 weeks for the summer.
    Ok fertility front…Anybody have months where their temps are all over the place? I’m new to temping and they have been 97.7, 97.7, 96.8, 98.4, 98.4, 98.0, 98.2 The last temp was today it is CD 24 my next CD 1 is expected on Sunday. I thought they were going to stay down after I got 96.8 and they spiked back up. Is it possible to O two different times in the same cycle? Sorry I’m little perplexed right now. I know it takes several months to find your patterns in temps, just wondering if anyone had some ideas.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ mission - LOVE the pic's, your dress is awesome.

    Well, I'm on CD 16. OPK showed faint line, so I'm thinking it's soon. *crossing fingers*

    Did zumba on tues. going again on thurs. might walk to and from zumba with some neighbours. I hope I'm not so tired that I regret it. lol!

    @ Luki - glad you're back after moving Jerry in. Hope he's a great temp addition to your family. will he be returning to you after his summer trip home? how long will he be staying with you?
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Carina- He will only be with us for about 6 weeks. I know soooooo short! He might come back to us after his break, it will depend on if we get a summer student placement and how long that student is staying. We told the program we only want one student at a time. We have two spare rooms but like having a "guest room" for when family comes to see us from Hawaii. By the way, is that a new hair cut, very cute!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--

    NSV: I was under my calories yesterday for the first time in a WHILE. A small victory, but yes, still a victory! I have determined that if I am just at home, I seem to do fine calorie wise---but I am such a social eater. And the problem is, when both families and an active church family are around, there is a LOT of social eating going on. Sigh. For example, I have at least one meal that is outside of my control (other than portion control if I"m not packing my own) for at least the next 4 days. So, we'll see how all that goes...I may just have to duct tape my mouth.

    I haven't posted my wedding pics yet--still haven't gotten around to it, but I still want to see any others that people want to post! Keep em coming! I promise I'll find mine--our photographer wasn't great and his extra camera broke before the wedding, so we didn't get all the shots I wanted and he was all flustered. I think he was new. But I'll try to find some of the ones we have.

    Luki-congrats on the student---I hope it is an enriching experience for all involved! If we had an extra room, that's something I'd like to think about when our kid(s) is/are older. Much older.

    Ashley--since I'm sitting down, all of my fingers, toes, and whatever else I can get crossed are crossed and sending good vibes your way!! So excited for you!

    Pam--we miss you too--hope the trip goes well!

    In other news--I looked at a website I heard about here on have to tell you all to check it out. So many good recipes!!! She has nutritional information for almost everything, and point values if you do WW. I made the strawberry squares for a potluck this weekend, and for lunch today I have some of her Southwestern Black Bean Salad. I have the Swedish Meatball recipe on tap to try--although I only have venison defrosted, so I guess they will venison swedish meatballs. Highly recommend this site if you are looking for a few new recipes to kick you out of a rut. I've been really pleased with what I found. She also has recipe sections by point value and for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free (for you Jalara!)--I love it when recipe bloggers are kind enough to sort like that. This is not a paid endorsement. :laugh:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    KCurtis5 - when you are at the Coke museum make sure some of the girls taste the "Beverly" soda and make sure you have a camera near by!!! grossest soda I have ever put near my mouth! lol... it is always fun to try the stuff and see how everyone reacts - I think it is an apple soda from Africa is pretty good and of course they have your normal stuff. My DH is a coca cola fanatic - we frequently have a wall of coke in our house just for him. I can't have caffeine so people always laugh when they realize it is all for him. His grooms cake for our wedding was a coke can - lol...

    LOL Will do!! Thanks! DH and I are crazy diet coke people! We can't keep a 2L bottle in the house for longer than a few days. LOL Coke can cake LOL
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Luki - your body can gear up to ovulate and then not ovulate and gear up again. Do you have a link to your chart? I'd love to see it!

    Karen - yes photos please!
    Katy - I'd love to see pics from both weddings!

    Pam - enjoy your trip - MFP will still be here when you get home - and buy yourself something! I've only been to NYC once but I came back with A LOT of purses!

    AFM, not much going on. Slow week, had a great burn on Tuesday but I was super sick yesterday. Trying to get into the mood to pack the apartment up (blah). I did have my new MP3 player arrive yesterday (DH put mine through the wash) so I'm looking forward to using it.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Hi ladies! I know I haven't been too active on this board but I am always reading your posts!
    This morning I've had some cramping, and AF isn't due until 2 days so I'm really hoping this is a good sign! I never get cramps until AF actually shows so I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but of course I'm even more anxious now!

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday :smile:
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    What a great idea for topic/thread! I guess I should join, we are in discussions now to make the "big decision" about kids - to have or have not. In either case, I want to change my body and feel better about my appearance, get my energy levels back to where they used to be when I was 120-130ish. I have been charting based on the methods in TCOYF, and am enjoying the freedom it gives. :)
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    I have a question for all the ladies with infertility issues because of the husband... do you feel like when he knows it's because of him, that he looses his sex drive? Sorry, I know thats a personal question. My husband has had none what-so-ever for about a year and half (since he was diagnosed with cancer again right after we were married). It's hard to be married and not have sex. lol. Sorry for the bluntless. He makes up for it in other ways, very cuddly and always doing sweet things for me. And he's very aware of it and aplogizes all the time, which makes me feel 100x worse for wanting to have sex even though I know it's normal. I know it's most likely a side effect of the chemotherapy. It kills everything so I'm assuming it killed his hormones and we need to get them checked out in August when we have him tested again. But, I was just curious if part of it could be emotional and psychological as well. Did anyone experience this when they found out that the hubby has a really low sperm count, or something like that? Or maybe anyone who found out that they will have to do IVF like us to concieve, do you think it made your husband feel like he wasn't needed even though it's still his sperm?
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Now for the wedding pictures...




  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks to all those keeping their fingers crossed for me, I really appreciate the good vibes.

    Kim, There’s a Coke place?!? Wow am I out of the loop! DH and I don’t drink soda, so I would never have thought to look for one. The last time we had some in the house (some else brought it) it stayed in the fridge untouched for a month before I finally poured it down the sink, and I only even though of it because I was bringing down the recycling. I did used to like adding a bit of ginger ale to cranberry juice when I was younger though.
    Have fun!

    Pam, Enjoy the trip to NYC and like Jalara suggested, get a little something for yourself you deserve it!

    Katy, FC for you that it was implantation!

    Carina, FC crossed for you too!

    Karen, thanks for that site, it looks great, cant wait to peruse it tonight. Oh and WTG on the NSV!

    Jalara, I hope you have a productive and efficient move (there was no way I was going to say have fun, cause who has fun packing! Really… who?).

    MrsHinds, This lack in drive may have more to do with either the chemo, or just simply that every couple looses “steam” after a couple years of living together. I found that after DH’s first SA (and it was a low count) it was really hard to talk about TTC’ing because he took everything to heart, like my frustration or impatience was his fault. We luckily were able to talk about it, and his second SA was in the normal range, so that’s not an issue anymore, but I’m still very cautious about how I vent around him.
    If talking to him doesn’t help, be proactive, go and buy a “video” you think he’d like, or an “outfit” or “toys”. Have fun with it, it may be just what he needs to get back into things.

    Afm, I’m sooooo sore! I did Pilates last night, first time in a while, and I guess my body wasn’t used to using those muscles anymore! Tonight is cardio only!